Publikasjonene er basert på Pubmed- søket «Department of Clinical Medicine AND Bergen». Om noen har publikasjoner som ikke ble dekt av våre søk i Pubmed, ta kontakt med
Nivå 2
- Long-Term Dose-Dependent Agalsidase Effects on Kidney Histology in Fabry Disease.Skrunes R, Tøndel C, Leh S, Larsen KK, Houge G, Davidsen ES, Hollak C, van Kuilenburg ABP, Vaz FM, Svarstad E. Clin J Am Soc Nephrol. 2017 Jun 16. pii: CJN.01820217.
- One-year results of the SCANDIV randomized clinical trial of laparoscopic lavage versus primary resection for acute perforated diverticulitis. Schultz JK, Wallon C, Blecic L, Forsmo HM, Folkesson J, Buchwald P, Kørner H, Dahl FA, Øresland T, Yaqub S; SCANDIV Study Group. Br J Surg. 2017 Jun 20. doi: 10.1002/bjs.10567. [Epub ahead of print]
- Clinicopathologic and molecular markers in cervical carcinoma: a prospective cohort study.Halle MK, Ojesina AI, Engerud H, Woie K, Tangen IL, Holst F, Høivik E, Kusonmano K, Haldorsen IS, Vintermyr OK, Trovik J, Bertelsen BI, Salvesen HB, Krakstad C. Am J Obstet Gynecol. 2017 Jun 24. pii: S0002-9378(17)30732-9.
- Salvage of a dislodged hepaticogastrostomy stent in the peritoneum with NOTES. Pham KD, Hoem D, Horn A, Dimcevski GG. Endoscopy. 2017 Jun 29.
- Lyme neuroborreliosis: do we treat according to guidelines? Lorentzen ÅR, Forselv KJN, Helgeland G, Salvesen RE, Sand G, Flemmen HØ, Bø MH, Nordaa L, Roos AK, Jim MW, Owe JF, Nyquist KB, Schüler S, Eikeland R, Mygland Å, Ljøstad U. J Neurol. 2017 Jul;264(7):1506-1510. doi: 10.1007/s00415-017-8559-z. Epub 2017 Jul 4.
- Adverse events and in-hospital mortality: an analysis of all deaths in a Norwegian health trust during 2011.Flaatten H, Brattebø G, Alme B, Berge K, Rosland JH, Viste A, Bertelsen B, Harthug S, Aardal S.BMC Health Serv Res. 2017 Jul 6;17(1):465. doi: 10.1186/s12913-017-2417-7.
- Is going into stable symptomatic remission associated with a more positive development of life satisfaction? A 10-year follow-up study of first episode psychosis.Gardsjord ES, Romm KL, Røssberg JI, Friis S, Barder HE, Evensen J, Haahr U, Ten Velden Hegelstad W, Joa I, Johannessen JO, Langeveld J, Larsen TK, Opjordsmoen S, Rund BR, Simonsen E, Vaglum P, McGlashan T, Melle I.Schizophr Res. 2017 Jul 9. pii: S0920-9964(17)30407-3. doi: 10.1016/j.schres.2017.07.006.
