Pandemisenteret starter tverrfaglig ph.d.-kurs for å lære av koronapandemien

Fra 3.-14. januar tilbyr Pandemienteret et to ukers kurs for studenter om læring av covid 19-pandemien. Kurset er åpent for både ph.d.- og masterstudenter fra alle fagfelt ved universitetet.

Kurset vil være innom både medisinske problemstillinger knyttet til vaksiner, erfaringer fra pandemier i et historisk perspektiv, samt juridiske og etiske dilemmaer.

Mer info om kurset (ELMED328) finner du her.

Bibliotekskurs våren 2022 / Library courses spring 2022

Biblioteket tilbyr følgende kurs våren 2022:

  • Introduksjon til Endnote
  • Søkekurs i PubMed og Embase
  • Introduksjon til systematiske oversikter

Kursene skal etter planen holdes som hybridløsning, hvor det er mulighet for å delta både fysisk og digitalt via Zoom. Kursene er fortrinnsvis for ansatte og stipendiater. De fleste studenter får bibliotekkurs som en del av sin studieplan. Dersom ikke det er tilfelle kan de melde seg på disse kursene.

Kursdatoer, påmelding og mer informasjon finnes på

Litt mer om kursene:

Introduksjon til EndNote: I kurset lærer du å bygge opp et EndNote-bibliotek og lage en referanseliste i Word. Kurset består av korte demonstrasjoner og praktiske øvelser. Kurset dekker: Lage et EndNote-bibliotek, importere referanser, manuell innlegging, lage grupper, finne fulltekst, sette inn referanser i en tekst, lage og formatere en litteraturliste.

Søkekurs i PubMed og Embase: Alle bruker PubMed, men med litt ekstra kunnskap kan du gjøre mer effektive søk. I kurset viser vi for eksempel hvordan du kan bruke emneordene MeSH, eller utnytte filtre i Clinical queries. Embase er den andre store medisinske artikkeldatabasen som dekker en del andre tidsskrifter enn PubMed/Medline. For å få et bedre overblikk over litteraturen innenfor ett fagområde er Embase er derfor et viktig supplement til PubMed.

Introduksjon til systematiske oversikter (systematic reviews): Kurset gir en introduksjon i temaet systematiske oversikter. Vi gjennomgår ulike databaser for å finne systematiske oversikter, og prosessen å selv utføre en systematisk oversikt som å skrive en protokoll, forberedelser til søking, tips og verktøy for datahåndtering og kvalitetsvurdering, og rapportering. Vi gir også informasjon om hvilken hjelp og støtte biblioteket kan gi i arbeidet med systematiske oversikter.

Vennlig hilsen
Bibliotek for medisin, BBB

Courses offered at the Medical library, Spring 2022:

  • Introduction to Endnote
  • Searching in PubMed and Embase
  • Introduction to systematic reviews

The courses are planned as a hybrid solution, with the option of attending either physically or online through Zoom. The courses are mainly for employees and PhD candidates at the Faculty of Medicine and for employees at Helse Bergen. Courses for students are normally given as a part of their study program. If that isn’t the case, they can attend these courses as well.

Dates, registration and more information can be found on the library’s web page:

Courses in English:

Courses in Norwegian:

Short description:

Introduction to EndNote: EndNote is a tool for managing references. The course covers how to build your own EndNote library, how to use references from EndNote in the writing process with Word, formatting the text and generating literature lists.. Other functionalities like manually adding references, grouping, removing duplicates, and importing full text will also be covered.

Searching in PubMed and Embase: Everyone can use PubMed. However, with some extra knowledge you can search more efficiently. In the course we demonstrate the use of subject headings MeSH, and the use of filters for quick limiting to clinical queries (like diagnostic studies, or intervention studies). Embase is another important medical database which covers a number of different journals than PubMed/Medline. Therefore, it is a valuable supplement to PubMed, if you want to get a better overview over the literature within your field.

Introduction to systematic reviews: The course gives an introduction to systematic reviews. The library presents several databases for finding systematic reviews, and gives an overview over the process of doing your own systematic review: write a protocol, prepare the search, data management, quality appraisal, and guidelines for reporting. We will also inform about the role of the library in the different phases of the work with a systematic review.

