The course will be held on the 10th of December from 12:30 to 15:30 in the BB-bygget Konferanserom (HUS), Jonas Lies vei 91. The registration deadline is at 12:00 on the 9th.
About the course
You will learn basic life-saving first aid.
- What is life-saving first aid?
- Knowledge saves lives
- Patient examination and notification.
- Foreign bodies in throat.
- Cardiac pulmonary resuscitation.
- Who helps the rescuer?
The course lasts for 3 hours and combines theoretical teaching with practical exercises. One teaching hour lasts for approx. 45 min, followed by a 15 min break. The course and course material are in accordance with recognized national guidelines. Maximum of 20 participants.
After the course, the instructor issues course documentation to you.
Sign up
The registration link and all the information about the course can be found here: First aid course | HMS-portalen | UiB.
Photo: colourbox.com