CCBIO908 Scientific Writing and Communication Seminar – spring 2023

A new season with this popular course! The course aims to provide theoretical knowledge about various elements of scientific writing, give practical experience on text editing, and the tools to improve your scientific texts.

Learn how to:

• Organize ideas, results and messages in a scientific paper
• Improve titles and abstracts
• Present a clear problem statement
• Use punctuation, grammar and numbering in a scientific text
• Write an informative and convincing cover letter

The course will also present and discuss what is good research communication.

When: May 22–23, 2023.

Program: Not yet available. See last time’s program here.

Where: Auditorium at campus Haukeland University Hospital, Bergen. In person.

ECTS: This is a 2 ECTS course at the University of Bergen.

Academic responsible: Elisabeth Wik.

Option of 3 registration links:

1. With ECTS, already UiB student: register at Studentweb. Deadline is February 1, 2023. Opens December 12. Must attend all sessions + exam.

2. With ECTS, not a UiB student: register at Søknadsweb. Same deadline as above. Must attend all sessions + exam.

3. No ECTS: A separate link will be available here. Choose the lectures you want.

No need for group assignments or exam.

More information: at this website

Software Carpentry-kurs

Lei av å flytte filer manuelt? Ønsker du å kunne analysere data effektivt og lage fancy plott? Du vil lære programmering, men du vet ikke hvor du skal begynne? Vil du gjøre dataanalysen din mer reproduserbar?

Dette er kurset for deg!

Senter for digitalt liv Norge arrangerer i samarbeid med ELIXIR Norge, NRIS og UiB Digital Lab eit nytt Software Carpentry course, 5.-6. desember 2022, lokalt her i Bergen.

Dette er eit introduksjonskurs til automatisering av oppgåver med Unix Shell, R for reproduserbare analyser, og versjonskontroll med Git programmering, som kan vere nyttig for forskarar utan så mykje erfaring med programmering frå før.


Har du spørsmål, ta kontakt med Martha Eide ved Senter for digitalt liv Norge.

UiB Opp 1.4 Oppstart av BOA-prosjekt – og bruk av UiBs digitale prosjektverktøy ProsjektTeam

Kurset skal gi en innføring i hvordan organisere og gjennomføre oppstartsmøter for BOA-prosjekt, og gi en introduksjon til hvordan UiB sitt nye prosjektstyringsverktøy ProsjektTeam kan brukes i dette arbeidet.

– Påmelding her –

Det legges opp til dialog og erfaringsdeling både om utfordringer og best practice knyttet til prosjektstart og prosjektdrift, med fokus på å videreutvikle de eksisterende verktøyene.

Målgruppe: Administrativt ansatte som enten har ansvar for å gjennomføre oppstartsmøter, eller som inngår i prosjektteamet for et eller flere BOA-prosjekt.

Varighet: Kurset varer ca 3 timer. Det legges opp til erfaringsutveksling og gruppediskusjoner underveis.

Kursholdere: Kari Eidsheim ØKA, og Vibeke Irgan, FIA

Antall plasser: 20

Gjesteforelesning: Anna Blom – Protein Chemistry

Anna Blom, professor ved Translationell Medicin, Lunds universitet.

As part of our Bergen School in Inflammation series there will be an upcoming lecture, on the 9th of November in the Auditorium 4 of the BBBuilding, 12:00.

This time we are proud to present prof. Anna Blom of Lund University, a world-renown specialist in complement system. She is the head of The Medical Protein Chemistry group located at the Wallenberg Laboratory within Skåne University Hospital in Malmö.

Her group is focused on the complement system in health and disease. The complement, is a crucial part of the innate immune system, and is involved in many basic biological processes such as defence against infections but when activated in a wrong place or not sufficiently controlled it may contribute to various inflammatory diseases.

Their ambition is to make high quality basic science based on clinically relevant questions and yielding novel diagnostic approaches and clinical interventions.

Professor Bloom is also happy to have one-on-one meetings while she is here. To schedule one, please contact Martha Kaminska at The Departement of Clinical Science.

Kurs Horizon Europe- Grant week

I samarbeid med Forskningsrådet vil det tilbys kurs i Bergen for alle som jobber med søknader til Horizon Europe.

