Viking Olov Björk’s scholarship supports research in the intersection between medical technology and its close to clinical applications. This covers research and development within such areas as tissue engineering, nanotechnology or biomaterial research.
The scholarship is to be given to a young researcher at a Nordic university who has shown scientific skills in the field and shown aptitude for leadership within the scientific field supported by the scholarship.
The scholarship proceeds should be used to finance the recipient’s costs for a longer visit to a high ranking international research institute. The visit shall be commenced within a year after the funding.
Researcher with employment at, or other similar strong collaborative link with Uppsala University shall prevail. Such link requires a well witnessed, and the year before application established collaboration in a research project that has Uppsala University as principal organization.
Application shall be written in English and includes CV, research plan for the project expected to be carried through at the foreign institute, certificate from the foreign site confirming access to and availability of resources, statement from tutor/similar at the own Nordic university, and finally budget for the stay abroad.
A brief written travelogue shall be sent to the Office for Medicine and Pharmacy within six months after return from the stay abroad.
Full applications received by the Office for Medicine and Pharmacy in a digital form under the address not later than September 30, 2020 are considered. The application shall be submitted in the form of one single pdf file. Mark the application mail subject line ”Viking Olov Björk’s scholarship”.