Hold av datoene, 16.-17. november: Den 12. forskningskonferansen om muskelskjeletthelse (MUSS)

Vi jobber med konferanseprogrammet som vil ha innlegg fra inviterte forskere, samt innlegg og postere basert på innsendte abstrakt. Konferansen er tverrfaglige og er aktuell for forskere, helsepersonell, brukere, klinikere og andre som er interesserte i muskelskjeletthelse. Hold av datoene for deltakelse i et spennende og aktuelt faglig program.

Informasjon om konferansen vil bli lagt ut på www.muss.no.

Vi ønsker at så mange som mulig deltar på konferansen. Det er derfor fint om du kan sende e-posten videre til andre aktuelle forskere/forskningsmiljøer innen feltet.

Vi håper du har anledning til å bli med på konferansen!

Med vennlig hilsen,
Det koordinerende forskningsmiljø for satsingen v/ FORMI, OUS-Ullevål
John-Anker Zwart, Margreth Grotle, Kjersti Storheim og Linda M. Pedersen.

For mer informasjon ta kontakt med Linda M. Pedersen
e-post: limped@ous-hf.no, tlf.nr: 23016171/91106219

MUSS sin logo


Invitation to The Bergen International Conference on Hansen’s Disease

Svart hvitt foto av Dr. Lepra som titter optimistisk i et lite mikroskop.


The Bergen International Conference on Hansen’s Disease:
150 Years Since the Discovery of the Leprosy Bacillus

This year marks the 150th anniversary of the discovery of the leprosy-causing bacteria, Mycobacterium leprae, by Dr. Gerhard Armauer Hansen. To mark this historic anniversary, Sasakawa Leprosy (Hansen’s Disease) Initiative and the University of Bergen in Norway are organizing The Bergen International Conference on Hansen’s Disease:150 Years Since the Discovery of the Leprosy Bacillus on June 21-22, 2023.

Although leprosy can now be treated with multidrug therapy, delayed treatment can lead to lifelong disability and discrimination against those affected. The World Health Organization and other international organizations aim to eliminate leprosy by 2030, and the Bergen International Conference on Hansen’s Disease will bring together stakeholders from around the world to discuss medical, social, and historical aspects of leprosy. This conference is part of the “Don’t Forget Leprosy” campaign.

Good deals on accommodation in Bergen can be found in the registration form.

We look forward to seeing you!

Date: June 21-22, 2023
Place: Grieg Hall (Address: Edvard Griegs Plass 1, 5015 Bergen, Norway)
Organizers: Sasakawa Leprosy (Hansen’s Disease) Initiative & The University of Bergen
Language: English (Simultaneous interpretation is being coordinated)

For more information and program overview, please visit the conference website.


If you have any questions, please contact us.


Cannot attend?
If you are not able to attend, please let us know here and we will not send you reminders.

We look forward to seeing you!

The 24th Broegelmann Lecture – Peder Olofsson

Peder S Olofsson is the Head of Division of Cardiovascular Medicine, Departmentof Medicine, Solna, Karolinska Institutetand the Scientific Director of the Stockholm Center for Biolectronic Medicine will give the talk Reaching beyond innervation to map mechanisms of neural regulation of inflammation.

Speaker: Peder S Olofsson, Division of Cardiovascular Medicine, Departmentof Medicine, Solna, Karolinska Institutet
Title: Reaching beyond innervation to map mechanisms of neural regulation of inflammation
Chair: Helena Harris
When: May 15th, 2023 at 3:00-4:00. Snacks and coffee will be provided prior to the lecture, remember to register!
Place: Auditorium B302, Sentralblokken 3rd floor, Haukeland University Hospital, Bergen

Registration: at this link  Deadline is May 8th at 12 AM

Short bio: Peder S. Olofsson, MD, PhD, trained in anesthesiology and intensive care medicine at the Karolinska University Hospital in Stockholm, Sweden, and is a Diplomate of the European Academy of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine with more than 10 years of clinical experience. Dr. Olofsson also holds a PhD in experimental medicine from the Karolinska Institutet in Stockholm, Sweden.

Research: Dr. Olofssons group focuses on the field of Bioelectronic medicine — the convergence of molecular medicine; neuroscience and biology; and electronics and computing to develop cures. It is hoped this field of study may change the future of therapies for a wide variety of diseases. This groundbreaking discipline is aimed at interfacing electronics with nerves to specifically target the biological processes underlying disease.

