CCBIO courses with deadline February 1

Dear all

We have a range of courses coming up this spring, and please note: for study point (ECTS) providing participation, registration deadline is February 1, in Studentweb. So, PhD candidates and students: remember to register, and supervisors and PIs, remember to advise your students to register.

(Except for the Clinical Trials course which takes place January 17-19, which qualifies for a Good Clinical Practice (GCP) certificate as well as study points. ECTS deadline in Studentweb for this course was January 5, and non-ECTS registration closes January 12.)

Courses with deadline February 1 for registration in Studentweb:

CCBIO901, the CCBIO Junior Scientist Symposium series (3 ECTS). Also register in Skjemaker for each event. The coming event is February 1. Also open for other than students / non-ECTS.

CCBIO902, the CCBIO Seminar series and the Annual Symposium (3 ECTS). Also open for other than students / non-ECTS. Coming dates are in the CCBIO calendar.

CCBIO903, Cancer research: Ethical, economic and social aspects (5 ECTS). Course week 1: April 8-12, and course week 2: June 3-6.
This course focuses on ethical, economical and societal aspects of cancer and cancer research and aims to equip cancer researchers with tools for reflecting on the limits, challenges and opportunities of their own research, as well as provide an understanding of the outside-the-lab context, with discussions on the broader ethical, social, economic and political implications of their research. Such knowledge is not only important on a personal level as a researcher, but also in funding proposals to be able to clarify any ethical issues related to the implementation of projects, and be better equipped to provide an explanation of how such issues will be dealt with.

CCBIONeur910: Patient and Public Involvement in Medical and Health Research (2 ECTS). Also open for other than students / non-ECTS. Takes place April 17–19.
The course aims to inspire increased user participation in research trials and will present methods on how to involve user representatives. This is highly relevant to all biomedical research fields, and Patient and Public Involvement is documented to positively impact the relevance and efficacy in medical research. Participation will increase your capacity to assess and convey the value of patient and public involvement in general, as well as promote productive user involvement in your own research projects.

CCBIO908, Scientific Writing and Communication Seminar (2 ECTS). Also open for other than students / non-ECTS. Takes place May 21-22.
This course teaches how to organize ideas, results and messages in a scientific paper, improve titles and abstracts, present a clear problem statement, use punctuation, grammar and numbering in a text, write an informative and convincing cover letter, and will also present and discuss what is good research communication.

CCBIO904, Biomarkers and tumor biology in clinical practice (4 ECTS).  Also open for other than students / non-ECTS. Takes place May 29-31.
This course covers tumor biological aspects important for the understanding of why cancer develops, and which mechanisms are important for tumor growth, metastases and morbidity in patients. The course will focus especially on tumor biological changes that may have or already have significance for personalized cancer treatment and clinical trial studies of new diagnostics and treatment.


Kind regards
Eli Synnøve Vidhammer
Communications officer
Centre for Cancer Biomarkers CCBIO
Faculty of Medicine
University of Bergen

CCBIO Junior Scientist Symposium, February 1st

Dear all

We are happy to welcome you all to the upcoming CCBIO Junior Scientist Symposium, February 1st, 2024. This seminar series is a perfect place to meet and interact with other young scientists, and engage in lively and interesting discussions. We are looking forward to the keynote lecture by CCBIO Masterclass graduate Hege Berg, who will give a talk about clinical implementation of multi-omics methods in cancer diagnostics. The program spans several exiting topics including the role and inheritance of BRCA1 epimutations, novel CAR T therapies for lymphomas, and development of preclinical models for investigating resistant subclones in ovarian cancer. The application of CyTOF in oncology and fibrosis will also be presented.

Open to all. Please register within January 29th at 11.00.

When: February 1, 2024, at 09.00-13.00
Where: Conference room, BB-building (right across from the auditoria), campus Haukeland, Bergen
Registration: on this link

Open to both junior and senior researchers as well as students. The symposium series is open, but also part of the CCBIO Research School under the code CCBIO901, and participation is eligible for ECTS. STUDENTS: Remember to sign up in Studentweb as well as the link above.


09:00-09:15   Introduction

09:15-10:00   Hege Berg, keynote lecture: “Clinical implementation of multi-omics methodology in cancer diagnostics”

10:00-10:20   COFFEE BREAK

10:20-10:45   Oleksii Nikolaienko: “The role and inheritance of BRCA1 epimutations”

10:45-11:10   Ryan Dunkel: “Pre-Clinical and Phenotypic Characterization of a Novel CAR T Therapy for B-cell Lymphoma Malignancies”

11:10-12:00   LUNCH BREAK (Lunch is free of charge, register by Jan. 29th at 11.00)

12:00-12:25   Katrin Kleinmanns: “Advanced Preclinical Models to Investigate Promising Drugs targeting Resistant Subpopulations in Ovarian Cancer”

12:25-12:50   Sturla Magnus Grøndal: “Mapping Disease Landscapes: CyTOF Applications in Oncology and Fibrosis”

12:50-13:00   Concluding remarks

Mari Kyllesø Halle and Vladan Milosevic are coordinators of the junior seminars and are planning and chairing these meetings. Any questions can be addressed to them.

