Bergen Research School of Inflammation and the Broegelmann Research Laboratory presents the advanced immunology course/workshop: HUIMM905 – Advanced Immunology (3 credits ECTS) with leading theme : “Adaptive Immunity, All you should know!”

Targeted audience
Master, PhD students, post docs, clinicians interested in immunology or those looking to update their immunological knowledge. The workshop has a number of international and local experts in adaptive immunity in infection, cancer and autoimmunity, and includes networking lunches and dinners, flash talks and a poster session.
Invited speakers include Carmen Gerlach, Alexander Espinosa, Søren Egedal Degn, Bergithe Eikeland Oftedal, Anette Susanne Bøe Wolff, Salwa Suliman, Sonia Gavasso, Yenan Bryceson, Corelia Schuster and Mai Chi Trieu.
No fee for master and PhD students!
Time and place
22 – 24 May 2024, VilVite Bergen Science Centre
Register at or contact
Registration and information
Are you interested? Please register by clicking link.
Or contact
More information can be found at: Adaptive Immunity All you should know | Bergen Research School in Inflammation | UiB
Registration deadline : April 29th