Foreløpige datoer for kursene er 10,11 og 12. januar 2023. Kursene som vil tilbys i grant week er også åpne for forskere. Merk at alle kursene i denne Grant Week er nivå 1 kurs. Les mer om Grant Week og de ulike kursene her:

Kursholder er Europa Media. Påmelding skjer via Forskningsrådet sine nettsider, og her er det først til møllen (kursene er åpne for alle også utenfor UiB og disse blir raskt fulltegnet!). Det vil være påmelding til et og et kurs, ikke hele uken samlet.

Her finnes direktelenken til påmelding for Grant week:

Du velger i skjema hvilket kurs man vil delta på:
B.1: Proposal Development
C.1: Research and Innovation Project Management; the first steps
D.1: Basic Finance and Budgeting in Horizon Europe

Suksessfaktorer for Horisont Europa

Velkommen til det tredje store arrangementet om Horisont Europa for UiB-ansatte, fredag 7. oktober. Denne gangen handler det om suksessfaktorer for å lykkes med søknader om finansiering – strategisk nettverksbygging, søknadsskriving og evaluering av søknader – men også om hvordan vi knytter et forskningsprosjekt til de store, globale utfordringene.

Tid: 07.10.2022 – 09.00–15.00

Sted: Scandic Bergen City, Håkonsgaten 2-7

Mer informasjon og lenke til påmelding finner dere her.

Horizon Europe Success Factors

Welcome to the third event on Horizon Europe for UiB researchers, on Friday 7 October.

This time the focus is on factors for succeeding with your proposals for project funding – strategic networking, proposal writing and  the evaluation process – but also on how we link a research project to the big, global challenges.

Time: 07.10.2022 – 09.00–15.00

Venue: Scandic Bergen City, Håkonsgaten 2-7

For more information and link to registration please visit the website.

Utlysing av Erasmus+ undervisningsmobilitet 2022/23

Universitetet i Bergen har fått tildelt mobilitetsmidler gjennom Erasmus-programmet.

Programmet har stipendmidler for ansatte til undervisning ved europeiske samarbeidsuniversitet (undervisningsmobilitet). For 2022/23 har UiB fått tildelt midler til å gjennomføre 23 undervisningsmobiliteter, og av disse lyses nå ut 10 mobiliteter for høstsemesteret 2022.Ved undervisningsmobilitetsopphold må det foreligge en gyldig Erasmus-avtale med vertsuniversitetet, som inkluderer undervisningsutveksling i den aktuelle fagkoden. Undervisningsoppholdet må vare minimum to dager (utenom reisedager) og det må undervises minst åtte timer.

Det er også mulig å reise på et kombinert undervisnings- og opplæringsopphold, og da må det undervises minst fire timer. Mer utfyllende informasjon finnes her:

Som undervisningsmobilitet regnes også deltakelse som underviser i Blended Intensive Programmes (BIP).

Fristen for å søke om Erasmus-stipend til undervisningsutveksling er 15. september. Hvis vi mottar mange søknader vil vi prioritere ansatte som ikke tidligere har mottatt Erasmusstøtte. Gjennomsnittlig stipend er 800€ per mobilitet, tilsvarende en ukes opphold.

Søknaden må sendes fra avdelingsleder i ePhorte på saksnummer 22/11715. En utfylt og signert Mobility Agreement (vedlagt) kan med fordel brukes som søknad.

Ta ellers gjerne kontakt med koordinator Helge Bjørlo ved Studieadministrativ avdeling. Vi stiller gjerne på møter for å informere om Erasmus undervisnings- og ansattutveksling

Åpne forskerkurs

The UiB University Library continues its popular webinar series on the principles of Open Science in autumn 2022. Open science is a research practice where processes and results are openly available under conditions that promotes sharing, use, cooperation, and societal responsibility.

Starting Friday August 19th at 10:00 CET, the Open Science webinar series will take place every other week during the autumn semester. Please follow the links for more information and to sign up for the webinars. We are looking forward to seeing you!

The UiB University Library and its Digital Lab offer a wide range of interesting courses and events – please find more information in the calendar.

Data management Plans

Data management plan (DMP) describes how data in a research project will be collected, processed, and made available. Writing a DMP is good scientific practice which helps structuring the data management in a research project and a requirement by research funders, e.g. The Norwegian Research Council or Horizon Europe. See also our information page UiB Library – Data Management Plans.

