
Ny doktorgrad

Øystein Vesterli Tveiten disputerte den 7. mai med avhandlingen: «Long-term Quality of Life and symptoms in patients with vestibular schwannoma».

Gratulerer med gjennomført disputas!


Midtveisevalueringer våren 2019


Onsdag 22. mai, på rom 7.1 og 7.2, 7. etasje labbygget


Foto: colourbox


PhD course: BMED904 Matrix Biology, Cell Biology and Physiology of the Extracellular Matrix


Final program is now available for the course BMED904 Matrix Biology, Cell Biology and Physiology of the Extracellular Matrix. This 3 ECTS course is organized by the Bergen Biomedical Research School (BBRS) and the CCBIO Research School for Cancer Studies (RSCS). We still have room for more participants.

Note that although the complete course is a Research School event, the individual lectures are open to everyone interested, also other staff, visitors and students. Just write in the registration that you will be participating in selected lectures (and which they are).

When: June 3-7, 2019
Where: BB-building, Jonas Lies vei 91, Bergen

Program: final program here.
Website: see more information here.

Questions: Please contact Marion Kusche-Gullberg: or Margarethe Bittins: