For psychosomatic research
The Signe and Ane Gyllenberg Foundation’s 75th anniversary prize is awarded for significant contributions to psychosomatic research. In this context, psychosomatic research refers to research that studies the impact of psychological factors on physical health, not research that focuses on how physical illnesses affect mental health.
The prize can be awarded to an individual scientist, a research group or a research community. The jury will consider the following criteria when evaluating the significance of scientific contributions nominated for the award:
- Potential to increase understanding of psychosomatic mechanisms
- Potential for applying research findings in clinical work
- Number of research reports and the scientific quality of the forums they have been published in
- The jury may also choose to emphasize research results that open
new perspectives even if their final impact cannot yet be verified
The award may be granted either for a lifetime of work in psychosomatic research or to a promising younger researcher. The jury consists of the Signe and Ane Gyllenberg Foundation’s Medical Expert Committee, with the foundation’s Head of Grants serving as the secretary.
Nominations may be submitted by either individuals or organizations familiar with the researcher’s achievements, or by the researcher themselves. The proposal should be submitted in a maximum 2-page written application, detailing why the nominee would be particularly suitable for the award. The jury reserves the right to also nominate suitable candidates directly.
How to send proposals
Proposals for the award recipient should be sent to the foundation’s Head of Grants, Antonia Laszlo, antonia.laszlo@gyllenbergs.fi, no later than March 31st, 2024.
Proposals will be handled confidentially by the foundation’s Medical Expert Committee. The award recipient will be announced at the Signe and Ane Gyllenberg Foundation’s 75th-anniversary celebration on Wednesday, September 18th, at Villa Gyllenberg, where the recipient is expected to participate and deliver a speech. The prize amount is 50,000 euros