 Kind regards from the Medical library

Brannvernopplæring høsten 2021 / Fire prevention course autumn 2021

Alle ansatte ved UiB skal ha gjennomført brannvernopplæring som består av digitalt brannvernkurs og praktisk slukking. Dette kravet er lovfestet i brannloven og HMS-forskriften.

Digitalt brannvernkurs kommer på e-post, og tar ca. 30 minutter å gjennomføre.

Ansatte må selv melde seg på praktisk slukking ved å bruke skjemaker-lenkene under. Kurset tar 1 time og har oppmøte på plassen mellom Sjøfartsmuseet og Sydnesplass 7 – HF-bygget.

UiB har engasjert Teknisk Industrivern AS til å gjennomføre digitalt brannvernkurs og kurset i praktisk slukking.

Kostnad pr. deltaker er kr. 300. Dette dekkes av den ansattes fakultet/institutt/avdeling og gjelder kurset i praktisk slukking.

Kurs høsten 2021

Spørsmål til kursholder:
Teknisk industrivern ved Rene Samdal. E-post: Mobil: 934 74 522.

Teknisk industrivern kan holde kurs på arbeidsplassen med mange påmeldte fra samme avd./institutt. Avtal i så fall direkte med dem – mobil: 934 74 522.

Er det spørsmål om innholdet kan det rettes til brann- og sikkerhetsleder ved UiB, Tore Reigstad, på mobil: 910 01 919.

All UiB Employees must complete a fire prevention course whish consists of a digital part, and a practical part on how to put out fires. This is required by law.

The digital part of the course will be sent to all participants by email. It takes approximately 30 minutes to complete.

Employees are required to sign up for the practical part of the course themselves. You can do this by following the link to the form for your preferred date and time below. (Note: the forms are in Norwegian).

The practical course takes 1 hour to complete. Place of assembly is the square between Sjøfartsmuseet and Sydnesplass 7 (the HF-building).

UiB have hired Teknisk Industrivern AS to hold our fire prevention courses.

There is a 300 NOK fee per participant to cover the cost of the practical course. This will be paid by the participant’s faculty/department/division.

Dates for the 2021 autumn practical courses

Questions about the fire prevention course:
Teknisk industrivern, Rene Samdal. E-mail: Phone: 934 74 522.

Teknisk industrivern can also arrange special sessions of the course for employees of the same faculty/department/division. Contact Teknisk industrivern directly for this kind of solution – phone: 934 74 522.

Any questions regarding the content of the course can be directed to the fire and safety leader at UiB, Tore Reigstad, phone: 910 01 919.

Useful courses for handling research data

The goal of the University of Bergen is that data resulting from research activity should be made readily available for reuse in accordance with FAIR-principles. UiB Library Research Support offers following courses to help meet these requirements:

Data management Plan

The Norwegian Research Council and Horizon 2020 require projects to submit a data management plan (DMP). A data management plan describes how data in a research project will be collected, processed and made available.

The courses «Introduction to DMP” and “DMP workshop” give you a short introduction to what a data management plan is, why you need it, and how to write one.

In the workshops you will have the opportunity to work on your own DMP using a digital DMP tool, and then share your DMP with other participants and get feedback from peers and experts on your own DMP.

  • September 17th at 10:00-14:00 (introduction to DMP + workshop). Read more. Sign up here.
  • October 15th at 10:00-10:45 (introduction to DMP, in Norwegian). Sign up here.
  • November 12th at 10:00-14:00 (introduction to DMP + workshop). Read more. Sign up here.

How can you make your research data open and FAIR?

Researchers are encouraged to make their data openly available as early as possible in the research process, and most funders, e.g. Norwegian Research Council or Horizon Europe, and publishers require that the research data from a project is made openly available. But how can you do this in practice, and where?

In the course you will get a short introduction to how you can make your research data open and FAIR, and how to archive your data in our institutional archive UiB Open Research Data.

  • September 3rd at 10:00-11:30. Sign up here.
  • October 1st at 10:00-11:30. Sign up here.