Read more about the CCBIO Junior Scientist Symposia here.


Kind regards
Eli Synnøve Vidhammer
Communications officer
Centre for Cancer Biomarkers CCBIO
Faculty of Medicine
University of Bergen

CCBIO sin logo

Enhet for læring – våren 2024

Kjære kollegaer!

Enhet for læring har flere kurstilbud for våren 2024 som nå har åpnet for påmelding.

Kursene egner seg for alle som kunne tenke seg påfyll eller inspirasjon, OG de kan alle inngå i kravet om utdanningsfaglig kompetanse for vitenskapelig ansatte (kravet er 200 timer ≈ 8 studiepoeng, for detaljer se her).

Våren 2024 tilbys:

  • MEDDID601: Innføring i  medisinsk didaktikk (5 stp)

I tillegg til gjennomføringen av dette kurset i Bergen planlegger vi i løpet av 2024 egne gjennomføringer i både Stavanger og Haugesund.

  • MEDPVEIL602: Praksisveiledning (3 stp) OBS: oppstart tidlig i vårsemesteret!
  • MEDTBL601: Innføring og praktisk gjennomføring av Teambasert Læring (2 stp)

Det er ledige plasser på alle kursene.

All info og lenker til påmelding er samlet her:

Trenger du hjelp til å lage en pedagogisk mappe har vi laget en åpen ressurs i MittUiB som er tilgjengelig her:

Vel møtt!
Monika Kvernenes

Latin-Amerika konferansen 2023

Poster for latin amerika konferansen


Universitetet i Bergen arrangerer Latin-Amerika konferansen den 4-5. september.

«Winds of Change and Streams of Solidarity: Latin America, the Caribbean, and Europe in the 21st Century».

Det er fire hovedtema for konferansen: kultur, helse, miljø/teknologi, og demokrati

Du kan lese med og melde deg på UiBs nettsider: Winds of Change and Streams of Solidarity | Research | UiB

Og husk, det hele er gratis!

Hold av datoene til 12. Nasjonale forskningskonferanse om muskelskjeletthelse (MUSS)

Tid: 16.-17. november 2023

Sted: Comfort hotel Runway, Hans Gaarders vei 27, Gardermoen

Det arbeides med konferanseprogrammet som vil ha innlegg fra inviterte forskere, samt innlegg og postere basert på innsendte abstrakt. Konferansen er tverrfaglige og er aktuell for forskere, helsepersonell, brukere, klinikere og andre som er interesserte i muskelskjeletthelse. Hold av datoene for deltakelse i et spennende og aktuelt faglig program.

Informasjon om konferansen vil bli lagt ut på

Vi ønsker at så mange som mulig deltar på konferansen. Det er derfor fint om du kan sende e-posten videre til andre aktuelle forskere/forskningsmiljøer innen feltet.

Vi håper du har anledning til å bli med på konferansen!

The 2023 Holberg Debate: Does Consciousness Extend Beyond Brains?


Logo for Holberprianw

Photo: Holbergprisen

Holbergprisen inviterer alle til å være til stede under Holbergdebatten 2023, som finner sted i Universitetsaulaen lørdag 2. desember kl. 15:00 – 17:45.

Debatten har fått tittelen: «Does Consciousness Extend Beyond Brains?» Panelet skal drøfte om det finnes bevissthet utenfor hjernen, og hvordan subjektive erfaringer kan forklares, hvis de kun er et produkt av hjernens fysiske aktivitet. Et overordnet spørsmål er om etablert vitenskap i noen grad er blitt dogmatisk: Trengs det «kjettere» for å stille spørsmål som lar oss komme nærmere svarene på store, uløste gåter, eller er de snarere en trussel mot et vitenskapelig verdenssyn?

Vi inviterer alle til å stille spørsmål til panelet ved å benytte følgende skjema: The 2023 Holberg Debate – Questions from viewers (

Mer informasjon ligger på Holbergprisens nettsider. Påmeldingsskjema ligger her. Interesserte må gjerne også følge vår Facebook-arrangementsside.

Les mer…

Course in basic microscopy 2023

Logoen til MIC, Molecular Imaging Center The Molecular Imaging Center (MIC) will arrange a Course in basic microscopy 19.-21. September 2023. This is a compact course aimed at new beginners in the field of microscopy, and at those with some experience in search of a better understanding of the principles. The course introduces mainly techniques that involve samples with fluorescent markers, but also regular bright field imaging will be covered.

For more information and registration:

Course in basic microscopy 2023 | Molecular Imaging Center (MIC) | UiB

Les mer…

Bibliotekets kurstilbud høsten 2023

Bibliotek for medisin tilbyr kurs til ansatte ved Det medisinske fakultetet, og ansatte ved Helse Bergen, høsten 2023 – meld deg på!

