CCBIO-INTPART seminar -Scientific Writing Seminar

Several CCBIO-INTPART seminars and courses will take place the coming years. December 13th and 14th this year, we launch the first seminar in this series; a two-day seminar in Scientific Writing. Read more here.

Please register within November 30th, through this link.  If you cannot access the registration link, it is because the auditorium is fully booked. If you wish to be put on a waiting list, please contact

Nye utlysninger

Nasjonalforeningen for folkehelsen er en frivillig organisasjon som jobber med demens og hjerte- og karsykdommer ved lokalt arbeid, politisk påvirkning og støtte til forskning.
Gjennom Nasjonalforeningen for folkehelsens demensforskningsprogram er det nå anledning til å søke om driftsmidler på inntil 300 000 NOK. Midlene skal styrke pågående forskning og/eller bidra til forskningsnettverk innen demens. Søknadsfrist: 8. desember 2017 kl. 13. Søknad må sendes inn elektronisk via Nasjonalforeningen for folkehelsens søknadsportal.
Vennligst se her for mer informasjon.

INCOBRA call for EU-Brazil Cooperation Networks. The main objective of this call is to foster and strengthen the mutual cooperation of Brazilian and European R&I actors through the support of bilateral networks by providing a grant (€19,500) for the implementation of mutual bilateral visits and workshops. Deadline: 15 December 2017

Novo Nordisk Foundation: the Excellence projects for young researchers doing excellent research projects within the fields of basic, translational and/or clinical endocrinology or metabolism research. The Foundation will award up to four 5-years Projects. Deadline: 30 January 2018

Nasjonalforeningen for folkehelsen: Through the National Association for Public Health’s Dementia Research Program, it is now possible to apply up to 300,000 NOK to strengthen ongoing research and/or contribute to research networks within dementia. Deadline: 8 December 2017



GLOBVAC Funding is available for Researcher projects within all thematic areas of the GLOBVAC work programme. Research that sheds light on new questions and challenges related to the transition from the Millennium Development Goals to the Sustainable Development Goals is encouraged.
Deadline: 14 February 2018

Pre-announcement BEDREHELSE Until 150 million kroner to environmental support for research towards better public Health. Deadline: 25 April 2018

Fellowships and Personal Grants


Novo Nordisk Foundation: postdoctoral fellowships within endocrinology/metabolism at international elite research environments.  The fellowship offers an opportunity to carry out a research project where a minimum of 3 years are dedicated to work at a university, hospital or other research institution abroad, followed by up to 1 year at a university, hospital or other research institution in a Nordic country.




Societal Challenges (SC): Collaborative breakthrough research and radical innovation
Pre-announcement Selected deadlines calls:
SC1-2018-2020: Health, demographic change and wellbeing

Call: Digital Transformation in health and care
SC1-DTH-03-2018: Adaptive smart working and living environments supporting active and healthy ageing
SC1-DTH-10-2019-2020: Digital health and care services (Two-stage)
SC1-HCC-03-2018: Support to further development of international cooperation in digital transformation of health and care

Call: Better health and care, economic growth and sustainable health systems
SC1-BHC-02-2019: Systems approaches for the discovery of combinatorial therapies for complex disorders (Two-stage)
SC1-BHC-03-2018: Exploiting research outcomes and application potential of the human microbiome for personalised prediction, prevention and treatment of disease
SC1-BHC-05-2018: International flagship collaboration with Canada for human data storage, integration and sharing to enable personalised medicine approaches
SC1-BHC-09-2018: Innovation platforms for advanced therapies of the future
SC1-BHC-14-2019: Stratified host-directed approaches to improve prevention, treatment and/or cure of infectious diseases (Two-stage)
SC1-BHC-15-2018: New anti-infective agents for prevention and/or treatment of neglected infectious diseases (NID) (Two-stage)
SC1-BHC-16-2018: Global Alliance for Chronic Diseases (GACD) – Scaling-up of evidence-based health interventions at population level for the prevention and management of hypertension and/or diabetes
SC1-BHC-21-2018: Research on HIV, tuberculosis (TB) and/or hepatitis C (HCV) in patients with mono-, co-infections and/or comorbidities in the context of fostering collaboration with the Russian Federation
SC1-BHC-23-2018: Novel patient-centred approaches for survivorship, palliation and/or end-of-life care
SC1-BHC-26-2018: HTA research to support evidence-based healthcare
SC1-BHC-27-2018: New testing and screening methods to identify endocrine disrupting chemicals
SC1-HCO-04-2018: ERA-NET to support the Joint Programming in Neurodegenerative Diseases strategic plan (JPND)
Deadline: 18 April 2018. Deadline for pre-projects in two-stage proposals is 2 October 2018

Horizon 2020 – Complementary Calls:
Pre-announcement: Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI) – Future topics