Finding & reusing research data

Sharing and re-using quality-assured research data is considered good scientific practice. Re-using existing datasets as secondary data avoids unnecessary duplication of efforts and can inspire new avenues of research.

For example, new questions or methods can be applied to a dataset, or data from different studies or disciplines can be integrated. In this course you will learn how you can use existing datasets as a resource for your research. The course consists of three short modules, and you can participate in either or all of the modules.

  • August 27th  at 09:30–12:00. Sign up here
  • November 26th at 09:30-12:00. Sign up here

Want to know more about Open Data and Data management? See our webpages:

Open Access to Research Data

Data Management Plans

Software Carpentry course in research computing skills: Shell, Python, Git

Reproducible research benefits strongly from learning some research computing skills. Are you tired of manually moving files? Would you like to be able to efficiently analyze data and create fancy plots? Would you like to learn programming, but you do not know where to start? Would you like your data analysis to be more reproducible? This is the course for you!

The Software Carpentry course in research computing skills will provide researchers with computational tools to address their research questions in new or more efficient and reproducible ways. The course is aimed at novices and no previous programming knowledge is required.


Enhet for læring sitt tilbud høsten 2021

Kjære kollegaer!

Ved oppstart av nytt semester ønsker jeg å orientere om Enhet for læring sitt pedagogiske kompetansehevingstilbud til fakultetets ansatte.

Det er ledig plass på alle kursene, så her er det førstemann til mølla.

  • Introduction to Teaching and Learning in Higher Education Health Sciences (PHDPED900) – For PhD candidates and Post doctors, 5 ects credits.

  • Kurs i praksisveiledning (MEDPVEIL602) – gir 2-3 stp. uttelling som del av utdanningsfaglig basiskompetanse

  • Journal Club – medisinsk og helsefaglig pedagogisk forskning (PHDMED901) – drøfting av utvalgte artikler og relevans for eget pedagogisk arbeid.

  • Webinarrekken Pedagogisk Påfyll har et variert program. Arrangeres én gang i måneden, kl. 15-16, på Zoom.
    • Å sette fjes på diagnosen – digitale pasienthistorier som virkemiddel
    • Bruk av polls i undervisningen 
    • Hva skal til for å bli merittert underviser?
    • Hva har valg av vurderingsform å si for utdanningskvalitet?
    • Hopp, men hvor høyt? Om grensene mellom undervisning og underholdning
  • Workshops i pedagogiske mapper. Velg mellom 9/9 og 23/11 (kl. 9-12)

For mer informasjon og påmelding: Aktiviteter ved Enhet for læring høsten 2021 | Enhet for læring | UiB

Beste hilsen
Monika Kvernenes

Bibliotekskurs høsten 2021 / Library courses autumn 2021

Biblioteket tilbyr følgende kurs høsten 2021. Kursene er planlagt å holdes digitalt og fysisk i biblioteket.

  • Introduksjon til EndNote
  • Introduksjon til Zotero
  • Søkekurs i PubMed og Embase
  • Introduksjon til systematiske oversikter

Kursene er fortrinnsvis for ansatte og stipendiater. De fleste studenter får bibliotekkurs som en del av sin studieplan. Dersom ikke det er tilfelle kan de melde seg på disse kursene.

Kursdatoer, påmelding og mer informasjon finnes på

Litt mer om kursene:

Introduksjon til EndNote: I kurset lærer du å bygge opp et EndNote-bibliotek og lage en referanseliste i Word. Kurset består av korte demonstrasjoner og praktiske øvelser. Kurset dekker: Lage et EndNote-bibliotek, importere referanser, manuell innlegging, lage grupper, finne fulltekst, sette inn referanser i en tekst, lage og formatere en litteraturliste.

Introduksjon i Zotero (in English): Zotero is a free referencing tool. The Zotero browser extension (Zotero Connector) can export references from web pages, search engines and reference databases. This course should allow you to get started with Zotero for collecting references and generating citations/reference lists.