  • Introduksjon til Endnote
  • Søkekurs i PubMed og Embase
  • Introduksjon til systematiske oversikter
  • Litteraturstudier for studenter

Kursene er planlagt som hybridløsning, hvor det er mulighet for å delta både fysisk og digitalt via Zoom. Kursene er fortrinnsvis for ansatte og stipendiater. De fleste studenter får bibliotekkurs som en del av sin studieplan. Dersom ikke det er tilfelle kan de melde seg på disse kursene. Det siste kurset er spesielt for studenter som vil vite mer om litteraturoppgaver, og som ikke har hatt eget kurs om det.

Kursdatoer, påmelding og mer informasjon finnes på

Innhold i kursene:

Introduksjon til EndNote: I kurset lærer du å bygge opp et EndNote-bibliotek og lage en referanseliste i Word. Kurset består av korte demonstrasjoner og praktiske øvelser. Kurset dekker: Lage et EndNote-bibliotek, importere referanser, manuell innlegging, lage grupper, finne fulltekst, sette inn referanser i en tekst, lage og formatere en litteraturliste.

Søkekurs i PubMed og Embase: Alle bruker PubMed, men med litt ekstra kunnskap kan du gjøre mer effektive søk. I kurset viser vi for eksempel hvordan du kan bruke emneordene MeSH, eller utnytte filtre i Clinical queries. Embase er den andre store medisinske artikkeldatabasen som dekker en del andre tidsskrifter enn PubMed/Medline. Embase er derfor et viktig supplement til PubMed.

Introduksjon til systematiske oversikter (systematic reviews): Kurset gir en introduksjon i temaet systematiske oversikter. Vi gjennomgår ulike databaser for å finne systematiske oversikter, og prosessen å selv utføre en systematisk oversikt som å skrive en protokoll, forberedelser til søking, tips og verktøy for datahåndtering og kvalitetsvurdering, og rapportering. Vi gir også informasjon om hvilken hjelp og støtte biblioteket kan gi i arbeidet med systematiske oversikter.

Litteraturstudier for studenter: Kurset er til studenter som skal skrive litteraturoppgave som bachelor- eller masteroppgave, og som ikke har fått eget kurs som del av studieprogrammet. Vi går gjennom prosessen i en litteraturoppgave. Kurset dekker forberedelsene til et litteratursøk, hvordan du skal arbeide deg gjennom alle treff og hvordan du skal dokumentere metodene. Vi ser på noen eksempler og svarer på spørsmål.

Vennlig hilsen
Bibliotek for medisin, BBB

Courses offered at the Medical library, Autumn 2023:

  • Introduction to Endnote
  • Searching in PubMed and Embase
  • Introduction to systematic reviews
  • Literature studies for Bachelor and Master students (in Norwegian)

The courses are planned as a hybrid solution, with the option of attending either physically or online through Zoom. The courses are mainly for employees and PhD candidates at the Faculty of Medicine and for employees at Helse Bergen. Courses for students are normally given as a part of their study program. If that isn’t the case, they can attend these courses as well. The courses are free of charge, but registration is necessary for our planning.

Dates, registration and more information can be found on the library’s web pages:

Courses in English:

Overview of all courses (Norwegian or English):

Short description:

Introduction to EndNote: EndNote is a tool for managing references. The course covers how to build your own EndNote library, how to use references from EndNote in the writing process with Word, formatting the text and generating literature lists.. Other functionalities like manually adding references, grouping, removing duplicates, and importing full text will also be covered.

Searching in PubMed and Embase: Everyone can use PubMed. However, with some extra knowledge you can search more efficiently. In the course we demonstrate the use of subject headings MeSH, and the use of filters for quick limiting to clinical queries (like diagnostic studies, or intervention studies). Embase is another important medical database which covers a number of different journals than PubMed/Medline. Therefore, Embase is a valuable supplement to PubMed, if you want to get a better overview over the literature within your field.

Introduction to systematic reviews: The course gives an introduction to systematic reviews. The library presents several databases for finding systematic reviews, and gives an overview over the process of doing your own systematic review: write a protocol, prepare the search, data management, quality appraisal, and guidelines for reporting. We will also inform about the role of the library in the different phases of the work with a systematic review.

Literature studies for Bachelor and Master students (in Norwegian): This course is for students who chose literature study as their bachelor- or master thesis, and have not yet be offered a course as part of their study program. We teach about the process in a literature study. The course covers preparational work before literature searching, how to manage and work with the search results, and how to document the methods used.

Kind regards from the Medical library

Two CCBIO courses this fall

Dear all

Note that CCBIO has the following two courses this fall term, and they have registration deadline September 1 in Studentweb for those who need the study points.

CCBIO903, Cancer research: Ethical, economic and social aspects
The knowledge provided from this unique course is not only important on a personal level as a researcher, but also in funding proposals to be able to clarify any ethical issues related to the implementation of projects and be better equipped to provide an explanation of how such issues will be dealt with.

