International calls for funding spring 2025

Below is a variety of calls for funding coming up this spring. If you are interested to hear more about the topics, contact the research advisers at the Faculty to discuss funding opportunities at And there are more calls to choose from at our website: Application Support for External Funding | Faculty of Medicine | UiB.

Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation:

Deadline: 25 March 2025

Nord Forsk – Responsible use of Artificial Intelligence

16 M NOK, at least four Nordic and Baltic countries. Making the most of the potentials and mitigating the risks and harmful consequences of the use of Artificial Intelligence in the Nordic-Baltic region. 
Deadline: 13 May 2025 

Global Health EDCTP3

Innovative Health Initiative – Call 9

Innovation projects in collaboration with health or medical industry. The industry partners must contribute with 45% own financing.

  • Topic 1 (SO1):10 MEUR. Contribute towards a better understanding of the determinants of health and priority disease areas.
  • Topic 2 (SO2): 15 MERU. Integrate fragmented health research and innovation efforts bringing together health industry sectors and other stakeholders, focussing on unmet public health needs, to enable the development of tools, data, platforms, technologies and processes for improved prediction, prevention, interception, diagnosis, treatment and management of diseases, meeting the needs of end-users;
  • Topic 3 (SO3): 15 MEUR. Demonstrate the feasibility of people-centred, integrated healthcare solutions.
  • Topic 4 (SO4): 15 MEUR. Exploit the full potential of digitalisation and data exchange in healthcare;
  • Topic 5 (SO5): 10 MEUR. Enable the development of new and improved evaluation methodologies and models for a comprehensive assessment of the added value of innovative and integrated healthcare solutions
    Deadline: 29 April 2025

NordForsk – Nordic Research Infrastructure Hubs

6 MIO NOK; requires 66% own funding and collaboration with other Nordic countries. A Nordic Research Infrastructure Hub is a long-term partnership between Nordic universities, universities of applied sciences, university colleges, research institutes and/or managers of research infrastructure in a consortium that provides a framework for establishing, enhancing and/or expanding RI cooperation in the Nordic region.
Deadline: 21 May 2025

European Innovation Council – Pathfinder Open

3 MEUR, requires consortium of at least three legal entities in three different EU countries. For radically new technology and relevant potential solutions at TRL 1-4.
Deadline: 21 May 2025

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