Den nordiske Its21 konferansen arrangeres i Bergen 27-28 april. Tema for konferansen er In pursuit of a sustainable future: creating and anchoring interprofessional- and sustainability mindsets in educations and in the work field. Konferansen passer for alle med interesse for tverrfaglig samarbeid, utdanning og bærekraft, enten dere er studenter, ansatte på universitet/høyskoler, eller representanter fra arbeidslivet. En rekke fagfelt er representert blant bidragene, slik som pedagogikk, helse- og sosialfag og ingeniørfag.
For mer informasjon om konferansen, påmelding og program, følg denne lenken.
The Nordic Its21 conference will be held in Bergen on April 27-28. The conference theme is «In pursuit of a sustainable future: creating and anchoring interprofessional- and sustainability mindsets in educations and in the work field». The conference is suitable for anyone interested in interdisciplinary collaboration, education, and sustainability, whether you are students, faculty at universities/colleges, or representatives from municipalities or worklife arenas. A range of disciplines are represented in the program, such as pedagogy, health and social sciences, and engineering.
For more information, please follow this link.