How to make your data open & FAIR
Researchers are encouraged to make their data openly available as early as possible in the research process, and most funders, e.g. Norwegian Research Council or Horizon Europe, and publishers require that the research data from a project is made openly available. In the course you will get an introduction to how you can make your research data open and FAIR, and how to archive your data in our institutional archive UiB Open Research Data. See also our information page UiB Library – Open Access to Research Data.

Open Access publishing step-by-step

Governments, institutions, and research funders expect researchers to make their research openly available. What is open access, why should you make your research publications openly available and what services and support is available at UiB? See also our information page: UiB Library – Open Access Publishing

Make your research visible using researcher profiles
Having a researcher profile is a great way to showcase contributions to your field and open science engagement. This seminar will demonstrate how to use ORCID and other researcher profiles to showcase your work. See also MittUiB online course UBB103 Profiles and Publishing Statistics and our information page UiB Library – Bibliometric services and analysis.

 Open Access Week

Open Access Week is an annual scholarly communication event focusing on open access and related topics. The national Norwegian program is the result of a collaboration between UiB and several other institutions and infrastructures. Stay tuned!

 Finding & reusing research data

Reusing published research data can open new avenues of research and avoids unnecessary duplication of efforts. The webinar will give an introduction to FAIR research data as a resource, explain data citation, and demonstrate strategies to efficiently discover datasets in your discipline.

CCBIONEUR910, Patient and Public Involvement in Medical and Health Research, November 30 – December 2, 2022.

We are happy to invite you to the coming CCBIO/Neuro-SysMed course: CCBIONEUR910, Patient and Public Involvement in Medical and Health Research, November 30 – December 2, 2022.

The course aims to inspire increased user participation in research trials and will present methods on how to involve user representatives. This is highly relevant to all biomedical research fields, and Patient and Public Involvement is documented to positively impact the relevance and efficacy in medical research.


  • How patient and public involvement influence medical research, the conduct of clinical studies and the application of research results.
  • About the researcher’s responsibility for patient and public involvement to be integrated into the entire process in a clinical research project.
  • What role of user organizations and local user committees may have in your work.
  • To communicate research findings to patients and the public.
  • To discuss with users how their perspectives can contribute to democratization and quality improvement in research projects.
  • To incorporate input from users into your research project.
  • To assess and convey the added value of patient and public involvement and initiate productive user involvement in your research projects.

Time: November 30 – December 2, 2022

Place: Eitri and Haukeland University Hospital main building auditorium B301, BB Building auditorium 4, all on-site event

Program: Not yet available, but you can read about last year’s course here.

Academic responsibility: Nina Jebsen, Tone Skår and Kjell-Morten Myhr

Coordinators: Hilde Norborg and Rasmus Humlevik

Who: The course is open to researchers, postdocs, PhD students, master students, students enrolled in the Medical Student Research Program, and representatives from user/patient organizations.

Deadline/registration: September 1. Non-UiB students who need the ECTS register through Søknadsweb, and UiB students register through Studentweb. Also available for non-ECTS participation for a limited number of patient representatives. The user organizations will receive an invite.

More information: on this website.

CCBIO905 – Methods in Cancer Biomarker Research

We are happy to invite to this coming CCBIO course with registration deadline September 1: CCBIO905 – Methods in Cancer Biomarker Research, September 27-29, 2022, a fully digital event in Zoom.

This course focuses on the full panel of standard and advanced methods with relevance for cancer biomarker research. The intention is to provide an understanding of the various methodologies and their application in basic and translational cancer research. The course further covers relevant topics like optimal sample collection and biobanking. Note also a keynote lecture by Klaus Pantel on ctDNA and CTCs in the evaluation of cancer treatment efficacy!

The thematic parts include methods ranging from basic techniques on nucleotides and proteins to more advanced approaches, as well as bioinformatics and biobanking. The course will focus on methods to study biomarkers in tissue samples, blood samples, circulating tumor cells and DNA, and other biologic materials. Methodologies like PCR techniques, microarray, next-generation sequencing, bioinformatics and artificial intelligence, immunohistochemistry, in situ hybridization, protein ligation assays, Western blot and ELISA, tissue microdissection and proteomics, flow cytometry, flow and imaging mass cytometry, and biobanking will be presented. Changes in nucleic acids and proteins in different settings will be discussed, as will the clinical applications.

