Dear all,
Winter Is Coming!
…and with it, the 56th Winter Contact meeting of the Norwegian Biochemical Society (NBS).
For the first time, it will take place at the Park Hotel Vossevangen in Voss, from January 23rd to 26th, 2020. Registration and Abstract submission are now OPEN. We provide reduced prices for Master and PhD students. All prices include registration fee, hotel room and all meals – including the banquet dinner. The board of the NBS Bergen branch is organizing the meeting and we are happy to present a program with highly recognized international speakers, including the EMBO Keynote lecture that will open the meeting. Poster sessions and parallel mini symposia will cover all areas of biological, biochemical, biomedical and bioinformatical research. These provide opportunities to present your exciting new results, projects or infrastructures of national interest. The Annual Contact Meeting is a great opportunity to meet your colleagues, network, share and present your data, and get inspired for the next decisive experiment. There will also be the possibility for skiing and using the brand new Voss Gondol :).
You find more information in this flyer and on the homepage:
See you all in Voss!
Best regards
The organizing committee, NBS Bergen

Photo: Svein Ulvund