
  • Bergen Stem Cell Consortium (BSCC) 3rd Annual Meeting, Zander K Hotel, Bergen, 4-5 September. Program includes talks about mesenchymal stem cells, bone regeneration and IPSCs. You can see the detailed program here. Registration deadline: 31st of August. Registration at: Inquiries to:
  • Methodologies for Digital Life – Focus on Metabolic Systems, 6. October at Hotel Terminus, Bergen. The meeting is open and free to attend.

    We already have an interesting list of speakers:
    Bernhard Palsson will give the Volterra Lecture – Palsson (UCSD) is known for his work on global scale metabolic models of microorganisms as well as human, mouse, cell models and in relation to disease.
    Peter Ruoff – «The Kinetics of Biological Control» – Ruoff’s research is focused towards understanding the molecular mechanisms of homeostatic control, adaptation and decisions in metabolic pathways and circadian clocks.
    Eivind Almaas – «RAMP – a method for handling uncertain data in genome-scale modeling»
    Jon Olav Vik – «Foundations of the Digital Salmon: constraint-based reconstruction and analysis»
    Nello Blaser – «Model reduction under parameter uncertainty»

    We are open for additional contributions, both oral and posters! Registration and abstract submission:

  • 4. JPI HDHL-konferansen, 1. desember 2017, Brüssel: Konferansen skal samle ulike interessenter innenfor mat, ernæring og helse for å stimulere til dialog. JPI HDHL vil ha større samfunnseffekter av mat- og helseforskningen. Les mer om konferansen på nettsiden til JPI HDHL. Konferansenettside med program og påmelding finner du her.