Course: Professor Laura Saetveit Miles on Academic Writing as Networking

Teacher Laura Saetveit Miles, professor in English literature, renowned lecturer in career development and academic professionalization. Photo: Laura Saetveit Miles

For some, it can feel very isolating to do research and writing. Or for others, it can be very social, with writing sessions or co-authors. What does it mean to think of academic writing as a form of academic networking?

This seminar will tackle the challenges and opportunities that come with writing alongside/with others, whether socially as friends and colleagues, or scientifically as co-authors, etc. We will discuss how you can strengthen your local, national and international research networks through innovative ways of approaching your writing process.

Appropriate for researchers at all stages of career.

When and where

31.10.2024 – 10.15–12.00
Sydneshaugen skole Auditorium Q

Read more: Professor Laura Saetveit Miles on Academic Writing as Networking | UiB Ferd Career Center for Early Stage Researchers | UiB