On the 12th of October, we will host prof. Gunnar Pejler from Uppsala University, Sweden. I’d like to invite you to his lecture entitled «Mast cells – versatile effector cells in inflammatory conditions«.
The lecture will be held in Auditorium 4, BBB, at 10:15.
We will also attempt to share his lecture via zoom, and you can connect to that through this link: https://uib.zoom.us/j/65173692770?pwd=cTRxUTZSODRpcEJUNE1zS2ZoL0Zvdz09
He is also open to having one-on-one discussions 12th October, so if you would like to have that scheduled, please email marta.kaminska@uib.no with your preferred hour.
Best regards,
Marta Kaminska