Helse Vest sine strategiske midlar til samhandlingsforskning
Det regionale samarbeidsorganet mellom Helse Vest, Universitetet i Bergen og Universitetet i Stavanger har lyst ut Helse Vest sine strategiske midlar til samhandlingsforsking.
Søknadsfrist: 30. november kl. 16:00
Utlysingstekst, vurderingskriterium, søknadsskjema m.m. er tilgjengelig her.
Nord Forsk:
Pre-announcement: New instrument for Nordic university cooperation to be launched late 2016. The overall goal of the new funding instrument is to strengthen international competitiveness and facilitate the development of world leading research environments in the Nordic region.
The European & Developing Countries Clinical Trials Partnership (EDCTP)
Proposals are invited for the following topics:
- Vaccines for poverty-related diseases (PRDs)
- Strategic actions supporting large-scale clinical trials
- Deadline: 29 October 2016
- Ethics and regulatory capacities
Deadline: 22 November 2016
Mills Vita Hjertego
Mills announces the third call for applications of the «Vita hjertego'» fund for research and prevention of heart diseases. Research on heart friendly diets will be prioritized.
Deadline: 28 October 2016
The Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson’s Research
The Michael J. Fox Foundation works tirelessly to accelerate promising research toward breakthroughs for Parkinson’s patients. Foundation is now accepting applications for 2016 funding through its three core grant programs.
Deadline: Full Proposal Invitations December 2016
WUN (Worldwide Universities Network)
Call for 2016 Research Development Fund (RDF). The RDF offers grants of up to £12,000 to foster partnership in the network, and support research collaborations in the follow WUN Global Challenge non-communicable disease – focusing in the 2016 round on a life course approach to healthy ageing; health of migrants; the resilience of adolescents and health workers in different cultural contexts; and schools as a setting for reducing risk factors associated with NCDs. Info from UiB.
Deadline: 28 October 2016
Bill & Melinda Gates foundation: Global Grand Challenges list two relevant calls:
- Accelerate Development of New Therapies for Childhood Cryptosporidium Infection is soliciting new tools and technologies that have potential i) to overcome the technical barriers in working with Cryptosporidium ii) to improve our ability to develop and translate active compounds into effective therapies for treatment of pediatric cryptosporidiosis.
Deadline: 9 November 2016 - Develop Novel Platforms to Accelerate Contraceptive Drug Discovery is soliciting concepts for contraceptive discovery platforms that can contribute to development of new safe and effective methods suitable for women or men living in limited resource settings for long-term regular use, in the form of injectables, implants, or regular oral contraception.
Deadline: 9 November 2016
The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK):
Inbound Research Mobility Scheme for 2016-17. The programme supports inbound visiting scholars from overseas universities to undertake short-term research visits of up to two weeks at CUHK. Researchers holding full-time employment from all disciplines in overseas universities and institutions are welcome to apply.
Deadline: 15 November 2016
Corbel 1st Open Call for research projects
The integration of several specialist services and technologies such as biobanking, curated databases, systems biology, mouse mutant phenotyping and so on of more than 15 CORBEL partner institutes will be made accessible to interested scientists. Successful applicants will have the unique opportunity to access multiple research infrastructures with just one application. Available services are grouped into four different Access Tracks:
- Genotype-to-Phenotype analysis
- Pharmacology for safer drugs/ chemical products
- Structure-function analysis of large protein complexes
- Marine Metazoan Developmental Models
Deadline: 30 November 2016
Research Council of Norway (Forskningsrådet NFR):
- Research Program on Welfare, Working Life and Migration (VAM): International migration and the prerequisites for the welfare and working life model.
Call for researcher projects that study various aspects of the prerequisites for the welfare and working life model in light of societal changes related to migration, socioeconomic differences and greater diversity.
Deadline: 23 November 2016 - User-identified research on CFS/ME (BEHOV-ME): will fund research under the topic of chronic fatigue syndrome / myalgic encephalomyelitis (CFS / ME).
This instrument aims to initiate research projects in areas that particularly sought by users of health services. The goal is to exploit research findings in the service within relatively short term.
Deadline: 23 November 2016 - The Norwegian Seafood Research Fund (FHF) funds research on marine protein to ensure that marine resources are used optimally. Documenting the potential health effects of marine raw materials is therefore essential. This is a call for research on effects of and causal relationships between consumption of marine protein and health.