Søkekurs i PubMed og Embase: Alle bruker PubMed, men med litt ekstra kunnskap kan du gjøre mer effektive søk. I kurset viser vi for eksempel hvordan du kan bruke emneordene MeSH eller utnytte filtre i Clinical queries. Embase er den andre store medisinske artikkeldatabasen som dekker en del andre tidsskrifter enn PubMed/Medline. Den er derfor et viktig supplement til Medline, for å få et bedre overblikk over fagets litteratur.

Introduksjon til systematiske oversikter: Kurset gir en introduksjon i temaet systematiske oversikter. Vi gjennomgår ulike databaser for å finne systematiske oversikter, og prosessen å selv utføre en systematisk oversikt som å skrive en protokoll, forberedelser til søking, tips og verktøy for datahåndtering og kvalitetsvurdering, og rapportering. Vi gir også informasjon om hvilken hjelp og støtte biblioteket kan gi i arbeidet med systematiske oversikter.

Vennlig hilsen
Bibliotek for medisin, BBB

The medical library offers courses in autumn 2021. Courses are planned being hold digitally or physically.

  • Introduction to Endnote
  • Introduction to Zotero
  • Searching in PubMed and Embase
  • Introduction to systematic reviews

The courses are mainly for employees and PhD-candidates at the Faculty of Medicine and for employees at Helse Bergen. Courses for students are normally given as a part of their study program.

Dates, registration and more information can be found on the library’s web page:

Courses in English:

Courses in Norwegian:

Short description:

Introduction to EndNote: EndNote is a tool for managing references. The course covers how to build your own EndNote database, how to use references from EndNote in the writing process with Word, formatting the text and generating literature lists. Other functionalities like grouping, removing duplicates, and importing full text will also be covered.

Introduction to Zotero: Zotero is a free referencing tool. The Zotero browser extension (Zotero Connector) can export references from web pages, search engines and reference databases. This course should allow you to get started with Zotero for collecting references and generating citations/reference lists.

Searching in PubMed and Embase: Everyone can use PubMed. However, with some extra knowledge you can search more efficiently. In the course we demonstrate the use of subject headings MeSH, and the use of filters for quick limiting to clinical queries like diagnostic studies, or intervention studies. Embase is another important medical database which covers a number of different journals than PubMed/Medline. Therefore, it is a valuable supplement to Medline, if you want to get a better overview over the literature within your subject.

Introduction to systematic reviews: The course gives an introduction to systematic reviews. The library presents several databases for finding systematic reviews, and gives an overview over the process of doing your own systematic review: write a protocol, prepare the search, data management, quality appraisal, and guidelines for reporting. We also inform about the role of the library in the different phases of the work with a systematic review.

 Kind regards from the Medical library

Registration possible from July 1 for fall term courses; CCBIO903, CCBIONEUR910, CCBIONEUR911 and CCBIONEUR912

From July 1, it is possible to register for the fall term courses from CCBIO and Neuro-SysMed, and deadline is September 1. For all courses, please register in Studentweb if you are already enrolled at the UiB. If you are not enrolled at the UiB, you register through Søknadsweb, where you simultaneously apply for UiB guest student status.

CCBIO903 – Cancer Research: Ethical, economic and social aspects
September 6-10 and October 11-15, 2021
Focus: The course will focus on aspects such as how to assess the cost-effectiveness of cancer biomarkers, how to make medical decisions when surrounded by risks, uncertainties and even ignorance, what the ‘good life’ can actually mean, and what the future may hold for cancer research. PhD candidates and students will be invited to reflect upon the ethical, economic and social aspects of their own research, in interaction with scholars and other students as well as in an essay.
Responsible: John Cairns, Roger Strand and Anne Blanchard Bremer are academic responsible for the course.
Study points: 5 ECTS
Place: University of Bergen campus, room will be announced. Lunch and coffee/tea will be included. Limited seats available.
Registration (for ECTS): Studentweb or Søknadsweb, deadline September 1. (Registration opens July 1)
Available for non-ECTS participation: No
More info: at the website and the student pages.