Studying neurophysiological and molecular mechanisms in the neural control of inflammation outside of the central nervous system, his lab uses genetic experimental animal models and pharmacological and neurophysiological interventions, and human studies, to map the homeostatic reflex control of inflammation physiology.

Dr. Olofsson’s work has been instrumental in the discovery that T cells relay neural signals in the inflammatory reflex, and that acetylcholine-producing T cells play key roles in regulation of blood pressure and anti-microbial defense through regulation of blood vessel physiology.

More information about Dr. Olofssons work can be found on his group page: Neural regulation of inflammation and metabolism | Karolinska Institutet (ki.se) and at the following link Bioelectronic Medicine – YouTube with a short video focusing on being able to monitor and stimulate the vital vagus nerve with short electrical pulses in order to treat inflammatory diseases in a targeted manner.

This seminar has been arranged by the Broegelmann Research Laboratory, NSI Bergen and the Bergen Research School in Inflammation

TVEPS ønsker deltakere til Its21 konferansen

Den nordiske Its21 konferansen arrangeres i Bergen 27-28 april. Tema for konferansen er In pursuit of a sustainable future: creating and anchoring interprofessional- and sustainability mindsets in educations and in the work field. Konferansen passer for alle med interesse for tverrfaglig samarbeid, utdanning og bærekraft, enten dere er studenter, ansatte på universitet/høyskoler, eller representanter fra arbeidslivet. En rekke fagfelt er representert blant bidragene, slik som pedagogikk, helse- og sosialfag og ingeniørfag.

For mer informasjon om konferansen, påmelding og program, følg denne lenken.

The Nordic Its21 conference will be held in Bergen on April 27-28. The conference theme is «In pursuit of a sustainable future: creating and anchoring interprofessional- and sustainability mindsets in educations and in the work field». The conference is suitable for anyone interested in interdisciplinary collaboration, education, and sustainability, whether you are students, faculty at universities/colleges, or representatives from municipalities or worklife arenas. A range of disciplines are represented in the program, such as pedagogy, health and social sciences, and engineering.

For more information, please follow this link.

Ocean Science Bar: Mat fra havet

I tredje og siste Ocean Science Bar under One Ocean Week møter vi forskarar innan naturvitskap og medisin som diskuterer kvifor nordmenn et stadig mindre mat frå havet.
Maleri av en man med skjegg som trolig klemmer en fisk.

Illustrasjon: ØBB / Dall-E

Denne diskusjonen tar vi denne kvelden på Statsraaden Bar & Reception. Deltakarane er ingen ringare enn UiB sine eigne Dag Aksnes og Hanne Rosendal-Riise med Amund Måge som debattleiar.

Du lesa meir ved å følgja denne lenkja: https://www.uib.no/aktuelt/160557/ocean-science-pub-mat-fra-havet

MRCRM-konferansen 2023

Hva: MRCRM internasjonale konferanse om regenerativ medisin
Når: 24.-25. april 2023
Hvor: Scandic Ørnen

Foredrag med internasjonale forskere, nettverking, lightning talks, god lunsj og middag!

Pris til beste studentbidrag på lightning talks!

For mer informasjon + påmelding se lenke under.
Påmeldingsfrist 17. april:


The Bergen International Conference on Hansen’s Disease


The Bergen International Conference on Hansen’s Disease:

150 Years Since the Discovery of the Leprosy Bacillus

This year marks the 150th anniversary of the discovery of the leprosy-causing bacteria, Mycobacterium leprae, by Dr. Gerhard Armauer Hansen. To mark this historic anniversary, Sasakawa Leprosy (Hansen’s Disease) Initiative and the University of Bergen in Norway are organizing The Bergen International Conference on Hansen’s Disease:150 Years Since the Discovery of the Leprosy Bacillus on June 21-22, 2023.

Although leprosy can now be treated with multidrug therapy, delayed treatment can lead to lifelong disability and discrimination against those affected. The World Health Organization and other international organizations aim to eliminate leprosy by 2030, and the Bergen International Conference on Hansen’s Disease will bring together stakeholders from around the world to discuss medical, social, and historical aspects of leprosy. This conference is part of the “Don’t Forget Leprosy” campaign.