: Course week 1: October 2-6, 2023, and course week 2: December 4-7, 2023.
Program: will be available at a later point.
Place: Personal attendance, campus Haukeland University Hospital, Bergen.
Responsible: Roger Strand and Anne Blanchard are academic responsible for the course. Jiyeon Kang will bring in the perspectives from health economics. Administrative coordinator is Kjetil Utvik Harkestad.
Capacity: 20 participants.
More info: See more information about the course here.
Registration: Deadline is September 1, 2023. Registration for any vacant places after that will be considered. If you are already enrolled at the University of Bergen (UiB), you register through Studentweb. If you are not enrolled at the UiB, you can apply for guest student status by filling in this form.


CCBIO906, Cancer genomics
This course will provide a broad understanding of aspects related to the cancer genome. Methods for analyzing DNA and RNA will be covered, including next generation sequencing (NGS) technologies. Focus will be on mutations, copy-number alterations, chromatin structures and RNA transcriptome and expression patterns. Further, ethical, legal aspects, and hereditary predispositions in relation to investigations of the cancer genome will be taught.

Dates: October 23-26, 2023
Program: will be available at a later point.
Place: Personal attendance, campus Haukeland University Hospital, Bergen.
Responsible: Erling A. Høivik is academic responsible for the course. A range of scientists in the field will be teaching. Administrative coordinator is Kjetil Utvik Harkestad.
ECTS: 3 ECTS, but also open for non-ECTS participation.
More info: See more information about the course here.
Registration: Deadline is September 1, 2023 if you need the study points, then register through Studentweb. If you don’t need the 3 ECTS (studiepoeng) and just want to join the lectures for professional update, you register through this link, with deadline October 9, 2023.



Kind regards
Eli Synnøve Vidhammer

Workshop: Social Media for Researchers

UiB Ferd Career Center for Early Stage Researchers organiserer workshop i ‘Social media for researchers’ den 25. mai 2023.

Dette kurset er sterkt anbefalt, og nyttig og aktuelt for vitenskapelig ansatte, ph.d.-kandidater og andre som jobber med forskning.

Frist for påmelding er 19. mai.

Se mer informasjon, samt lenke til påmelding på denne siden:

Hånd som holder smarttelefon med ikoner som representer apper for sosiale media.

Foto/ill.: Pexels

Doktorgradskurs ved NTNU høst 2023 – Forskningsmetoder i radiologi og nukleærmedisin

På Institutt for sirkulasjon og bildediagnostikk ved Fakultet for Medisin og Helsevitenskap, NTNU – vil vi høsten 2023 avholde emnet Forskningsmetoder i radiologi og nukleærmedisin på Campus Øya i Trondheim.

Ph.d.-emnet planlegges gjennomført som et intensivkurs, til sammen 3 dager med forelesninger f.o.m. 18. oktober t.o.m. 20. oktober 2023.

Lenke til emnets side:
Emnebeskrivelse – Forskningsmetoder i radiologi og nukleærmedisin

Vennlig hilsen
Gunnhild Wentzel
Studiekonsulent ISB

Kreftforeningen: Bruker-MED-virkning i forskning

Er du forsker eller rådgiver som jobber med forskningsstøtte? Da bør du sette av mandag 17. april kl. 9.30–12.30 for å bli inspirert til å planlegge og gjennomføre god brukermedvirkning i kreftrelatert forskning.

  • Hør forskere som deler sine erfaringer og refleksjoner om bruker-medvirkning.
  • Bidra i samtale med d som finansierer: hvordan får vi til god brukermedvirkning i kreftrelatert forskning?
  • Møt representanter for finansieringsordningene som kan svare på dine spørsmål.

Seminaret vil holdes i Kreftforeningens Vitensenter i Oslo. Program kommer senere og første del vil bli streamet.

Seminaret arrangeres i samarbeid med Cancer Mission Hub Norway.

Hold av datoen og registrer deg her på foreningens nettsider.


Labfrukost: Universell utforming av digitale verktøy

Tid: 29.03.2023 – 09.0010.00
På nett: Zoom
Kontaktperson: Silje Hole Hommedal
Påmeldingsfrist: 29.03.2023 – 08.45


Meld deg på ved å følgja denne lenkja

Dei fleste tenester og program som me bruker dagleg vert stadig meir digitalisert. Dette stiller krav til utforminga av slike løysingar slik at flest mogeleg er i stand til å bruke desse og slik delta aktivt og sjølvstendig i samfunnet. Digital kompetanse og universell utforming er ei forutsetning for digital deltaking. Digital deltaking krev kunnskap og oppfølging av både dei som bruker og dei som tilbyr digitale tenester.

Foto/ill.: Kristoffer Eik / UiB Universell

Universell utforming av innhald på våre sider vil seia at det skal formast ut på ein slik måte at det skal kunna brukast av alle studentar og tilsette. Dette er eit lovpålagt krav. Nytt frå 2023 er eit krav om at alle nettstader skal ha ei tilgjengelegheitserklæring. Du vil sjå at desse dukkar opp ved stadig fleire nettstader framover. Men hovudjobben er å få alle innhaldsprodusentane våre til å laga innhald som er universelt forma ut, i langt større grad enn det er i dag. Då er det behov for kursing og bevisstgjering.


