Forespørsel om masteroppgaver til masterprogrammet i global helse

Masterprogrammet i global helse har i høst fått nesten dobbelt så mange studenter som vi hadde plasser til og er dimensjonert for. Vi håper derfor at det finnes forskere på andre institutt på fakultetet som kan tenke seg å veilede en motivert masterstudent, f.eks. på en litteraturoppgave knyttet til et tema som veileder jobber med, men i et lavinntektslandsperspektiv.

Her er litt informasjon om masteroppgavene og opplegget rundt:

The Master Programme in Global Health has two Master Thesis options, one 60 ECTS Master’s thesis and one 30 ECTS credit thesis combined with an internship of 30 ECTS credits. We therefore invite you to contribute with project proposals for the 60 ECTS thesis and/or 30 ECTS thesis. Considering the current travel restrictions related to the pandemic we expect that it may be difficult for students to do fieldwork abroad. Thus, a literature review or analysis of existing data are alternatives that can be considered for both options.

Project proposals can be sent to Ingvild Sandøy ( within 22 October 2021 (see template here).

What will you be expected to do if you become the supervisor of a master student in Global Health?
• Assist the student in developing a proposal
• Evaluate the proposal and grade it as pass/fail before submission. Submission deadline is 20.05.22. (There is a simple online evaluation form which you will submit with the thesis).
• Apply for ethical clearance together with the student, if needed
• Supervise the student on data collection/acquisition, data analysis and writing of a thesis
• Support the student in the preparation of presentations for two research seminars (one in the first year about the proposal and one in the second year about the findings) and be present at these two research seminars
• Assess whether the thesis is acceptable for submission
• Find an internal and external examiner to evaluate the thesis

See the general expectations to supervisors of master students at the Faculty of Medicine:

All external supervisors who supervise a master student in Global Health for the first time will be offered the opportunity to co-supervise the student together with a CIH researcher.

Peer review seminars to reduce the need for individual supervision
In order to better support the students in the development of their proposal and their thesis, we will from this year be organizing seminars where students will be required to present their texts for each others and receive and give peer review. There will be three seminars on 09.03.22, 20.04.22, 04.05.22 about the different parts of the proposal in the spring semester and we are also planning thesis writing support and peer review seminars in the spring semester of the students´ second year.

Interest in attending a course for supervisors?
Since we expect that it may be safer for many of the students to plan a literature review rather than fieldwork next year, we plan to organize a 1-2 day course in systematic reviews or scoping reviews to make it easier for you to supervise such thesis.

Best regards,
On behalf of the Programme Committee

Ingvild Fossgard Sandøy