Funding for Cooperation in higher education

Utlysning av Norgesuniversitetets prosjektmidler 2018-2019.
UiB inviterer forskermiljø som er interessert i å søke prosjektmidler til søknadsseminar onsdag 30. august 2017 fra kl. 09.00 – 10.30. Vi minner om at frist for å sende inn søknad til Norgesuniversitetet er 20. oktober 2017. Rektor/universitetsdirektør er formell søker for prosjektmidlene, og skal i et følgeskriv kommentere hvert prosjekt med tanke på strategisk relevans i UiB sitt arbeid med digitalisering av utdanningene. Det er derfor satt en intern frist for innlevering av søknad 10. oktober 2017. UiB trenger å ha kjennskap til alle miljø som ønsker å søke om prosjektmidler, uavhengig av om de har mulighet til å møte på søkerseminaret 30.august. Fagmiljø som vurderer å søke støtte blir bedt om å ta kontakt med Bjørg Hildeskår,

NordForsk – Nordic Centre of Excellence – New learning and teaching environments and practices
NordForsk’s Education for Tomorrow is announcing NOK 25 million in funding for one Nordic Centre of Excellence (NCoE). The focus of the NCoE may be early childhood education and care, primary education or teacher education, or combinations of these contexts.
Deadline: 13 September 2017 (14:00)

Partnership Programme for North America
The program provides support for scientifically founded cooperation, aimed at long-term and institutional anchored cooperation relations with Canada and the United States
Deadline: 22 September 2017

Eurasia Programme
The Eurasia Programme supports project cooperation between institutions in Norway and Ukraine, Moldova, Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan.
Information webinar: 31 August 2017
Deadline: 22 September 2017 (15:00)

InternAbroad  (Link in Norwegian)
InternAbroad aims to facilitate increase use if internship mobility for students from Norway. This is the first call for this programme.
Information webinar: 31 August 2017
Deadline: 22 September 2017 (15:00)

UTFORSK Partnership Programme – two-year projects
The UTFORSK Partnership Programme supports project cooperation between higher education institutions in Norway and higher education institutions in Brazil, China, India, Japan, Russia and South Africa.
Information webinar: 25 April 2017
Deadline: 22 September 2017

Research and Innovation in the Educational Sector (FINNUT)

  • Announced: 72 million NOK for research project about and for the education sector (final call on 10 October 2017). Funding available for research projects that will contribute to the renewal of education research through international and interdisciplinary research cooperation.
    Deadline: 22 November 2017 (13:00)
  • Announced: 24 million NOK for young research talents about and for the education sector (final call on 10 October 2017). Funding available for young researchers with research projects that can contribute to the renewal and development of education research.  The program for cooperation on higher education with Russia provides support for cooperation between universities and colleges in Russia and Norway. (More information will be available on SIUs websites in August.)
    Deadline: 23 October 2017

Programme for coopeation on higher education with Russia (Russlandsprogrammet)
Deadline: 22 November 2017 (13:00)