Deadline: 23 November 2016 - User-identified research on CFS/ME (BEHOV-ME) scheme will provide funding for research on chronic fatigue syndrome/myalgic encephalomyelitis (CFS/ME). The Research Council is introducing a new funding instrument for user-identified research in areas that users of health care services have identified as particularly pressing. The following areas are in need of more reserach: a)causes b)treatment c)mapping, development and prognosis and d)public services and follow up.
This call for proposals is the first phase of a two-phase application process.
Deadline: 23 November 2016 - Preliminary Announcement: ERA-NET TRANSCAN-2 will launch the Joint Transnational Call for research proposals (JTC 2016) in December 2016 and the topic of the call will be:“Minimally and non-invasive methods for early detection and/or progression of cancer”. That includes: screening of the general population, risk stratification, surveillance of high risk groups, minimally invasive methods.
Deadline: Pre-proposals: 13 February 2017 - Preliminary Announcement: ERA-NET EuroNanoMed III cofund announcement shall promote cooperation between research groups and industry in Europe in the field of nanomedicine. EuroNanoMedIII støtter prosjektforslag som kombinerer innovativ forskning innen grunnleggende, klinisk og industriell nanomedisin.EuroNanoMedIII supports projects that combine innovative research in basic, clinical and industrial nanomedicine. The full call will be published on 14 November. The announcement will have three themes:• Regenerative medicine • Regenerative Medicine • Diagnostics • Diagnostics • Targeted delivery systems • Targeted delivery systems
Deadlines: first stage 16 January 2017 (second stage 9 June 2017)
Horizon 2020
European Research Council (ERC) Frontier research grants
- Pre-announcement: Consolidator Grant: are designed to support excellent Principal Investigators at the career stage at which they may still be consolidating their own independent research team or programme.
Deadline: opening 20 October 2016; deadline 9 February 2017.
Marie Sklodovska-Curie Actions (MSCA) Excellent and innovative research training plus attractive career and knowledge-exchange opportunities through cross-border and cross-sector mobility, no thematic priorities.
- MSCA-ITN: The Innovative Training Networks aim to train a new generation of creative, entrepreneurial and innovative early-stage researchers, able to face current and future challenges and to convert knowledge and ideas into products and services for economic and social benefit.
Deadline: 10 January 2017 - Research and Innovation Staff Exchange (MSCA-RISE-2017): RISE gives support for mobility and exchanges of research and innovation staff, incl.managerial, technical and administrative staff between institutions in different sectors or with research institutions in countries outside of Europe.
Planned opening date: 01 December 2016
Deadline: 5 April 2017
Societal Challenges (SC): Collaborative breakthrough research and radical innovation
SC1-2017 Health, demographic change and wellbeing:
The headline goal of the programme ‘Health, Demographic Change and Wellbeing’ is better health for all. Its main policy objectives are to improve health and wellbeing outcomes, to promote healthy and active ageing, to promote market growth, job creation, and the EU as a global leader in the health area.
Personalised medicine, single-stage
- SC1-PM-15_2017: Personalised coaching for well-being and care of people as they age
Deadline: 31 January 2017
- SC1-PM-17-2017: Personalised computer models and in-silico systems for well-being
- SC1-PM-16-2017: In-silico trials for developing and assessing biomedical products
- SC1-PM-19-2017: PPI for uptake of standards for the exchange of digitalised healthcare records
Deadline: 14 March 2017 - SC1-PM-03-2017: Diagnostic characterisation of rare diseases
- SC1-PM-20-2017: Methods research for improved health economic evaluation
- SC1-PM-11-2016-2017: Clinical research on regenerative medicine
- SC1-HCO-03-2017: Implementing the Strategic Research Agenda on Personalised Medicine
- SC1-HCO-07-2017: Global Alliance for Chronic Diseases (GACD)
- SC1-HCO-08-2017: Actions to bridge the divide in European health research and innovation
Deadline: 11 April 2017
Important! Please contact Corina Guder (FA) or Faculty advisers Ramune Midttveit, Itana Sloper-Krivokapic. We urge you to start your proposal preparation work as early as possible. Advisors are at your disposal if you require assistance with topic interpretation, eligibility conditions, consortium building and other proposal preparation activities.
PES (Project establishment support) and POS (posisjoneringsmidler) for Horizon2020 applicants (Norges Forskningsråd/UiB): open-ended during Horizon2020 Call period. You can apply for PES support by filling in PES application form (which is given on the above linked page) and sending it to Kristin.Hansen@uib.no.
On the following page the local contact points are listed where every call has a responsible research advisor. You can contact them or faculty advisors, Ramune Midttveit, Itana Sloper-Krivokapic.