Good deals on accommodation in Bergen can be found in the registration form.

We look forward to seeing you!

Date: June 21-22, 2023
Place: Grieg Hall (Address: Edvard Griegs Plass 1, 5015 Bergen, Norway)
Organizers: Sasakawa Leprosy (Hansen’s Disease) Initiative & The University of Bergen
Language: English (Simultaneous interpretation is being coordinated)

For more information and program overview, please visit the conference website.:



If you have any questions, please contact us here

Cannot attend?

If you are not able to attend, please let us know here and we will not send you reminders.

PhD grant writing workshop

The Faculty of Medicine invites all PhD candidates to a workshop on «How to write a successful grant proposal».

The workshop will enable PhD candidates in medicine and sciences to start early with their future research project. Participants will gain insight into the international funding landscape and develop hands-on knowledge by working on their own project proposal.

Target audience: PhD candidates enrolled at the Faculty of Medicine who want to kick-start their academic career in the nearest future.


  • The literary genre of a project proposal
  • Evaluation criteria: excellence, impact, implementation
  • Curriculum vitae and track record
  • The funding landscape in Norway and Europe

Speakers: Research advisors at the Faculty of Medicine

Time: The workshop will go over to half-days, with obligatory homework to be submitted on the second day.

Monday 22 May, 10-12
Wednesday 24 May, 10-13

Place: Eitri Medical Incubator, Haukelandsbakken 31, Bergen

Course fee: free

Registration deadline 10 May.

Info and registration: https://www.uib.no/en/med/160790/phd-grant-writing-workshop

Foto/ill.: picjumbo_com on pixabay.com

Heldagsseminar for ph.d.-veiledere 21. april

Det medisinske fakultet har gleden av å invitere til fysisk heldagsseminar for ph.d.-veiledere 21.april.

Det medisinske fakultet har om lag 100 disputaser hvert år. Mange disputaser er av høy internasjonal standard, men ca. 10-13 % må gjennom omarbeiding. Kappen er det svakeste leddet. «Manglende stringens» og «for lav akademisk kvalitet for å kunne publiseres som et helhetlig akademiske litteratur på feltet» er ofte begrunnelsen for avslag.

Rune Krumsvik er professor i pedagogikk og merittert underviser. Han har skrevet flere bøker om artikkelbaserte doktoravhandlinger og holder kurs i kappeskriving.

Meld deg på veilederseminaret for faglig påfyll om din rolle i å veilede og hvordan gi tilbakemelding på kappeskriving slik at kandidaten slipper potensiell forsinkelse pga. mindre omarbeiding.


09:00-09:10 Åpning og introduksjon
Visedekan for forskerutdanning professor Martha C. Enger

09:10-10:00 Kvalitet i avhandlingen versus artiklene
Professor Rune Krumsvik

10:00-11:00 Kvalitet i avhandlingen – utdeling av case
Førsteamanuensis Monica Kvernenes

11:00-11:15 Pause

11:15-12:00 Forskningsetikk
Professor Kristine Bærøe
Diskusjon i grupper og i plenum

12:00-13:00 Lunsj

13:00-14:00 Hva kan man som veileder gjøre når det er vanskelig å veilede?
Professor Hans-Peter Marti
Diskusjon i grupper og i plenum

14:00-15:00 Hva er en god veileder fra kandidaten sitt perspektiv?
Ph.d.-kandidat Julie Solberg Knudsen
Diskusjon i grupper og i plenum

Vel møtt!

Se også fakultetets egen side om veilederopplæring:

UiBs Læringskonferanse

Portrett av visedekan for utdanning, professor Marit Øilo

Visedekan for utdanning, professor Marit Øilo. Foto: Jørgen Barth


The Program of University Pedagogy invites you to attend the UiB Læringskonferanse, held at the UiB Studentsenter on April 25, 2023. The conference will feature keynotes by Cathy Bovill (University of Edinburgh) and Crina Damşa (University of Oslo), a panel discussion with bioCEED, iEarth, & SLATE, and over 40 papers and posters from people at UiB and other institutions. The theme for this year’s conference is Transformative Learning and Teaching.

