Nye doktorgrad
Sanjeevan Sriskandarajah disputerte i dag den 16. februar med avhandlingen “ANCA-associated glomerulonephritis. Prognostic factors and outcome in a Norwegian cohort”.
Vi gratulerer!
Kommende disputaser
Tor Audun Klingen
Kandidaten utgår fra Klinisk institutt 1
Hovedveileder: Professor Lars A. Akslen
Medveileder: Førsteamanuensis II Elisabeth Wiik
Prøveforelesning: Tirsdag 20. februar 2018 kl. 09.15
Sted: Auditorium, Armauer Hansens Hus, Haukelandsveien 28
Oppgitt emne: “Prognostiske og prediktive parametre for brystkreft 2018 – en oppdatering”
Disputas: Tirsdag 20. februar 2018 kl. 11.15
Sted: Auditorium, Armauer Hansens Hus, Haukelandsveien 28
Avhandlingens tittel: “Vascular invasion by tumor cells, and other prognostic factors in a population-based breast cancer study”
- opponent: Professor Tibor Tot, Uppsala Universitet, Sverige
- opponent: Professor Ben Davidson, Universitetet i Oslo
- medlem av komiteen: Professor Helge Wiig, Universitetet i Bergen
Disputasen blir ledet av professor II Olav Vintermyr.
Åpent for alle interesserte.
PhD course
CCBIO904 – Biomarkers and tumorbiology in clinical practice
Now you have the chance to participate in the 4 credits CCBIO Research School Course CCBIO904, which is highly recommended for students who do cancer research. CCBIO904 covers tumorbiological aspects important for the understanding of why cancer develops and which mechanisms are important for tumor growth, metastases and morbidity in patients. Read more here.
When and where
April 23-25 2018, 09.00-15.50 each day.
Monday April 23rd: Olav’s hall («Olavssalen», the auditorium in «Gamle Hovedbygg»)
Tuesday April 24th: Room B306, Hospital main building (Sentralblokken)
Wednesday April 25th: Olav’s hall («Olavssalen», the auditorium in «Gamle Hovedbygg»)
Lunch is included (free).
Please register through this link within March 23rd (but note that registration will be closed earlier if fully booked.)
Network luncheon
The Postgraduate School of Clinical Medicine is preparing a new Network Luncheon for all PhD fellows and researchers at K1 and K2 departments.
Now is the time to sign up as a presenter, if you would like to present your latest results, engage in discussion with other PhD students and practice your presentation skills.
The upcoming Network Luncheon will take place;
Tuesday February 27, in Konferanserom of BBB (in front of auditoriums 2 and 4), from 11:30-13:00.
Registration link: https://skjemaker.app.uib.no/view.php?id=4564249
Take a break from your daily lab-routine and enjoy a free lunch, socialize and hear talks from fellow PhD students, and on top of all that, earn one ECTS point!
If you would like to earn one ECTS (http://www.uib.no/en/course/FSKLI901) , please contact Irene.hjelmaas@uib.no
Feel free to contact me
with any questions you may have!
Looking forward to see you
Irene and Yasaman