At the University, meeting strategic and externally given goals and policies is a central part of the work of leadership and decision-making bodies. Their priorities have consequences for the organization as a whole – and you as a researcher. In this course, we are lifting the curtain to show you a glimpse of what is going on «behind the scenes». You’ll get to know how this complex system works, why it is designed the way it is, how performance is measured, and how you can work both with it and in it.
Course objective
Participants will be able to engage in a debate on how to best facilitate high quality and high international visibility of UiB’s research and education, having gained the following learning outcomes:
29.10.2024 – 09.00–12.00
Nygårdsgaten 5 (NG5)
Read more and register here: The how and why of UiB – and why it matters to you | UiB Ferd Career Center for Early Stage Researchers | UiB