Upcoming events in the regenerative medicine network / MRCRM network

Exciting events are ahead for all of us interested in regenerative medicine! Please mark the following dates in your calendar:

March 4 – May 18: See the Exhibition  “Illuminating Life” at the University Museum.

Developed by DrShuntaro Yamada, a researcher in the Tissue Engineering Group at the Department of Clinical Dentistry, affiliated with MRCRM and a member of the MRCRM program committee.

This exhibition will feature stem-cell based regenerative medicine through beautiful microscopic artwork in stem cell biology, cranial development, and regenerative dentistry,  accumulated by Shuntaro over the last 10 years.

Opening Ceremony: March 4, 14:00, at the University Museum

Lysende liv | Universitetsmuseet i Bergen

March 5: Bioteknologirådets Frokostmøte “Schizofreni i petriskål” with Professor Srdjan Djurovic

In this breakfast lecture, Professor Srdjan Djurovic (Department of Clinical Science, UiB and Department of Medical Genetics, OUH) will explain how his research team transforms skin cells from patients with mental disorders and healthy control subjects into brain cells and brain organoids—three-dimensional structures that mimic parts of the brain and its functions—and what they can learn from these models. Prof. Djurovic is the co-PI on the MRCRM-project “Personalised medicine in psychosis treatment” and one of the group leaders in Mohn Research Center for Psychotic Disorders (MRCP).

Time and place: March 5, 08:30-09:15, Litteraturhuset i Bergen

Register to join the breakfast or stream the lecture.

Schizofreni i petriskål – Bioteknologirådet

March 12, April 2, May 7, and June 4: Bridging Nordic ATMPs – webinar series

A webinar series hosted by the Nordic EATRIS Nodes. The series will feature Professor Kamal Mustafa from the Tissue Engineering Group, Dept. of Clinical Dentistry, on May 7 (Title TBA).

Bridging Nordic ATMPs – webinar series – EATRIS

April 1: “How to…” seminar with Dr. Novin Balafkan

Dr. Novin Balafkan, a Marie Curie Fellow and a member of MRCRM currently visiting Kristen Brennand’s lab at the Department of Psychiatry, Yale University School of Medicine, USA, will give a presentation «How to Use Pooled CRISPR Screening to Explore Gene Function and Disease Mechanisms Across Tissues».

May 9: TOR symposium at the Department of Clinical Dentistry (IKO)

The Center for Translational Oral Research (TOR) organizes a full-day symposium (Program TBA).

May 12-13: The 3rd International Meeting on Regenerative Medicine

Join the annual international meeting on regenerative medicine at Grand Hotel Terminus in Bergen. The program is nearly finalized, and we will send out the invitations shortly.

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