UH-nett Vest (Universitets – og høgskolenettverket på Vestlandet). Utlysing av forskningsmidler. Nettverket har satt av 1 million kroner til å styrke forskningssamarbeidet mellom institusjonene i UHNV. Søknadsfrist er 20. oktober. Utlysningstekst med lenke til nettbasert søknadsskjema finner dere her: http://uhnettvest.no/sok-midler-til-forskningssamarbeid/
Forskningsstøtte fra Vita hjertego
«1 kr til hjertesaken» utlyser for 2017 opptil Kr. 600.000 fordelt på prosjekter innen forskning og andre forebyggende aktiviteter. Bevilgningen fordeles til ett eller flere prosjekter. Legg inn en kortfattet søknad her; http://www.mills.no/vita-hjertego/1-kr-hjertesaken/ Søknadsfrist: 28. oktober 2016.
Pasteurlegatet Av Pasteurlegatet skal det den 27. desember d.å. utdeles stipendium til norske vitenskapskvinner og -menn som akter å studere et emne vedrørende smittestoffene, kjemien eller gjæringsindustrien. Søknadsfrist 15. desember. Les mer om utlysningen her.
Horizon 2020 – several Calls
Selected H2020 deadlines 2016: European Research Council (ERC) Frontier research grants
MSCA-ITN: The Innovative Training Networks aim to train a new generation of creative, entrepreneurial and innovative early-stage researchers, able to face current and future challenges and to convert knowledge and ideas into products and services for economic and social benefit.
Deadline: 10 January 2017
Information meeting about the MSCA ITN call 2017; 20 October, RCN Oslo.
New Research and Innovation Staff Exchange (MSCA-RISE-2017): RISE gives support for mobility and exchanges of research and innovation staff, incl.managerial, technical and administrative staff between institutions in different sectors or with research institutions in countries outside of Europe. Planned opening date: 01 December 2016 Deadline: 5 April 2017
Horizon 2020 – Complementary Calls
b) Pre-announcement IMI 2 (Innovative Medicines Initiative 2) – Call 10:
- Understanding hypoglycaemia: the underlying mechanisms and addressing clinical determinants as well as consequences for people with diabetes by combining databases from clinical trials
- How big data could support better diagnosis and treatment outcomes for prostate cancer
- Improving the care of patients suffering from acute or chronic pain Creation of a pan-European paediatric clinical trials network
- Biomanufacturing 2020: Development of innovative high throughput analytical tools and methods to characterize cell culture fluid during development and commercial cell culture processes
- Unlocking the solute carrier gene-family for effective new therapies
- Enhanced patient voice in medicines lifecycle
- Precision medicines approaches in autism spectrum disorders
Deadline: call is scheduled for launch in autumn 2016
c) This is not a call but it is related to European Commission Scientific Committees and it is about Database of Experts. This database is open to scientists wishing to contribute to the work of the Scientific Committees on specific issues, on an ad hoc basis, as members of working groups or for scientific hearings and workshops. If interested, you can fill out the online application form, which is given on the above assigned webpage.
Read more (information and routines for application): http://www.uib.no/en/horizon2020
Andre aktuelle utlysninger finnes under punktet Forskning i menyen øverst.