Who: The course is open to researchers, postdocs, PhD students, master students, students enrolled in the Medical Student Research Program, and national and international students and researchers interested in the topic.
Place: Online on Zoom. Access links will be sent to the registered participants in due time.
When: September 27-29, 2022

Deadline for registration: September 1. Non-UiB students register through Søknadsweb, and UiB students register through Studentweb. Also possible to register for non-ECTS participation in this link if you don’t need the study points.

Program: Preliminary program is available through this link.

Organizers: Lars A. Akslen and Agnete Engelsen have the academic responsibility, and Ingeborg Winge ( is the course coordinator.

More information: on this website

Neuro-SysMed course NEUROSYSM930, Applied bioinformatics and data analysis in medical research, November 9-11, 2022, in Bergen.

We are happy to invite you to the coming Neuro-SysMed course this fall: NEUROSYSM930 – Applied bioinformatics and data analysis in medical research, November 9-11, 2022, at Campus UiB / Haukeland University Hospital. Note deadline September 1.

In this 3 credit course, you will learn to apply bioinformatics and data analysis in clinical research on human tissue. It will focus on practical aspects and methodological considerations that needed to be taken into account when dealing with human derived data, such as data sensitivity, limited sample sizes, sample misclassification, choice of appropriate statistical models, and covariates, and tissue heterogeneity. The course will be composed of seminars, lectures, and hands-on tutorials given by clinicians and researchers based on real-life scenarios.

Who: The course will be highly beneficial for all participants with an interest in bioinformatics, biology, medicine, or clinical research in general. It is open to researchers, postdocs, PhD students, master students, students enrolled in the Medical Student Research Program, and others interested in the topic. A basic knowledge of statistics is required. Familiarity with next-generation sequencing and a basic understanding of molecular biology and/or genetics are desirable.

Place: Campus UiB / Haukeland University Hospital, personal attendance.

When: November 9-11, 2022. Lunch will be provided.

Deadline for registration: September 1. Non-UiB students register through Søknadsweb, and UiB students register through Studentweb. If you don’t need the study points, you can register for non-ECTS participation through this link.

Program: not yet available, will be available through this link.

Organizers: Dr. Kim Brügger, Dr. Fiona Dick, Dr. Gonzalo Nido and Dr. Lilah Toker have the academic responsibility. Contact:

More information and pre-reading list: on this website

Workshop on Single Molecule-based Super-resolution Microscopy

Workshop on Single Molecule-based Super-resolution Microscopy: from Acquisition to Analysis, from Theory to Applications

Dear Colleagues,

Are you studying proteins or RNAs in the plasma membrane, cytoplasm, nucleus, endoplasmic reticulum, or mitochondria? Are you curious whether these molecules move freely or undergo confined movement, how fast and how far far they move, how they are dynamically arranged at nanoscale resolution in live cells, or how they change behavior after a pharmacological stimulation or in a disease model? If so, then you should not miss this workshop at the Department of Biomedicine at UiB.

The core facility for Single-Molecule Localization Microscopy (SMLM) located at the Department of Biomedicine (UiB) has recently been opened to all users. SMLM is a state-of-the-art technology, which dramatically improves spatial resolution over standard, diffraction-limited microscopy. Major biological insights have been made using this technology into the spatial and temporal organization of proteins and nucleic acids within subcellular compartments (such as nucleus, cytoplasm and plasma membrane) at nanoscale resolution. To help potential users become familiar with this cutting-edge technology, we will organize at least two workshops (1st in 2022, 2nd in 2023) addressing both theoretical and experimental considerations for SMLM, including fluorescent labeling, sample preparation, hardware requirements, image acquisition, analysis in live cells. Several outstanding scientists, who have developed novel labeling/acquisition/analysis for single molecule-based super-resolution imaging of protein or RNA, have confirmed their participation. This is a great opportunity to have a face-to-face interaction with these scientists, and bring your research questions and get inputs from them.

For detailed information, see here.

For registration (FREE), please follow this link.

Registration deadline: 24th August 2022.

We look forward to your attendance!