Funding for cooperation in higher education

DNSZ Seed Money 2018 (Link in Norwegian)
The German-Norwegian Study Centre in Kiel (DNSZ) provides funds within the framework of its Seed Money Budget, in order to support cooperation between German and Norwegian academics in all fields. The present call for proposals applies to projects that are to be realised in the period August 2017 until March 2018. Deadline: 8 December 2017

Capacity Building in the Field of Higher Education 2018
This action which aims to support the modernisation, accessibility and internationalisation of higher education in the Partner Countries is to be carried out in the context of the priorities identified in the Communications “Increasing the impact of EU Development Policy: an Agenda for Change” and “European Higher Education in the World”. Advisory body: SIU (Link in Norwegian). Deadline: 8 February 2018

E+ Joint Master Degrees (Link in Norwegian)
E+ Joint Master Degrees aims to promote cooperation to increase academic quality and that this in turn will increase attractiveness towards students, primarily from countries outside Europe.
Deadline: 15 February 2017

Erasmus+ Knowledge Alliances
Knowledge Alliances between higher education institutions and enterprises aim to foster innovation, entrepreneurship, creativity, employability, knowledge exchange and/or multidisciplinary teaching and Learning. Advisory body: SIU (Link in Norwegian). Deadline: 28 February 2018

PhD- hjørnet

Nye doktorgrader

Hanne Marie Bø Lunde disputerte den 3. november med avhandlingen “Patient-centered outcomes in multiple sclerosis. Results from observational studies on sleep, employment and survival”.

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Kristi Krüger disputerte den 8. november med avhandlingen “Markers of angiogenesis and the basal-like phenotype of breast cancer”.

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Kommende disputaser

Liv Solrun Mellesdal

Kandidaten utgår fra Klinisk institutt 1
Hovedveileder: Professor emeritus Hugo A. Jørgensen Medveileder: Professor Lars Mehlum

Prøveforelesning:  Onsdag 22. november 2017 kl. 10.45
Sted:  Auditoriet Sandviken Sykehus, Bygg 3, Sandviksleitet 1
Oppgitt emne:  “Forståelse og definisjoner av selvskadingens funksjon gjennom tidene: modeller og teoridannelse og betydningen for den kliniske og forskningsmessige praksis”

Disputas:  Onsdag 22. november 2017 kl. 12.30
Sted:  Auditoriet Sandviken Sykehus, Bygg 3, Sandviksleitet 1
Avhandlingens tittel:  “Predictors of suicidality and self-harm related admissions to psychiatric and general hospitals”

  1. opponent: Professor Elsebeth Stenager, Syddansk Universitet, Danmark
  2. opponent: Førsteamanuensis II Vegard Øksendal Haaland, Universitetet i Oslo
  3. medlem av komiteen: Førsteamanuensis II Anne Halmøy, Universitetet i Bergen

Disputasen blir ledet av Professor Tone Tangen.
Åpent for alle interesserte



Nye publikasjoner

Publikasjonene er basert på Pubmed- søket «Department of Clinical Medicine AND Bergen».  Om noen har publikasjoner som ikke ble dekt av våre søk i Pubmed, ta kontakt med

Nivå 2

Nivå 1


Info om reiseregninger

Opphavsrett: Colourbox

Vi ber alle ansatte huske på å laste opp vedlegg når en skriver reiseregning i Pagaweb og før en sender dem til kontroll. Administrasjonen skal ikke ha vedleggene, hverken pr internpost eller på epost, disse oppbevares av den enkelte. Det gjelder andre utlegg på andre skjema også (refusjon av utlegg).


Aktuelle velferdstilbud

Synger ut om tro og tvil

Sammen med Svein Tindberg og det faste bandet sitt, nærmer Bjørn Eidsvåg seg Jesus på ulike måter. Hvem er han, og er det i det hele tatt mulig å svare på det spørsmålet? Eidsvåg vokste opp i Sauda med flanellograf, basar og allsang. I forestillingen viser han til de ulike Jesus-figurene han har hatt et forhold til gjennom livet; en godhjertet sosialist, en streng moralist, en kul hippitype og en som mislikte sterkt både langt hår, rytmisk musikk og kvinnelige prester. Med både nytt og gammelt sangmateriale, mye humor og tidvis en god bedehusstil, leter Eidsvåg og Tindberg i kulturhistorien – og i egen oppveksthistorie – for å tegne et bilde av den Jesus som de og kanskje publikum ønsker seg i dag.
Les mer om forestillingene her:!

 Ansatte ved UiB tilbys billetter til ”Etterlyst: Jesus” torsdag 23. november kl. 20.00 på Store Scene
Billettpris kr. 260 (ord. kr. 310)
Billetter kan kjøpes til denne prisen til og med 14. november.

Etterlyst; Jesus torsdag 23. november:

Velg deretter antall plasser ved å klikke på de blå setene i salkartet som kommer opp på skjermen. Tast inn kode UIB2017 for å låse opp pristypen ansatt UIB og velg deretter antall billetter. Klikk videre på kjøp billetter. Forsett til betaling ved å logge deg inn til kassen.