- Big GABA: Edited MR spectroscopy at 24 research sites.Mikkelsen M, Barker PB, Bhattacharyya PK, Brix MK, Buur PF, Cecil KM, Chan KL, Chen DY, Craven AR, Cuypers K, Dacko M, Duncan NW, Dydak U, Edmondson DA, Ende G, Ersland L, Gao F, Greenhouse I, Harris AD, He N, Heba S, Hoggard N, Hsu TW, Jansen JFA, Kangarlu A, Lange T, Lebel RM, Li Y, Lin CE, Liou JK, Lirng JF, Liu F, Ma R, Maes C, Moreno-Ortega M, Murray SO, Noah S, Noeske R, Noseworthy MD, Oeltzschner G, Prisciandaro JJ, Puts NAJ, Roberts TPL, Sack M, Sailasuta N, Saleh MG, Schallmo MP, Simard N, Swinnen SP, Tegenthoff M, Truong P, Wang G, Wilkinson ID, Wittsack HJ, Xu H, Yan F, Zhang C, Zipunnikov V, Zöllner HJ, Edden RAE.Neuroimage. 2017 Jul 14. pii: S1053-8119(17)30589-X. doi: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2017.07.021
- Targeted Temperature Management for 48 vs 24 Hours and Neurologic Outcome After Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest: A Randomized Clinical Trial.Kirkegaard H, Søreide E, de Haas I, Pettilä V, Taccone FS, Arus U, Storm C, Hassager C, Nielsen JF, Sørensen CA, Ilkjær S, Jeppesen AN, Grejs AM, Duez CHV, Hjort J, Larsen AI, Toome V, Tiainen M, Hästbacka J, Laitio T, Skrifvars MB. JAMA. 2017 Jul 25;318(4):341-350. doi: 10.1001/jama.2017.8978.
- EAN consensus review on prevention, diagnosis and management of tick-borne encephalitis.Taba P, Schmutzhard E, Forsberg P, Lutsar I, Ljøstad U, Mygland Å, Levchenko I, Strle F, Steiner I.Eur J Neurol. 2017 Aug 1. doi: 10.1111/ene.13356.
- Targeted Temperature Management for 48 vs 24 Hours and Neurologic Outcome After Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest: A Randomized Clinical Trial.Kirkegaard H, Søreide E, de Haas I, Pettilä V, Taccone FS, Arus U, Storm C, Hassager C, Nielsen JF, Sørensen CA, Ilkjær S, Jeppesen AN, Grejs AM, Duez CHV, Hjort J, Larsen AI, Toome V, Tiainen M, Hästbacka J, Laitio T, Skrifvars MB.JAMA. 2017 Jul 25;318(4):341-350. doi: 10.1001/jama.2017.8978.
- Tenecteplase versus alteplase for management of acute ischaemic stroke (NOR-TEST): a phase 3, randomised, open-label, blinded endpoint trial.Logallo N, Novotny V, Assmus J, Kvistad CE, Alteheld L, Rønning OM, Thommessen B, Amthor KF, Ihle-Hansen H, Kurz M, Tobro H, Kaur K, Stankiewicz M, Carlsson M, Morsund Å, Idicula T, Aamodt AH, Lund C, Næss H, Waje-Andreassen U, Thomassen L.Lancet Neurol. 2017 Aug 2. pii: S1474-4422(17)30253-3.
Nivå 1
- Effects of baked and raw salmon fillet on lipids and n-3 PUFAs in serum and tissues in Zucker fa/fa rats. Vikøren LA, Drotningsvik A, Bergseth MT, Mjøs SA, Mola N, Leh S, Mellgren G, Gudbrandsen OA. Food Nutr Res. 2017 Jun 12;61(1):1333395.
- Contemporary treatment of renal tumors: a questionnaire survey in the Nordic countries (the NORENCA-I study).Nisen H, Järvinen P, Fovaeus M, Guðmundsson E, Kromann-Andersen B, Ljungberg B, Lund L, Nilsen F, Sundqvist P, Beisland C.Scand J Urol. 2017 Jun 23:1-7.
- Exposure to Mycophenolate and Fatherhood.Midtvedt K, Bergan S, Reisæter AV, Vikse BE, Åsberg A. Transplantation. 2017 Jul;101(7):e214-e217.
- Use of diagnostic biopsies in kidney tumors.Beisland C.Scand J Urol. 2017 Jun;51(3):185-192. doi: 10.1080/21681805.2017.1329897. No abstract available.
- Incidental detection of renal cell carcinoma.Beisland C.Scand J Urol. 2017 Jun;51(3):178-184. doi: 10.1080/21681805.2017.1329898. No abstract available.
- Care and supportive measures in school-aged children with prenatal substance exposure.Sandtorv LB, Haugland S, Elgen I. Scand J Public Health. 2017 Jul 1:1403494817713544. doi: 10.1177/1403494817713544. [Epub ahead of print].