Frå UiB Universell kjem Ellen Lien og Simon Hestenes Eika med både ei teoretisk og praktisk tilnærming til Universell utforming ved UiB.

  • Generelt: Kva betyr kravet om Universell utforming for både administrativt og vitskapeleg tilsette?
  • Praktisk: Korleis lage universelt utforma Word-dokument, PDF, Powerpoint eller sider i Mitt UiB?
  • André Giæver Kvalvågnes frå produksjon ved UiB Læringslab skal konkret ta for seg teksting av video.

Om påmelding
Når du melder deg på, får du ein e-post med Zoom-lenke til arrangementet. Me anbefaler at du registrerer deg seinast 15 minutt før møtet startar.

Vel møtt!

Seminarserie hos Senter for ernæring, torsdag 9. mars

Senter for ernæring har gleden av å invitere til et nytt seminar i vår seminarrekke. Serien tar opp sentrale utfordringer innen ernæring og helse.

Tittel: Advanced methods to delineate complex microbial communities towards clinical application

Foreleser: Dr Alfonso Benítez-Páez, biolog og biokjemiker, the Principe Felipe Research Center in Valencia, Spaina

Moderatorer: Gülen Arslan Lied og Birgitte Berentsen

Tid: Torsdag 9. mars 2023 kl. 14.30-15.30

Sted: Aud. 4, BB-bygget

The cost-effective massive and parallel sequencing methods based on bacterial 16S rRNA gene amplicons have been crucial in uncovering the enormous diversity of microorganisms inhabiting the human body. They have been applied for years in hundreds of human cohorts to seek associations between microbiota and health states. Despite the broad application, these methods reached their full flourish years ago. Nowadays, they cannot describe the species present in complex microbial communities associated with human samples in a detailed manner. Consequently, it is necessary to implement a new generation of molecular methods and data analysis to fill the gap in establishing specific associations between species and disease conditions, reducing the ambiguity and uncertainty of such predicted links.

We present a novel, cost-effective molecular method to discriminate species and strain level variation in human-associated microbial communities. The rigorous control of significant covariates recognized to impact the human microbiota is imperative to ascertain the biomarkers pursuit for clinical application accurately.

Dr Alfonso Benítez-Páez is a biologist and biochemist with a PhD in Molecular Biology from the University Autonomous of Madrid. He is the Principal Investigator of the Host-Microbe Interactions in Metabolic Health laboratory at the Principe Felipe Research Center in Valencia, Spain. Appointed Tenure Scientist for the Spanish National Research Council. His investigation is based on establishing interactions among diet, human microbiota and health and disease states. He has multidisciplinary expertise in microbiology, molecular biology, computational biology, and data analysis. Currently, he is part of the Editorial Boards of Frontiers in Nutrition, Frontiers in microbiology, and Microbiome journal.

Det blir lett servering.


Bergen Research Summer School 2023

Global challenges affect us all. Shaped by some of Bergen’s best research groups, Bergen Summer Research School tackles some of the most pressing challenges facing the world. BSRS is a joint venture under the leadership of the University of Bergen with NHH Norwegian School of Economics, Western Norway University of Applied Sciences, Chr. Michelsen Institute and NORCE.

BSRR have many coruses, and the application dealine is right around the corner, 1st February.

All courses are developing nicely and can be recommend them for our PhDs near and far:

New course: NEUROSYSM940 – Philosophy of precision/systems medicine

Foto/ill.: DALL-E, Benedicte Engen

Philosophy of precision/systems medicine

We invite you to join us for a course on the philosophy of precision/systems medicine. This course is specifically designed for biomedical researchers, physicians, and academics who are interested in exploring the ethical, social, and historical roots and implications of emerging technoscientific medical practices, such as precision/systems medicine.

The promises and prospects of precision/systems medicine raises important ethical and societal issues for philosophical discussions. Throughout the course, you will have the opportunity to bring your own questions, challenges and dilemmas from your research and practice, and discuss them in broader philosophical and historical contexts. The course will introduce you to the concept of responsible research and innovation (RRI) and its relevance to precision/systems medicine and the ongoing convergence of postgenomic biotechnology and data science.

During the course, we will explore how precision/systems medicine is affecting the understanding of disease and suffering, and thus, research and clinical practices. Additionally, we will explore ethical dilemmas of precision/systems medicine for researchers, clinicians, patients, and society at large.

This is a unique opportunity to gain a deeper understanding of the complexities of precision/systems medicine and its impact on human disease and suffering, and to engage in meaningful discussions with your peers. We hope you will join us for a thought-provoking interdisciplinary course. Our aim is to stimulate discussions and reflections that can open up new ways of relating to contemporary research and clinical practices.

Upon completion the course provides 2 ECTS to be used in the training component for PhD candidates .

