New Research funding announcements

Nansenfondet og de dermed forbundne fond 2018

Nansenfondenes formål er å fremme vitenskapelig forskning innen ulike fagområder. I samsvar med de enkelte fonds statutter kan det tildeles midler til blant annet drift, forskningsutstyr, faglige reiser og vitenskapelig assistanse. Innen realfag og medisin prioriteres vanligvis støtte til drift og mindre utstyrsenheter. Bidrag gis etter søknad. Les mer her.  Søknadsfrist: 15. januar 2018

Societal Challenges (SC): Collaborative breakthrough research and radical innovation

SC2-2018: Food security SFS-16-2018 Towards healthier and sustainable food (Two-stage)
Deadline: 13 February

Pre-announcement BEDREHELSE:
Until 150 million NOK to environmental support for research towards better public health.
BEHANDLING 115 million NOK for applications in intervention studies that combine clinical data with health data in existing registries and / or biobanks will be prioritized.
100 million NOK for applications in the width of the program plan, but the announcement will describe some themes and issues that will be given special priority.
Deadline: 25 April 2018

Save the date! Haukeland, in collaboration with NFR and UiB, will arrange a seminar for the health programs on Wednesday, February 7, 2018 in the Bikuben, Bergen. NFR will inform about the calls under the programs BEDREHELSE, BEHANDLING and HELSEVEL, with application deadline in April 2018. More information will come later.