Registration: https://skjemaker.app.uib.no/view.php?id=14359074

The UiB Læringskonferanse is free and open to all members of the UiB community. It will an opportunity to learn, discuss, and celebrate transformative and research-based practices in university teaching and learning. We invite all teachers at UiB to attend the conference. The contributions share inquiry on teaching and learning from the UiB community, and presentations on practice and research will focus on student learning through examination of classroom teaching practices, field or practical teaching, use of educational technologies, curriculum revision, use of accessible and inclusive teaching methods, and supervision.

The Læringskonferanse is intended to be an opportunity to connect with a community of teachers and to learn together about transformative teaching practice.

More information about the conference is available at https://www.uib.no/uped/160763/uib-læringskonferanse-2023

The conference is free and open to all and includes lunch and refreshments. Therefore, we do ask that you register by 20. April for catering and planning purposes.

Kind regards,

Marit Øylo

Nysgjerrig på Forsker grand prix? Søknadsfrist 30. april

Er du ph.d.-kandidat og har lyst å lære mer om formidling?

Forsker grand prix er en forskningsformidlingskonkurranse for ph.d.-kandidater, og i år er Bergensfinalen 27. september.
Som deltaker i Forsker grand prix får du en fantastisk mulighet til å lære mer om hvordan du når frem med budskapet ditt til et stort publikum.

De ti deltakerne som blir valgt ut får bl.a.:

  • Individuell coaching og fellessamlinger
  • Hjelp til storytelling, formidling av budskap, kameratrening, håndtering av presse
  • Blir attraktiv på arbeidsmarkedet, kandidater har fått fast jobb på grunn av Forsker grand prix
  • Nettverk i Forskningsrådet og i andre fagmiljøer
  • Tverrfaglig nettverk

Søknadsfrist 30. april: Søknadsskjema finner du på Forskningsdagene i Bergens nettsider.

NB: Du kan ikke kan ha disputert før konkurransen finner sted.
Det er mulig å holde presentasjonen på engelsk, men fellessamlinger og coaching vil i hovedsak foregå på norsk.

Les gjerne intervju i På høyden med fjorårets vinner Josephine Salice, fra Institutt fra fysikk og teknologi, om hvordan hun opplevde å delta.

Gå ikke glipp av denne flotte sjansen til å forbedre formidlingsevnene dine!

Beste hilsen
Ingeborg Revheim

11th CCBIO Annual Symposium May 8-10

A kind reminder of the invitation to the 11th CCBIO Annual Symposium May 8-10 at Hotel Solstrand close to Bergen – this is booking well, so if you have not registered yet, make sure to do that now while we still can accommodate you at the lovely Solstrand hotel. Deadline is March 31. The symposium is open for all.

The 2022 symposium was a success with more than 240 participants, and we expect the enlarged 2023 symposium to be even better with its generous time frame and two overnight stays. You can choose between attending online for scientific updates, or in-person at Hotel Solstrand in order to also enjoy the company of colleagues and the informal and mutually fertilizing scientific crosstalk in the breaks and the evenings.  We expect the symposium to become fully subscribed, and we strongly recommend you to register early and within the deadline of March 31.

We have secured a range of international speakers: Alexander Swabrick, Amy Leblanc, Anniina Färkkilä, Benno Schwikowski, Douglas Lauffenburger, Frederic Amant, Iain McNeish, Ian Mills, Ingrid Hedenfalk, Klaus Pantel, Michael Rogers, Caroline Heckman, Rameen Beroukhim, Robert D’Amato, Stephane Terry, Catherine Panabieres and Jean Paul Thiery. See prefinal program here.

Younger researchers are offered slots for 3-minute speed-talks as well as extended poster sessions with ample time for interaction between the participants. There is still time to register for speed talks and/or poster.

The heavily subsidized registration fee is 3000 NOK/300 Euro per person for the three days and two overnight stays with full board. In order to enable us to accommodate 200+ participants in the 138 rooms available, we are dependent upon as many as possible sharing rooms (up to four).  So, please indicate if, and with whom, you are willing to share your room when you register online.

For an overview of speakers, registration and the practical information sheet (obligatory reading before asking questions), please consult the links below:

Symposium website: www.ccbiosymposium.no

Registration: please use this link

Practical information: on this link

Further information about CCBIOwww.ccbio.no

We look forward to seeing you at our symposium!

