Section for Research and Innovation at Helse Bergen organises a two-day application writing workshop for potential applicants to Marie Curie Individual Fellowships program (MSCA IF).
MSCA IF is a great opportunity to employ a foreign postdoctoral fellow in your research group for up to 2 years. More information is in the one-pager enclosed. If you are interested in becoming a supervisor, you can send the one-pager to your international collaborators in order to find a relevant candidate.
The workshop’s aim is to train fellowship candidates to successfully apply for MSCA-IF with Helse Bergen as the host institution. During this visit, candidates will get advice on how to write a good application, get to know their potential host research group and start forming the project proposal together with their supervisor. The workshop is free for participants, and Helse Bergen will cover stay and travel expenses for the fellowship candidates.
Date: 12-13 June 2018, 8:00-16:00
Place: Finstue, Bikuben, Haukeland University Hospital
Registration deadline: 1st of June 2018. To register, please follow this link.
For any questions please contact Lilit Mailyan,