The UiB University Library continues its popular webinar series on the principles of Open Science in autumn 2022. Open science is a research practice where processes and results are openly available under conditions that promotes sharing, use, cooperation, and societal responsibility.
Starting Friday August 19th at 10:00 CET, the Open Science webinar series will take place every other week during the autumn semester. Please follow the links for more information and to sign up for the webinars. We are looking forward to seeing you!
The UiB University Library and its Digital Lab offer a wide range of interesting courses and events – please find more information in the calendar.
Data management Plans
Data management plan (DMP) describes how data in a research project will be collected, processed, and made available. Writing a DMP is good scientific practice which helps structuring the data management in a research project and a requirement by research funders, e.g. The Norwegian Research Council or Horizon Europe. See also our information page UiB Library – Data Management Plans.
- August 19th 10:00-11:00 CET: Introduction to Data Management Plans (in Norwegian)
- September 30th, 10:00-14:00 CET: Data Management Plan Workshop
Following an introduction to data management plans, you will be able to work on your own DMP and receive feedback. - November 25th, 10:00-11:00 CET: Introduction to Data Management Plans
How to make your data open & FAIR
Researchers are encouraged to make their data openly available as early as possible in the research process, and most funders, e.g. Norwegian Research Council or Horizon Europe, and publishers require that the research data from a project is made openly available. In the course you will get an introduction to how you can make your research data open and FAIR, and how to archive your data in our institutional archive UiB Open Research Data. See also our information page UiB Library – Open Access to Research Data.
- September 2nd, 10:00-11:00 CET: How to make your data open & FAIR
- December 9th, 10:00-11:00 CET: How to make your data open & FAIR (in Norwegian)
Open Access publishing step-by-step
Governments, institutions, and research funders expect researchers to make their research openly available. What is open access, why should you make your research publications openly available and what services and support is available at UiB? See also our information page: UiB Library – Open Access Publishing
- September 16th, 10:00-10:45 CET: Open Access publishing step-by-step
Make your research visible using researcher profiles
Having a researcher profile is a great way to showcase contributions to your field and open science engagement. This seminar will demonstrate how to use ORCID and other researcher profiles to showcase your work. See also MittUiB online course UBB103 Profiles and Publishing Statistics and our information page UiB Library – Bibliometric services and analysis.
- October 14th, 10:00-10:45 CET: Make your research visible using researcher profiles
Open Access Week
Open Access Week is an annual scholarly communication event focusing on open access and related topics. The national Norwegian program is the result of a collaboration between UiB and several other institutions and infrastructures. Stay tuned!
- October 24th-28th: Open Access Week 2022
Finding & reusing research data
Reusing published research data can open new avenues of research and avoids unnecessary duplication of efforts. The webinar will give an introduction to FAIR research data as a resource, explain data citation, and demonstrate strategies to efficiently discover datasets in your discipline.
- November 11th, 10:00-11:00 CET: Finding & reusing research data