Funding for Cooperation in higher education

Announcement of student grants at Regional Centre for Child and Youth Mental Health and Child Welfare (RKBU) (a part of Uni Research Health)
RKBU offers three student scholarships to students from UiB, UiS or HVL who wants to work on specific research questions within the field of child and youth mental health. In order to qualify for scholarships the research project must have a scope equivalent of a elective/term paper in a master’s study, or the mandatory papers in medicine or psychology, and must have a research project leader as supervisor. Each scholarship is NOK 30.000, which is equivalent of six weeks fulltime work or 12 weeks part-time work. It is also possible to apply for halv a scholarship (NOK 15.000). The scholarships must be connected to research projects at RKBU.
For more information please contact RKBU West by Head of Administration Cecilie Fjellbakk (55 58 84 22 /, or Senior Executive Officer Monica Berge (55 58 41 39 /
Deadline: 1 April 2017

Ja, takk begge deler! Hvordan bruke EU programmene til din strategiske fordel? Seminar i Brussel 3-4 mai
The Norwegian Contact Office for Research, Innovation and Education in Brussels is holding a seminar on the Horizon 2020 and Erasmus +. Here they want to focus particularly on Marie Sklodowska Curie Actions and Erasmus+, on how these programmes can be used strategically, and how to see links and synergies between them. The target group for the seminar is Norwegian higher education institutions and preferably someone who works with strategic management and internationalization of research and education. Active participation of those involved in the seminar is expected.
When: 3-4 May 2017
Click here to register
Registration deadline: 5 April 2017