On behalf of CCBIO’s Director, Lars A. Akslen

With best regards
Eli Synnøve Vidhammer
Centre for Cancer Biomarkers CCBIO

CCBIO Special Lunch-Seminar Thursday 30.03.2023 with Edward R. Smith

Dear all,

We are happy to invite you to a CCBIO Special Seminar, with a light lunch included, March 30th 2023 – 11.30–12.30 at Auditorium B301, Sentralblokken, HUS.

Professor Edward R. Smith will give the talk “Learning from tumor to treat stroke”, – showing how the cross-pollination between benchtop scientists and full-time clinicians led to a unique insight that a shared biological mechanism might be pathologic in one disease process – and helpful in another, seemingly unrelated, disease.

A light lunch will be included after the lecture, and for this we encourage you to register you preferences via this link.

Short bio: Dr. Smith is a professor at Harvard Medical School and the R. Michael Scott endowed chair in neurosurgery at Boston Children’s Hospital.  He serves as the co-director of the Cerebrovascular Surgery and Interventions Center, vice-chair of the #1-ranked department of pediatric neurosurgery in the US and leads a translational research laboratory in the Vascular Biology Program, focusing on development of non-invasive biomarkers and novel therapies for brain tumors and stroke.  Dr. Smith heads one of the largest pediatric cerebrovascular programs in the country, and innovations from his research and clinical efforts have been incorporated in current national guidelines, with the goal of improving patient outcomes.

Speaker: Professor Edward R. Smith, Harvard Medical School and the Vascular Biology Program, Boston Children’s Hospital
Time: 30.03.2023, from 11.30–12.30
Where: Auditorium B301, Sentralblokken 3rd floor, Haukeland University Hospital, Bergen. Onsite event in the auditorium.
Title: “Learning from tumor to treat stroke”
Chair: Agnete Engelsen, CCBIO
Abstract: Is available here
Registration for lunch: At this link, Deadline is March 27 at 11 AM.

Everyone interested in the topic is welcome to attend the seminar!

Best wishes,

Camilla Tvedt Ekanger
Seminar coordinator/PhD student
Centre for Cancer Biomarkers CCBIO

CCBIO Seminar Thursday 30.03.2023 with Martin Götte

Dear all,

We are happy to invite you to a CCBIO Seminar next week, Thursday 30.03.2023, in Aud. 4 BBB, from 14.30-15.30.
Martin Götte will give a talk on “The multifunctional nature of Syndecan-1 in breast cancer.”

Join us also for our informal pizza get-together following the talk!

Speaker: Martin Götte, Münster University Hospital, Germany
Time: Thursday, 30.03.2023 – 14.30–15.30
Where: Aud. 4, BBB
Title: The multifunctional nature of Syndecan-1 in breast cancer
Chair: Donald Gullberg
Abstract: Is available here

Onsite event in the auditorium. The CCBIO seminars are open to all.

Hope to see as many as possible there!

Best wishes,

Camilla Tvedt Ekanger
Seminar coordinator/PhD student
Centre for Cancer Biomarkers CCBIO

Norwegian Cancer Society: «Questions and answers» for applicants of Researcher projects

On Tuesday 25th of April at 9.30–11.00 we’ll be taking a quick look at the parts of the application form we receive the most questions about, as well as answering submitted questions from you, in a digital seminar.

The details of eligibility for «Young Aspiring Cancer Researchers» will be presented. The application guidelines and the application form will become available at the latest on the 14th of April.

Please sign up for the seminar and ask your questions through the form within the 19th of April, using this link.

Kreftforeningen: Bruker-MED-virkning i forskning

Er du forsker eller rådgiver som jobber med forskningsstøtte? Da bør du sette av mandag 17. april kl. 9.30–12.30 for å bli inspirert til å planlegge og gjennomføre god brukermedvirkning i kreftrelatert forskning.

  • Hør forskere som deler sine erfaringer og refleksjoner om bruker-medvirkning.
  • Bidra i samtale med d som finansierer: hvordan får vi til god brukermedvirkning i kreftrelatert forskning?
  • Møt representanter for finansieringsordningene som kan svare på dine spørsmål.

Seminaret vil holdes i Kreftforeningens Vitensenter i Oslo. Program kommer senere og første del vil bli streamet.

Seminaret arrangeres i samarbeid med Cancer Mission Hub Norway.

Hold av datoen og registrer deg her på foreningens nettsider.

Foto/ill.: kreftforeningen.no