CCBIONEUR911 – Clinical Trials
When: September 29 – October 1, 2021
Focus: Aspects of clinical trials – from design planning to execution – with learning examples from cancer research and neurological research. The completed program qualifies for a Good Clinical Practice (GCP) certificate.
Responsible: Line Bjørge (CCBIO) and Øivind Grytten Torkildsen (Neuro-SysMed) are academically responsible, and administrative coordinators are Benedicte Sjo Tislevoll for CCBIO and Hilde Norborg for Neuro-SysMed.
Study points: 2 ECTS
Place: University of Bergen campus, room will be announced. Lunch and coffee/tea will be included. Limited seats available: Will not be run through digital platform unless the pandemic situation does not allow on-site participation.
Registration (for ECTS): Studentweb or Søknadsweb, deadline September 1. (Registration opens July 1)
Available for non-ECTS participation: Yes, will be available in separate registration link.
More info: at the website and the student pages.

CCBIONEUR910 – Patient and Public Involvement in Medical and Health Research
When: November 3-5, 2021
Focus: To inspire increased user participation in research trials, and will present methods on how to involve user representatives. This is highly relevant to all biomedical research fields, and Patient and Public Involvement is documented to positively impact the relevance and efficacy in medical research. Note: The primary language for this course will be Norwegian.
Responsible: Nina Jebsen (CCBIO), Kjell-Morten Myhr (Neuro-SysMed) and Tone Skår (Neuro-SysMed and VIS) are academic responsible, and coordinators are Pål Tore Bentsen from CCBIO and Hilde Norborg from Neuro-SysMed.
Study points: estimated 2 ECTS
Place: University of Bergen campus, room will be announced. Lunch and coffee/tea will be included. Limited seats available: Will not be run through digital platform unless the pandemic situation does not allow on-site participation.
Registration (for ECTS): Studentweb or Søknadsweb, deadline September 1. (Registration opens July 1)
Available for non-ECTS participation: Yes, for a limited number of patient representatives.
More info: at the website and the student pages.

CCBIONEUR912 – Health Innovation
When: November 8-9 and December 2-3, 2021
Focus: To teach PhD candidates and other researchers how to recognize the close connection between research findings and innovation potential. The course will use examples from our own research environments as well as internationally, to showcase the practical route from idea to patent – and beyond.
Responsible: Academic responsible are Agnete Engelsen from CCBIO and Nina Grytten Torkildsen and Magnus Alvestad from Neuro-SysMed. Administrative coordinators are Ning Lu from CCBIO and Hilde Norborg from Neuro-SysMed.
Study points: 4 ECTS
Place: University of Bergen campus, room will be announced. Lunch and coffee/tea will be included. Limited seats available: Will not be run through digital platform unless the pandemic situation does not allow on-site participation.
Registration (for ECTS): Studentweb or Søknadsweb, deadline September 1. (Registration opens July 1)
Available for non-ECTS participation: No.
More info: at the website and the student pages.

Webinar May 11th – self management

Utviklingstid at UiB invites everyone to to webinar May 11th about self management.

We will discuss how to develop healthy work habits to help us manage time, our feelings about time, our motivation, and our focus.

Held in English.

For more information and registration, see the web pages here.

How to combine performance and health during PhD

The webinar will be held in English by psychologist Per Sjøberg. Per Sjøberg has extensive experience with guidance in high-performance professions, with top athletes and in crisis psychology.

The webinar addresses topics such as:

  • Maintaining motivation in challenging times
  • To work with high demands on performance
  • Stress management strategies

Please note the date for the webinar: 05.03.2021

More information and registration link can be found here. /

Enhet for lærings utdanningstilbud våren 2021

Disse tilbudene er for alle vitenskapelig ansatte på tvers av program- og institituttilhørighet! 

  • Innføring i medisinsk didaktikk (MEDDID601) – gir 5 stp. uttelling som del av utdanningsfaglig basiskompetanse
  • Kurs i praksisveiledning (MEDPVEIL602) – gir 2-3 stp. uttelling som del av utdanningsfaglig basiskompetanse
  • Webinarrekken Pedagogisk Påfyll har et variert program for vårsemesteret. En gang i måneden, kl. 15-16, på Zoom.
    • Hvordan skape interaksjon og samhandling i Zoom?
    • To runder med digital hjemmeeksamen – hva har vi lært? 
    • Lyd og/eller bilde: om podkast som digital undervisningsressurs 
    • Nervøs, spent eller glad? Om underviseres følelsesliv
    • Kan det å forberede studenter før praksis styrke praksis?