More information on registration and the tentative program can be found on our web page:

Deadline for registration to the spring term CCBIO courses just around the corner

Notice that the following CCBIO courses has deadline February 1 for registration in Studentweb/Søknadsweb for those who wish to be credited with the ECTS/study points:

CCBIO907, course in cancer-related vascular biology 2023

A unique course: Meet and learn from Harvard researchers who have been in the frontline of vascular biology research for decades, in addition to local experts. Confirmed lecturers are Bruce Zetter, Diane R. Bielenberg, Michael S. Rogers, Steven Swendeman, Randolph Watnick, Ed Smith, and Dipak Panigrahy. Lectures on a wide variety of topics, including: Introduction to cancer and angiogenesis, history of angiogenesis research, tumor biology with a focus on tumor initiation and tumor metastasis, basic physiology of blood and lymphatic vessels, lymphatic vessel development and remodeling, tumor microenvironment including angiocrine signaling, molecular signaling in vascular biology: tyrosine kinases and GPCRs, tumor perfusion, measuring angiogenesis and vessel function, bridging the gap between science and medicine by disease-focused research, inflammation, axon guidance factors and nerve invasion, immune-angiogenic interaction, anti-angiogenic treatment in clinical practice. In addition you will have the opportunity to attend two seminars: ‘Metastasis without a tumor’ by Michael S. Rogers, and ‘Learning from tumor to treat stroke’ by Ed Smith.

You will also have the unique opportunity to learn essential extra-curricular skills from the Harvard faculty. Diane Bielenberg ‘How to Craft Your Science Pitch, and Dipak Panigraphy will lead a session on the importance of mentoring in science-how to be a good mentor and mentee and how to make sure that expectations are met. You will also learn about the Fundamentals of Proposal Writing by Randolph Watnick. You will also get to participate on ‘proposal workshopping’ with the Harvard faculty.

When: March 20–31, 2023.

Where: Auditorium at the campus Haukeland University Hospital, Bergen. In person attendance.

Program: See preliminary program here.

ECTS: This is a 6 ECTS course at the University of Bergen

Registration, 3 links: With ECTS, already UiB student: Students who are already registered at the UiB and need the ECTS, register for this course at StudentWeb. With ECTS, not a UiB student: If you need the ECTS, you need to register as a guest student in Søknadsweb at the University of Bergen (UiB). Deadline for this is February 1, 2023. No ECTS: Use this separate registration link if you are only interested in the lectures and want to hop in and out as you please (will not get ECTS, and no need to join the group assignments or the exam).

More info: on this page

CCBIO908 Scientific Writing and Communication Seminar 2023

We are repeating the success from earlier years, a seminar in Scientific Writing May 22-23, 2023, in the CCBIO/Harvard INTPART collaboration. Learn how to:

  • Organize ideas, results and messages in a scientific paper
  • Improve titles and abstracts
  • Present a clear problem statement
  • Use punctuation, grammar and numbering in a text
  • Write an informative and convincing cover letter

The course will also present and discuss what is good research communication. Lecturers are Christine Møller, an experienced lecturer in medical and scientific writing with many years of experience as assistant editor of APMIS (Acta Pathologica Microbiologica et Immunologica Scandinavica), and

Randy Watnick, assistant professor at the Vascular Biology Program, Harvard Medical School.

When: May 22–23, 2023.

Where: Auditorium at the campus Haukeland University Hospital, Bergen. In person attendance.

Program:  Not yet available, but similar to last year’s program.

ECTS: This is a 2 ECTS course at the University of Bergen

Registration, 3 links: With ECTS, already UiB student: Students who are already registered at the UiB and need the ECTS, register for this course at StudentWeb. With ECTS, not a UiB student: If you need the ECTS, you need to register as a guest student in Søknadsweb at the University of Bergen (UiB). Deadline for this is February 1, 2023. No ECTS: Use this separate registration link if you are only interested in the lectures and want to hop in and out as you please (will not get ECTS, and no need to join the group assignments or the exam).

More info: on this page

The Junior Scientist Symposia, the seminars and the annual symposium

CCBIO901, the CCBIO Junior Scientist Symposia and CCBIO902, the CCBIO seminars and symposium, are also ECTS providing when registered for and participating as a student. Make sure you register for the subjects in Studentweb before the deadline February 1st.

Small Animal MRI Course

MIC is happy to announce a basic course in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of small animals, with the aim of giving the participants knowledge on the principles, the theory and practical use of MRI.

The theoretical part of the course will cover multimodal imaging and the theoretical aspects of MRI. The participants will get hands-on practical training on the instruments in the practical part and learn about basic image analysis of MR images.After the course, the participants should be able to understand how to plan and perform MRI experiments on small animals.

When: March 16th – 17th, 2023
Where: The Dept. of Biomedicine and the Animal Facilities
Price: NOK 2000,- (incl. course material)
Registration form:
Reg. deadline: March 6th, 2023
More info:

Tilbud fra Enhet for læring, våren 2023

Kjære kollegaer!

Vi er endelig klare til å annonsere Enhet for læring sitt tilbud for vårsemesteret.

