The University of Bergen established the Norwegian Citizen Panel (NCP) 10 years ago, in 2013. Since the inception, the Digital Social Science Core Facility, DIGSSCORE, has supported 4-6 thematic research units who have organized most of the data collection in the NCP. These units have been central to the research infrastructure in many ways. They have ensured sustained attention to certain areas of research and have served as engines for new research projects. They have also helped incorporate new initiatives originating outside the units, advised early career researchers, and collaborated with national and international research partners.
After 10 years of successful operation, we now open a new call for DIGSSCORE research unit proposals. Both new and existing units are welcome to apply. Proposals for units who will collect data in the Norwegian Citizen Panel, may want to check out existing units for ideas and inspiration:
Selected research units will receive 4-8 minutes (currently valued at 100-200 kNOK) annually in one of the panels. The call covers data collection in Fall 2023, Spring 2024, Fall 2024, and Spring 2025, with possible extensions.
The deadline for submitting proposals is May 23, 2023.
Proposals should be submitted to
Administrative questions may be addressed to Erla Katrine Løvseth,
Scientific questions may be addressed to Elisabeth Ivarsflaten,
To be eligible, research units must satisfy the following criteria. The research unit must:
- Be led by a minimum of one current full-time member of scientific staff at the University of Bergen, who holds a Ph D degree.
- Include more than one project/research group.
- Have members with demonstrated experience from studying the sample in question (citizens/politicians/public administrators).
- Have members with demonstrated knowledge of the survey language (Norwegian) and survey context (Norwegian society and politics).
Evaluation Criteria
Eligible proposals will be evaluated according to the following criteria:
- The proven scientific record of core personnel.
- The societal relevance and/or potential impact on Norwegian society, politics and governance of the research in the unit.
- Demonstrated record and/or future potential of attracting funding to the research.
- Early career and recruitment relevance, i.e. how data collection in the unit will benefit early career scholars (Ph Ds and postdocs) and MA-students.
The proposal should contain:
- A Research Unit Statement, max 2 pages. No template, but please describe the research unit and address the evaluation and eligibility criteria especially as regards societal relevance and future potential.
- Proven record: The CV of the group-leader at the UiB and up to 2 other group-members (max 4-pages, for example ERC-format appropriate to career stage)
- Members: List of additional group members including main affiliation, current position, and a brief bio (one paragraph) summarizing relevance to the unit.
- Proven record: List of existing and previous research projects relevant to the proposal, with funder, PI, total budget, and budget for data collection in NCP or KODEM (if any). Smaller pilot projects funded from internal sources should also be included. Please contact Erla K. Løvseth for assistance in compiling this list.
- Early career and recruitment: A list (a) of ongoing or upcoming MA-students, Ph D- and postdoctoral candidates who wish to collect data in the research unit, and (b) of relevant completed dissertations and completed MA-theses using data from the panels (if any). This list compiled at the DIGSSCORE website may be useful: