BCEPS is proud to announce a free 2-week online course on priority setting in health, led by Kjell Arne Johansson and featuring a range of international expert lecturers on the topic!
The participants will learn the basic methods for priority setting in health, with an emphasis on how to evaluate equity in access to health services and fairness in distributions of health outcomes, and to integrate tools for equity concerns and health maximization.
The course is divided into two parts:
- Part 1: Will cover theoretical concepts of UHC, ethics, equity and fairness as well as health maximization, and how they are applied in global and national health care priority settings.
- Part 2: Will cover hands-on exercises on burden of disease, cost-effectiveness, and use of FairChoices DCP Analytic Tool
Read more here: https://www4.uib.no/en/courses/bceps300