
«Writing Strategy Papers for H2020 WP and the next EU framework program”Horizon2020
Are you interested in Horizon 2020, the largest funding programme for research and innovation in Europe? Have you ever wondered where the European Commission gets their ideas from for the topics calls? Would you like to learn how to convince the EC that your research idea is the perfect material to be included in one of the work programmes? Then you should consider attending the workshop: «Writing Strategy Papers for H2020 working programs and the next EU framework program». The workshop will be lead by Kristof Vlaeminck, UiB´s expert in Brussels, in cooperation with the Division of Research Management (FA). 8-9 September, UiB. Deadline for registration is 29 August.

Skrivekurs for forskere „Skriv så du blir lest
Forskere, som er tilknyttet prosjekter og sentre med ekstern finansiering, for eksempel fra EUs forskningsprogrammer, Forskningsrådet, Bergen forskningsstiftelse og lignende, er prioritert. 21 September, UiB.

Regional tverrfagleg forskingskonferanse innan rehabilitering, 21. september 2016 i Bergen.
Invitasjon og program

Human Brain Project
Human Brain Project HBP Summit 2016 Its 4th Annual Summit will take place from 12 to 15 October in the vibrant city of Florence, Italy.

Selected Partnering Event “Meet for Life Sciences” with focus on Pharmaceuticals, Medical devices, Biology/Biotechnology & IT Applications for Health, 25-27 October 2016, Rome; Italy.

12th ORPHEUS Conference «PhD Training in Health Sciences and Biomedicine from the Interdisciplinary Perspective». May 4th-6th, 2017 in Klaipeda, Lithuania. Poster