Research Council of Norway (Forskningsrådet NFR):
National Node for International Neuroinformatics Coordinating Facility (INCF): A call for multinational research projects for pathway analysis across neurodegenerative diseases.
Deadline: 6 March 2017
NFR is planning a joint call of the four programs BEDREHELSE, HELSEVEL, KVINNEHELSE, BEHANDLING. One P.I. may submit one application only, i.e. will have to choose between the four programs.
BEHANDLING: NOK 150 million for research on diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation
KVINNEHELSE: Until 60 million to projects on women’s Health.
HELSEVEL: 80 million for research on health and welfare services.
BEDREHELSE: Up to 100 million to research for better Health
Deadline: 26 April
There will be an information meeting in Trondheim on the 14th of February. The meeting will be streamed.
Forskningsbasert innovasjon i regionene (FORREGION) (In Norwegian)
Invitasjon til skisse: Kapasitetsløft for å styrke kompetanse- og forskningstilbudet for næringslivet
Vi inviterer FoU-institusjoner til å levere skisse til prosjekter som styrker samarbeidet mellom forsknings- og utdanningsmiljøene og næringslivet og som gir næringslivet tilgang til relevant utdanning og forskning i sin region.
Utlysningen «Kapasitetsløft» legges ut i mai med søknadsfrist 6. september 2017 kl. 13.00
HELSEVEL announces four research-based evaluations in healthcare: Fritt behandlingsvalg, Omsorg 2020, Rituell omskjæring av gutter, Pakkeforløp for kreft.
Deadline: 15 March 2017
Bergens Forsknings Stiftelse (BFS)
Call for Medical Visualization proposals within the fields of medical imaging, image analysis and medical visualization. UiB and HUS are hereby jointly invited to nominate a maximum of five strong research collaborations for project funding.
Deadline: for pre-qualification 6 March. Application deadline 2 May 2017
Horizon 2020 – Complementary Calls:
COST Action: open Call – funding for research networks. Proposals should reflect the main characteristics of COST Actions, namely providing for knowledge sharing, creation and application, being open and output-oriented while aiming at strengthening the scientific and technological basis of the proposed topic(s).
Deadline: 7 September 2017
Preannouncement: Nordic Graduate Education Courses within register-based research: The aim is to support the next generation of researchers utilising data from Nordic registers in health and welfare research, by providing high-quality education and training as well as networking platforms.
Deadline: will be launched in the beginning of February 2017
2nd Joint Transnational Call for European Research Projects on Systems Medicine (ERACoSysMed). The central aim of ERACoSysMed is to enhance the implementation of Systems Biology approaches in medical concepts, research and practice throughout Europe and Israel by structuring, coordinating and integrating national efforts and investments.
Deadline: for pre-proposals 17 March 2017
Henning och Johan Throne-Holst stiftelse för främjande av vetenskaplig forskning
Henning och Johan Throne-Holsts stiftelse bildades 1976 genom en donation från Aktiebolaget Marabou. Stiftelsens syfte är att främja forskning inom human nutrition och näraliggande vetenskaper i Sverige och Norge. Detta mål vill styrelsen uppnå genom att bevilja tre olika typer av stipendier:
- Stipendier till nordiska disputerade forskare för postdoc studier vid ledande utländska forskningscentra
- Stipendier till forskarstuderande som behöver studera vid ett internationellt ledande centrum under en viss period av sin utbildning
- Gästforskarstipendier för att möjliggöra för internationellt ledande forskare att för en period arbeta i svenska eller norska forskargrupper
Stiftelsen delar årligen ut 1 – 2 miljoner SEK.
Frist: 1. mars