Ny doktorgrad
Sara Maria Mathisen disputerte den 11. januar med avhandlingen “Risk factors influencing long-term survival and nursing home placement in stroke survivors and patients with carotid stenosis”.
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Kommende disputas
Eivind Sirnes
Hovedveileder: Førsteamanuensis Stein Magnus Aukland
Medveiledere: Professor Irene Bircow Elgen, førsteamanuensis Hilde Stokvold Gundersen og ph.d. Silja Torvik Griffiths
Prøveforelesning: Fredag 2. februar 2018 kl. 10.15
Sted: Auditorium 4, BB-bygget, Jonas Lies vei 91
Oppgitt emne: “Tiltak og behandling av barn med FASD. Hva har forskningen vist kan ha effekt?”
Disputas: Fredag 2. februar 2018 kl. 12.15
Sted: Auditorium 4, BB-bygget, Jonas Lies vei 91
Avhandlingens tittel: “Cerebral magnetic resonance imaging in children with prenatal drug exposure. Structural and functional aspects of the opioid-exposed brain”
1. opponent: Professor Jon Skranes, Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
2. opponent: Ph.d. Gabrielle Welle-Strand, Helsedirektoratet
3. medlem av komiteen: Professor Jarle Rørvik, Universitetet i Bergen
Disputasen blir ledet av professor II Ansgar Espeland.
Åpent for alle interesserte
Ph.d- course
CCBIO904 course: Biomarkers and tumorbiology in clinical practice
We are happy to announce the date for the next CCBIO904 course, titled Biomarkers and tumorbiology in clinical practice, April 23-25 2018. This is a highly recommended course for students who do cancer research. CCBIO904 covers tumorbiological aspects important for the understanding of why cancer develops and which mechanisms are important for tumor growth, metastases and morbidity in patients.
CCBIO904 is a 4 ECTS credits PhD course within CCBIO’s Research School for Cancer Studies (RSCS). The course is primarily intended for PhD candidates who are affiliated with the Centre for Cancer Biomarkers (CCBIO), but is also open to other students, researchers and students attending the designated Medical Student Research Program (forskerlinjen). The course has no fee, and lunch is included. Feel free to circulate this information to others you think might be interested.
Read more here. Also see preliminary program.
Registration: Deadline is March 23rd, but make sure to register early because of limited seats. Use this registration link.