Invitation to Research Infrastructure Network Meeting

Dear Colleagues,

We are pleased to invite you to our first digital gathering for the informal Research Infrastructure Network at the University of Bergen.

The network is initiated by a core group of three persons at different faculties (Hiwa Målen/SVFA, Susanna Pakkasmaa/MATNAT & Jorunn Viken/PSYKF), to share experiences, information, best practices and the like, and the potential members will be people working hands-on with research infrastructures.

Please see the agenda for our first digital gathering, that will take place on Tuesday 19 May, between 13:00-14:30.

The purpose of the RI network by the core coordinating team.
RI status at the University of Bergen by Anne Fjellbirkeland. (Anne Fjellbirkeland works in the Division of Research and Innovation at UiB. She provides support to Research Infrastructure (RI) initiatives and to implementation of UiB RI-policy. She holds a PhD in molecular biology from University of Bergen.)
Perspectives from the Research Council of Norway by Christine Daae Olseng. (Olseng is special advisor at the Department of Research infrastructure in The Research Council of Norway (RCN). She is responsible for the follow up of the Norwegian node of the European Marine Biology Resource Center (EMBRC) from RCN side and Norwegian member EMBRC ERIC General Assembly. Her academic background is marine biology (MSc) from the University of Oslo.)
Perspectives from the European Research Infrastructure Consortium by Nicolas Pade. (Dr. Pade is the Executive Director of the European Research Infrastructure EMBRC-ERIC, European Marine Biology Resource Center, based in the EMBRC-ERIC headquarters in Paris. He holds a PhD in Molecular and Spatial Ecology from University of Aberdeen, and has been involved in EMBRC since 2011.)

Date: 19. May cl. 13:00-14:30.
Venue: Virtuell meeting – Zoom

Meeting URL:
Meeting ID: 673 5326 8795
Password: 9D@CU?Mi