Welcome to Open Access Week 2021!
In collaboration with several Norwegian academic libraries, RDA (Research Data Alliance) Norway and ELIXIR Norway, Bergen University Library presents a series of events with topics related to open publishing, open science and data sharing. Most events are digital and are open to anyone interested.
The webinars before lunch are part of a collaboration between UiB, UiT, HVL, UiS, NTNU, USN, INN, and UiO, and you can find more information and sign up for the individual webinars by clicking the links or see here.
The webinars after lunch are local (UiB) and you can sign up for all the local webinars here. You only need to register once if you plan to participate in several local webinars.
For more information and full program: https://www.uib.no/en/ub/148110/open-access-week-2021
Monday 25th of October:
10:00-11:30 Open Science is the new normal (NFR/Horizon Europe)
13:00-13:45 Open Science Support services at the UiB Library
14:00-15:00 Making Open Science visible: Researcher profiles and CV statistics
Tuesday 26th of October:
10:00-11:30 Lisenser for deling og gjenbruk av forskningsdata (in Norwegian)
13:00-16:00 DMP workshop (physical)
Wednesday 27th of October:
10:00-11:30 How to share qualitative data: videos and interviews
10:00-11:00 Get your ducks in a row – steps to consider for sharing of sensitive data (including human genetic data)
13:00-13:30 Open and FAIR data – what, why and how?
13:30-14:00 UiB Open Research Data
14:00-15:25 Discipline-specific research data infrastructures:
14:00 ELIXIR Norway, Life sciences
14:20 CESSDA, Social sciences
14:45 Clarino, Language research
15:05 Bjerknes Climate Data Centre, Climate research
Thursday 28th of October:
10:00-11:30 Nivå X: Berører nye publiseringsmodeller forskningskvaliteten? (in Norwegian)
13:00-14:00 Open access – step by step
14:15-14:45 Open access publications – statistics for Norway and UiB
Friday 29th of October:
10:00-11:30 Diamonds are forever. On the benefits and challenges of Diamond Open Access publishing

Photo: International Open Access Week