For mer informasjon og påmelding – se

Det er ledige plasser på kurset i praksisveiledning (
Mandag 25. januar kl. 09-12
Mandag 1. februar kl. 09-12
Mandag 8. februar kl. 09-12

Workshops i å lage Pedagogisk mappe tilbys 22. februar og 14. april, begge dager fra kl. 09-12. Ca. 2 timer forberedelser må påregnes. For påmelding:

Meld dere på  – det blir fort fullt!

Vennlig hilsen
Anne Berit Guttormsen
Undervisningsleder K1

3 CCBIO Research School courses for the spring term

We are happy to announce the following 3 CCBIO Research School courses for the spring term, and note that if you will join and need the ECTS, registration deadline is February 1st.

Registration for ECTS participation is the same for all 3 courses:

• If you are already enrolled at the University of Bergen (UiB), you apply/register through Studentweb.

• If you are not enrolled at the UiB but want the ECTS, you apply/register through Søknadsweb, where you simultaneously apply for UiB guest student status.

CCBIO908—Scientific Writing and Communication Seminar
April 12-15 2021 (4 half days, from ca. 11.00), digital event in Zoom.
The course is part of the CCBIO/INTPART program. We will look into topics such as Organizing your ideas and improving your manuscript, Clear writing, The Art of Scientific Story Telling, The problem statement, Titles and Abstracts, Punctuation, Making a manuscript memorable, Writing a convincing cover letter, and How to avoid death by PowerPoint.

Christine Møller, an experienced lecturer in medical and scientific writing with many years of experience as assistant editor of APMIS.
Randy Watnick, assistant professor at the Vascular Biology Program, Harvard Medical School.
Media Advisor Marion Solheim will be adding a lecture on science presentation, showing how to make a presentation stick – in a good way.

Who: Open for all. Note that if the course gets fully booked (and it has every time before), participants are included based on first come, first served. ECTS/Registration: This course provides 2 ECTS. The deadline for ECTS providing registration is February 1, 2021. Application through studentweb/søknadsweb, see above. If you don’t need the ECTS registered as part of an education/degree, and just want professional updates, you register through this link, with deadline March 1, 2021. Elisabeth Wik is coordinating the INTPART program. Course coordinator is, and academic responsible is Yamila Torres Cleuren. More info: at this page.

CCBIO903 Cancer research: Ethical, economic and social aspects
Course week 1: May 31 to June 4, 2021, and course week 2: September 6-10, 2021. On-site lectures/discussions, campus Haukeland University Hospital.

CCBIO903 focuses on ethical, economical and societal aspects of cancer and cancer research and aims to equip PhD candidates with tools for systematic reflection on their own and related research as well as methods for assessing the cost benefit of health measures and methods of treatment.

The course will address difficult questions:

• How can we deal with the uncertainties in the lab, while maintaining the quality of our science?
• Which drug is more suited to a patient?
• How can medical science contribute to debates on what is good for society?
• How can economic models help guide health care resource allocation?

Who: Open for all. PhD candidates, master students and students at the Medical Student Research Programme are particularly encouraged to register. ECTS/Registration: This is a 5 ECTS course. Deadline for ECTS providing registration is February 1, 2021. Application through studentweb/søknadsweb, see above. John Cairns, Roger Strand and Anne Blanchard Bremer are academic responsible for the course. Administrative coordinator is Kjetil Utvik Harkestad. More info: at this page.

BMED904—Graduate course in Extracellular Matrix
June 07-11, 2021

The course will cover various aspects of extracellular matrix (ECM) biology. A recurring theme will be the roles of the various ECM molecules and their functions in health and disease.

See preliminary program.

Note, due to the uncertainty regarding the Covid-19 situation, the course is planned to combine face-to-face “seat time” for students attending in Bergen with online presentations of all lectures and lab demonstrations.