Av studiepoenggivende kurs tilbys denne våre:

  • MEDDID601: Innføring i medisinsk didaktikk (5 stp)
  • MEDPVEIL602: Praksisveiledning (2-3 stp)
  • MEDTBL601: Innføring og praktisk gjennomføring av Teambasert Læring (2 stp)

Det er ledige plasser på alle kursene.

I webinarserien Pedagogisk Påfyll inviterer vi bl.a til diskusjon om God design i MittUiB, Kunstig intelligens i læring og utdanning og Tilbakemelding på tekst i veiledningen.

All info og lenker til påmelding er samlet her:

Ha et godt undervisningssemester!

Monika Kvernenes

Bibliotekkurs for ansatte våren 2023

Bibliotek for medisin tilbyr kurs til ansatte ved Det medisinske fakultetet, og ansatte ved Helse Bergen, våren 2023 – meld deg på!

  • Introduksjon til Endnote
  • Søkekurs i PubMed og Embase
  • Introduksjon til systematiske oversikter
  • Litteraturstudier for studenter

Kursene skal holdes som hybridløsning, hvor det er mulighet for å delta både fysisk og digitalt via Zoom. Kursene er fortrinnsvis for ansatte og stipendiater. De fleste studenter får bibliotekkurs som en del av sin studieplan. Dersom ikke det er tilfelle kan de melde seg på disse kursene. Det siste kurset er spesielt for studenter som vil vite mer om litteraturoppgaver, og som ikke har hatt eget kurs om det.

Kursdatoer, påmelding og mer informasjon finnes på

Innhold i kursene:

Introduksjon til EndNote: I kurset lærer du å bygge opp et EndNote-bibliotek og lage en referanseliste i Word. Kurset består av korte demonstrasjoner og praktiske øvelser. Kurset dekker: Lage et EndNote-bibliotek, importere referanser, manuell innlegging, lage grupper, finne fulltekst, sette inn referanser i en tekst, lage og formatere en litteraturliste.

Søkekurs i PubMed og Embase: Alle bruker PubMed, men med litt ekstra kunnskap kan du gjøre mer effektive søk. I kurset viser vi for eksempel hvordan du kan bruke emneordene MeSH, eller utnytte filtre i Clinical queries. Embase er den andre store medisinske artikkeldatabasen som dekker en del andre tidsskrifter enn PubMed/Medline. Embase er derfor et viktig supplement til PubMed.

Introduksjon til systematiske oversikter (systematic reviews): Kurset gir en introduksjon i temaet systematiske oversikter. Vi gjennomgår ulike databaser for å finne systematiske oversikter, og prosessen å selv utføre en systematisk oversikt som å skrive en protokoll, forberedelser til søking, tips og verktøy for datahåndtering og kvalitetsvurdering, og rapportering. Vi gir også informasjon om hvilken hjelp og støtte biblioteket kan gi i arbeidet med systematiske oversikter.

Litteraturstudier for studenter: Kurset er til studenter som skal skrive litteraturoppgave som bachelor- eller masteroppgave, og som ikke har fått eget kurs som del av studieprogrammet. Vi går gjennom prosessen i en litteraturoppgave. Kurset dekker forberedelsene til et litteratursøk, hvordan du skal arbeide deg gjennom alle treff og hvordan du skal dokumentere metodene. Vi ser på noen eksempler og svarer på spørsmål.

Vennlig hilsen
Bibliotek for medisin, BBB

Courses offered at the Medical library, Autumn 2023:

  • Introduction to Endnote
  • Searching in PubMed and Embase
  • Introduction to systematic reviews
  • Literature studies for Bachelor and Master students (in Norwegian)

The courses are planned as a hybrid solution, with the option of attending either physically or online through Zoom. The courses are mainly for employees and PhD candidates at the Faculty of Medicine and for employees at Helse Bergen. Courses for students are normally given as a part of their study program. If that isn’t the case, they can attend these courses as well. The courses are free of charge, but registration is necessary for our planning.

Dates, registration and more information can be found on the library’s web pages:

Courses in English:

Courses in Norwegian:

Short description:

Introduction to EndNote: EndNote is a tool for managing references. The course covers how to build your own EndNote library, how to use references from EndNote in the writing process with Word, formatting the text and generating literature lists.. Other functionalities like manually adding references, grouping, removing duplicates, and importing full text will also be covered.

Searching in PubMed and Embase: Everyone can use PubMed. However, with some extra knowledge you can search more efficiently. In the course we demonstrate the use of subject headings MeSH, and the use of filters for quick limiting to clinical queries (like diagnostic studies, or intervention studies). Embase is another important medical database which covers a number of different journals than PubMed/Medline. Therefore, Embase is a valuable supplement to PubMed, if you want to get a better overview over the literature within your field.

Introduction to systematic reviews: The course gives an introduction to systematic reviews. The library presents several databases for finding systematic reviews, and gives an overview over the process of doing your own systematic review: write a protocol, prepare the search, data management, quality appraisal, and guidelines for reporting. We will also inform about the role of the library in the different phases of the work with a systematic review.

