
Kommende disputaser

Georg Bollig
Main supervisor:  Professor Jan Henrik Rosland Co-supervisors: Professor Eva Gjengedal and Professor Andreas Heller

 Versjon 2

Trial lecture:  Monday 13 February 2017 at 10.15
Place: Large Auditorium, Main Building, Haukeland Universitetssykehus, Jonas Lies vei 65
Topic: “Every day ethical issues in nursing homes: National and international models of deliberation and barriers for implementation”

Defence:         Monday 13 February 2017 at 12.15
Place: Large Auditorium, Main Building, Haukeland Universitetssykehus, Jonas Lies vei 65
Dissertation: “Ethical challenges, decision-making and end-of-life care in nursing homes”

  • 1st opponent: Associate professor Katharina Heimerl, Alpen-Adria Universität, Klagenfurt, Austria
  • 2nd opponent: ssociate professor II Helge Garåsen, The Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU)
  • 3rd member of the Committee: Professor Jorunn Drageset, University of Bergen

The defence will be led by Professor emeritus Arne Skarstein.

The public is invited


Network Luncheons spring semester 2017

Dear PhD students,
This semester, the Network Luncheons will take place on the following dates, from 11:30-13:00, in the Konferanserom of BB-bygget:

Wednesday   22nd Febr 2017
Tuesday   4th Apr 2017
Tuesday   30th May 2017

And we would appreciate your active participation, as speakers, for these meetings!

Apart from the opportunity to practice your presentation skills, the Network Luncheons allow you to expand your network and learn about other research fields than your own. The short discussion afterwards is meant to give you, as presenter, a broader perspective on your research, when others engage you with fruitful comments and questions. It’s the perfect opportunity to practice a presentation you are planning to give at a conference!

Best of all, you accumulate 1 ECTS point if you attend 3 luncheons and present your work in one of them, during two semesters.

Those of you who wish to present in any of the 3 meetings this semester, please contact me ( as soon as possible, for a timely organisation. Most importantly, these network luncheons are open for all those interested to attend, so feel free to bring a lab mate ora friend from the neighbouring lab!

See you there,

Ileana Cristea, PhD candidate
Bergen Ophtalmogenetic Research Group
Department of Clinical Medicine, University of Bergen