Who: Open for all. PhD candidates, master students and students at the Medical Student Research Programme are particularly encouraged to register. ECTS/Registration: This is a 3 ECTS course. Deadline for ECTS providing registration is February 1, 2021. Application through studentweb/søknadsweb, see above. If you don’t need the ECTS registered as part of an education/degree, and just want professional updates, please register here. Academic responsible are Marion Kusche-Gullberg and Donald Gullberg. Administrative coordinator is Margarethe Bittins. More info: at this page.

Gruppelederopplæring våren 2021

Kjære alle fakultet!

Vedlagt er et informasjonsskriv om påmelding til UiBs gruppelederopplæring for vårsemesteret 2021. Opplæringen er lagt til uke 2. Vennligst distribuer til de som har ansvaret for å ansette seminarledere/gruppeledere ved instituttene og/eller fakultetene. Det er begrenset plasser dessverre (60 stk). Grunnet Korona vil undervisningen foregå digitalt via Zoom.

Det er svært viktig at dokumentet videresendes til studenter da påmeldingsskjema for begge modulene er her, samt viktig informasjon rundt modulene.

Spørsmål kan stilles til Lucas M. Jeno eller Kåre Helleve som jobber i administrasjonen på Program for Universitetspedagogikk.

Gruppelederopplæring 2021v_Invitasjon til studenter

Biblioteket tilbyr kurs våren 2021 / The library offers courses spring 2021

Biblioteket tilbyr følgende kurs våren 2021. Kursene er planlagt å holdes digitalt eller som hybrid (fysisk og digitalt) i biblioteket.

– Introduksjon til EndNote
– Workshop i EndNote (spørsmål og svar)
– Søkekurs i PubMed og Embase
– Introduksjon til systematiske oversikter

Introduksjon til EndNote: I kursene gjennomgåes hvordan man kan bygge opp en egen EndNote-database med referanser man trenger til forskningen. I tillegg vises hvordan man enkelt kan bruke EndNote i skriveprosessen i Word slik at man får formaterte referanser og en automatisk generert litteraturliste. EndNote har dessuten mer funksjonalitet , f.eks. kan man gruppere referansene i EndNote, og laste inn fulltekst til artiklene og dermed lage sitt eget elektroniske bibliotek.

Workshop i EndNote: Workshopen baserer seg på spørsmål deltakerne melder inn, og kan dreie seg om funksjonalitet i EndNote, som å legge til tidsskriftforkortelser, redigere stiler eller bestille artikler rett fra EndNote, eller andre tips for effektiv bruk av programmet.

Søkekurs i PubMed og Embase: Alle bruker PubMed, men med litt ekstra kunnskap kan du gjøre mer effektive søk. I kurset viser vi for eksempel hvordan du kan bruke emneordene MeSH, eller utnytte filtre i Clinical queries. Embase er den andre store medisinske artikkeldatabasen som dekker en del andre tidsskrifter enn PubMed/Medline. Den er derfor et viktig supplement til Medline, for å få et bedre overblikk over fagets litteratur.

Introduksjon til systematiske oversikter: Kurset gir en introduksjon til temaet systematiske oversikter. Vi gjennomgår ulike databaser for å finne systematiske oversikter, og prosessen hvor man selv utfører en systematisk oversikt som å skrive en protokoll, forberedelser til søking, tips og verktøy for datahåndtering og kvalitetsvurdering, og rapportering. Vi gir også informasjon om hvilken hjelp og støtte biblioteket kan gi i arbeidet med systematiske oversikter.

Kursene er fortrinnsvis for ansatte og stipendiater. De fleste studenter får bibliotekkurs som en del av sin studieplan. Dersom ikke det er tilfelle kan de melde seg på disse kursene.

Kursdatoer, påmelding og mer informasjon finnes på

The medical library offers courses in spring 2021. Courses are planned being held digitally or as a combination of physically and digitally.

– Introduction to EndNote
– Searching in PubMed and Embase
– Introduction to systematic reviews

Introduction to EndNote: EndNote is a tool for managing references. The course covers how to build your own EndNote database, how to use references from EndNote in the writing process with Word, formatting the text and generating literature lists. Other functionalities like grouping, removing duplicates, and importing full text will also be covered.