Literature studies for Bachelor and Master students (in Norwegian): This course is for students who chose literature study as their bachelor- or master thesis, and have not yet be offered a course as part of their study program. We teach about the process in a literature study. The course covers preparational work before literature searching, how to manage and work with the search results, and how to document the methods used.

Kind regards from the Medical library

CCBIO Junior Scientist Symposium  December 8th, 2022  

We are happy to welcome you all to the upcoming CCBIO Junior Scientist Symposium, December 8th, 2022. This seminar series is a perfect place to meet and interact with other young scientists. We anticipate that the discussions will be as lively and interesting as the October Symposium. We are very happy to announce that Professor Camilla Krakstad at CCBIO, will give a talk about her experiences with going abroad for research and give some early career advice. The program is varied and exiting spanning from treatment strategies for AML patients, phenotypic profiling of young women with breast cancer, immune and microenvironmental responses to cell death in glioblastoma and what emotional eating and changes in dietary patterns may do to the mind.

Where?: B302 Sentralblokka, Haukeland University Hospital

Please register within December 6th at 11.00:


09.00-09.15: Introduction

09.15-10.00: “Added value of international mobility?” Keynote lecture by Camilla Krakstad

10.00-10.20: Coffee break

10.20-10.45: “Actinomycin D treatment in patients with NPM1- mutated acute myeloid leukemia (AML) and other myeloid malignancies in Impress Norway.” by Irini Ktoridou-Valen

10.45-11.10: “Breast cancer of the young points to age-related phenotypes” by Rasmus Humlevik

11.10-12:00 Lunch (free of charge, register within December 6th at 11.00)

12:00-12:25: “Impact of cell death on glioblastoma, its tumor microenvironment and immune response” by Ege Solel

12.25-12:50: “Emotional eating and changes in dietary patterns linked to psychological distress and worries“ by Elaheh Javadi Arjmand

12:50-13:00: Concluding remarks

See also the poster for the symposium here.

CCBIO907 course in cancer-related vascular biology – spring 2023

CCBIO907 is a 6 ECTS course covering topics such as basics of vascular biology, vascular biology related therapeutic approaches, biomarkers in vascular biology – from discovery to clinical application, lymphangiogenesis and vascular biology in non-cancerous diseases. Participants attending this course will benefit from the knowledge of researchers who have been in the frontline of vascular biology research for decades, and who are experienced lecturers at Harvard Medical School.

When: March 20–31, 2023.

Program: Not yet available. You might be interested in reading an earlier news article about the course.

Where: Auditorium at campus Haukeland University Hospital, Bergen. In person.

ECTS: This is a 6 ECTS course at the University of Bergen.

Academic responsible: Agnete Engelsen and Lars A. Akslen.

Option of 3 registration links:

1. With ECTS, already UiB student: register at Studentweb. Deadline is February 1, 2023. Opens December 12. Must attend all sessions + exam.

2. With ECTS, not a UiB student: register at Søknadsweb. Same deadline as above. Must attend all sessions + exam.

3. No ECTS: A separate link will be available here. Choose the lectures you want.

No need for group assignments or exam.

More information: at this website.

CCBIO908 Scientific Writing and Communication Seminar – spring 2023

A new season with this popular course! The course aims to provide theoretical knowledge about various elements of scientific writing, give practical experience on text editing, and the tools to improve your scientific texts.

Learn how to:

• Organize ideas, results and messages in a scientific paper
• Improve titles and abstracts
• Present a clear problem statement
• Use punctuation, grammar and numbering in a scientific text
• Write an informative and convincing cover letter

The course will also present and discuss what is good research communication.

When: May 22–23, 2023.

Program: Not yet available. See last time’s program here.

Where: Auditorium at campus Haukeland University Hospital, Bergen. In person.

ECTS: This is a 2 ECTS course at the University of Bergen.

Academic responsible: Elisabeth Wik.

Option of 3 registration links:

1. With ECTS, already UiB student: register at Studentweb. Deadline is February 1, 2023. Opens December 12. Must attend all sessions + exam.

2. With ECTS, not a UiB student: register at Søknadsweb. Same deadline as above. Must attend all sessions + exam.

3. No ECTS: A separate link will be available here. Choose the lectures you want.

No need for group assignments or exam.

More information: at this website

Software Carpentry-kurs

Lei av å flytte filer manuelt? Ønsker du å kunne analysere data effektivt og lage fancy plott? Du vil lære programmering, men du vet ikke hvor du skal begynne? Vil du gjøre dataanalysen din mer reproduserbar?

Dette er kurset for deg!

Senter for digitalt liv Norge arrangerer i samarbeid med ELIXIR Norge, NRIS og UiB Digital Lab eit nytt Software Carpentry course, 5.-6. desember 2022, lokalt her i Bergen.

Dette er eit introduksjonskurs til automatisering av oppgåver med Unix Shell, R for reproduserbare analyser, og versjonskontroll med Git programmering, som kan vere nyttig for forskarar utan så mykje erfaring med programmering frå før.


Har du spørsmål, ta kontakt med Martha Eide ved Senter for digitalt liv Norge.