CCBIO course CCBIO905 – Methods in Cancer Biomarker Research

Dear all

We are happy to invite you to the coming CCBIO course this fall: CCBIO905 – Methods in Cancer Biomarker Research, September 27-29, 2022, as a fully digital event in Zoom.

This course focuses on the full panel of standard and advanced methods with relevance for cancer biomarker research. The intention is to provide an understanding of the various methodologies and their application in basic and translational cancer research. The course further covers relevant topics like optimal sample collection and biobanking.

The thematic parts include methods ranging from basic techniques on nucleotides and proteins to more advanced approaches, as well as bioinformatics and biobanking. The course will focus on methods to study biomarkers in tissue samples, blood samples, circulating tumor cells and DNA, and other biologic materials. Methodologies like PCR techniques, microarray, next-generation sequencing, bioinformatics and artificial intelligence, immunohistochemistry, in situ hybridization, protein ligation assays, Western blot and ELISA, tissue microdissection and proteomics, flow cytometry, flow and imaging mass cytometry, and biobanking will be presented. Changes in nucleic acids and proteins in different settings will be discussed, as will the clinical applications.

Who: The course is open to researchers, postdocs, PhD students, master students, students enrolled in the Medical Student Research Program, and national and international students and researchers interested in the topic.

Place: Online on Zoom. Access links will be sent to the registered participants in due time.

When: September 27-29, 2022

Deadline/registration: September 1 for non-UiB students (reg. through Søknadsweb), and September 1 for UiB students (reg. through Studentweb) as well as for registration for non-ECTS participation.

Program: Preliminary program is available through this link.

Organizers: Lars A. Akslen and Agnete Engelsen have the academic responsibility, and Ingeborg Winge ( is the course coordinator.

More information: on this website

Biblioteket tilbyr følgende kurs høsten 2022 – meld deg på!

  • Introduksjon til Endnote
  • Søkekurs i PubMed og Embase
  • Introduksjon til systematiske oversikter
  • Litteraturstudier for studenter

Kursene skal etter planen holdes som hybridløsning, hvor det er mulighet for å delta både fysisk og digitalt via Zoom. Kursene er fortrinnsvis for ansatte og stipendiater. De fleste studenter får bibliotekkurs som en del av sin studieplan. Dersom ikke det er tilfelle kan de melde seg på disse kursene. Det siste kurset er spesielt for studenter som vil vite mer om litteraturoppgaver, og som ikke har hatt eget kurs om det.

Kursdatoer, påmelding og mer informasjon finnes på

Innhold i kursene:

Introduksjon til EndNote: I kurset lærer du å bygge opp et EndNote-bibliotek og lage en referanseliste i Word. Kurset består av korte demonstrasjoner og praktiske øvelser. Kurset dekker: Lage et EndNote-bibliotek, importere referanser, manuell innlegging, lage grupper, finne fulltekst, sette inn referanser i en tekst, lage og formatere en litteraturliste.

Søkekurs i PubMed og Embase: Alle bruker PubMed, men med litt ekstra kunnskap kan du gjøre mer effektive søk. I kurset viser vi for eksempel hvordan du kan bruke emneordene MeSH, eller utnytte filtre i Clinical queries. Embase er den andre store medisinske artikkeldatabasen som dekker en del andre tidsskrifter enn PubMed/Medline. Embase er derfor et viktig supplement til PubMed.

Introduksjon til systematiske oversikter (systematic reviews): Kurset gir en introduksjon i temaet systematiske oversikter. Vi gjennomgår ulike databaser for å finne systematiske oversikter, og prosessen å selv utføre en systematisk oversikt som å skrive en protokoll, forberedelser til søking, tips og verktøy for datahåndtering og kvalitetsvurdering, og rapportering. Vi gir også informasjon om hvilken hjelp og støtte biblioteket kan gi i arbeidet med systematiske oversikter.

Litteraturstudier for studenter: Kurset er til studenter som skal skrive litteraturoppgave som bachelor- eller masteroppgave, og som ikke har fått eget kurs som del av studieprogrammet. Vi går gjennom prosessen i en litteraturoppgave. Kurset dekker forberedelsene til et litteratursøk, hvordan du skal arbeide deg gjennom alle treff og hvordan du skal dokumentere metodene. Vi ser på noen eksempler og svarer på spørsmål.