Searching in PubMed and Embase: Everyone can use PubMed. However, with some extra knowledge you can search more efficiently. In the course we demonstrate the use of subject headings MeSH, and the use of filters for quick limiting to clinical queries like diagnostic studies, or intervention studies. Embase is another important medical database which covers a number of different journals than PubMed/Medline. Therefore, it is a valuable supplement to Medline, if you want to get a better overview over the literature within your subject.

Introduction to systematic reviews: The course gives an introduction to systematic reviews. The library presents several databases for finding systematic reviews, and gives an overview over the process of doing your own systematic review: write a protocol, prepare the search, data management, quality appraisal, and guidelines for reporting. We also inform about the role of the library in the different phases of the work with a systematic review.

The courses are mainly for employees and PhD-candidates at the Faculty of Medicine and for employees at Helse Bergen. Courses for students are normally given as a part of their study program.

Dates, registration and more information can be found on the library’s web page:
Courses in English:
Courses in Norwegian:

Opplæringsøkter i bruk av moduler i MittUiB for undervisere i medisinstudiet

Invitasjon til alle som underviser på medisinstudiet

Det er forventet at alle undervisere i medisinstudiet har tilgang til og benytter MittUiB, og dette er spesielt viktig i en tid med mye digital undervisning. Vi vet at det varierer hvor mye de enkelte underviserne benytter MittUiB og Programutvalget for medisin vil derfor gjerne invitere alle undervisere i medisinstudiet til korte opplæringsøkter i MittUiB. Opplæringsøktene blir holdt digitalt av Harald G. Wiker, og innholdet vil tilpasses etter behovet de påmeldte har. For de tidspunktene som er satt opp nå i høst er temaet «moduler».

Det er ønskelig med påmelding via:

Lenke til møtet blir sendt til de som er påmeldte i forkant av kurset.

For spørsmål ta kontakt med

Harald G. Wiker og Dina-Kristin T. Midtflø

NorDoc Summer School 2021

The NorDoc Summer School takes place in Copenhagen on 16-20 August 2021 and this year the topic is: Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Career Development 

The annual NorDoc Summer School brings together PhD students from the Nordic countries for a week of interaction and discussions. The summer School is open to PhD students, faculty and administrators.

Sign up soon! There are only 250 seats available for the conference.

We have invited excellent speakers from the Nordic countries and hope to inspire you and give you new insight into some of the current opportunities in the Nordic countries. There will be presentations and panel debates as well as breakout sessions and workshops, where you get to work with experts and PhD students on the topics of your choice.

You can participate in several full day PhD courses in innovation and transferrable skills – and you also get a chance to visit the industry in or around Copenhagen for a full day and learn how start-ups, small and big companies work with innovation. Last, but not least, the summer school ends with a conference.

Read more about NorDoc Summer School 2021 here.

See the programme here.


Workshops: Open Access and Data management plan

The Norwegian Research Council and Horizon 2020/Europe require projects to submit a data management plan (DMP). A data management plan describes how data in a research project will be collected, processed and made available.

  • Open Access Week, 19-23 Oktober 2020. Program and event information here.

  • Introduction to Data Management Plan (DMP) here.

  • Data Management Plan WORKSHOP (for researchers), 23.10.2020 – 13.00-15.00. More information here.

Søk på kurs innen vurdering i medisinsk utdanning og få kurs og utgifter dekket!

Nasjonal delprøve i medisinstudiet sine midler fra NOKUTs Utdanningskvalitetspris går blant annet til kompetanseheving innenfor medisinsk vurdering. Nå kan du søke om å få dekket reise, opphold og kursavgift via utgiftsrefusjon. Alle som lager eksamensoppgaver til eksamener ved medisinstudiene ved norske universiteter og/eller lager oppgaver til nasjonal delprøve i medisin kan søke. Teknisk-administrative som jobber tett med eksamen kan også søke, selv om de ikke lager oppgaver.

På grunn av Covid-19-situasjonen er flere av kursene gjort om til online-kurs. Her finner du de aktuelle kursene i 2020/2021

Frist for å søke er 1. oktober 2020, og søknader sendes til arbeidsgruppen for nasjonal delprøve ved Åsmund Skaar:

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