Kommende disputaser

Foto: Jørgen Barth, UiB
Lisbeth Beate Sandtorv
Hovedveileder: professor II Irene Elgen
Medveileder: ph.d. Siren Haugland
Prøveforelesning: Onsdag 31. oktober 2018 kl. 09.15
Sted: Stort auditorium, Sentralblokken, Haukeland universitetssykehus, Jonas Lies vei 65
Oppgitt emne: «Kan vi vurdere hvilken betydning prenatal rusmiddel eksponering, oppdragelse, genetikk og andre risikofaktorer har for utviklingen av problemer hos barn av mødre med rusmiddelbruk?»
Disputas: Onsdag 31. oktober 2018 kl. 11.15
Sted: Stort auditorium, Sentralblokken, Haukeland universitetssykehus, Jonas Lies vei 65
Avhandlingens tittel: «Mental health and care situation in school-aged children prenatally exposed to alcohol and other substances: a hospital-based study»
- opponent: Professor Philip Wilson, University of Aberdeen, UK
- opponent: Professor Egil Nygaard, Universitetet i Oslo
- medlem av komiteen: Professor Anders Lund Universitetet i Bergen
Disputasen blir ledet av professor II Maj-Britt Posserud.
Åpent for alle interesserte.

Foto: Ingvild Festervoll Melien
Karin Margrethe Hjelle
Hovedveileder: professor Christian Beisland
Medveiledere: ph.d. Tom Børge Johannesen og førsteamanuensis Leif H Bostad
Prøveforelesning: Fredag 2. november 2018 kl. 10.15
Sted: Stort auditorium, Sentralblokken, Haukeland Universitetssykehus, Jonas Lies vei 65
Oppgitt emne: «The future of renal cancer treatment: Treatment modalities, research needs and the role of the urologist»
Disputas: Fredag 2. november 2018 kl. 12.15
Sted: Stort auditorium, Sentralblokken, Haukeland Universitetssykehus, Jonas Lies vei 65
Avhandlingens tittel: “A population based study on Kidney Cancer in Norway (2008-13) – Aspects of biopsy use, surgical treatment and outcome.”
1.opponent: Professor Hendrik van Poppel, University Hospitals Leuven, Belgia
2. opponent: Førsteamanuensis Stig Müller, Universitetet i Oslo
3. medlem av komiteen: Professor Line Bjørge, Universitetet i Bergen
Disputasen blir ledet av professor Hans-Peter Marti.
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Foto: Jørgen Barth, UiB
Hans Olav Ueland
Hovedveileder: professor Eyvind Rødahl
Medveiledere: professor II Olav Henrik Haugen og førsteamanuensis II Svein Arthur Hønsi-Jensen
Prøveforelesning: Fredag 2. november 2018 kl. 10.30
Sted: Auditorium 1, Bygg for biologiske basalfag, Jonas Lies vei 91
Oppgitt emne: «Rødt øye. Diagnostikk og behandling»
Disputas: Fredag 2. november 2018 kl. 12.30
Sted: Auditorium 1, Bygg for biologiske basalfag, Jonas Lies vei 91
Avhandlingens tittel: «Surgical treatment of patients with thyroid eye disease»
1. opponent: Ph.d. Sven Sahlin, Södersjukhuset, Stockholm
2. opponent: Ph.d. Dag Krohn-Hansen, Oslo Universitetssykehus
3. medlem av komiteen: Professor Anne Berit Guttormsen, Universitetet i Bergen
Disputasen blir ledet av professor emeritus Gunnar Høvding.
Åpent for alle interesserte.
INVITATION: CCBIO Junior Scientist Lunch-to-Lunch Symposium at Panorama Hotel Sotra
Welcome to a special and extended CCBIO Junior Scientist Symposium November 19-20 2018, in beautiful surroundings at Panorama Hotel & Resort at Sotra, just outside Bergen. This time we will host an eventful lunch-to-lunch symposium.
The symposium will start with a delicious lunch, before proceeding with an excellent academic and scientific program, including an inspirational lecture by the experienced scientist, professor and vice dean of doctoral education at our faculty, Roland Jonsson. We will focus on how to improve scientific presentation skills, both through illustrations and orally, in the workshop; «How to make great figures and present your work in 3 minutes». Here you will get an overview of «do’s» and «don’ts» from the experts. We will also be inspired by previous organizers of CCBIO JUSS who will give us ideas on the different aspects of life in academia. Day two will bring research insights and inspiration from Professor Stein Ove Døskeland and his 45 years of research, and Researcher Nils Halberg, representing a young investigator leading an established research lab. As always, there will be exciting scientific presentations from CCBIO junior scientists, both days, and if you have work that you would like to present, you may nominate yourself upon registration.
The modest participation fee for this symposium (500 NOK per person in double room, 1000 NOK in single room, ask your group leader for support) includes lunch both days, dinner and hotel stay in double or single occupancy, in addition to the organized bus transportation between Haukeland Campus and the Panorama Hotel & Resort at Sotra. Access to facilities are included.
WHEN: Monday 19th November at 12.00 (bus at 10.15 from Haukeland Campus) to Tuesday 20th of November at 13.00, when the bus departs from the hotel.
WHERE: Panorama Hotel & Resort at Sotra, just outside Bergen.
REGISTRATION: please use this link: https://skjemaker.app.uib.no/view.php?id=5488642
PROGRAM: you can find preliminary program on the event web site or at this flyer.
WHO: This is an arena where PhD candidates and postdocs gain experience with oral presentations and academic discussions, and in addition we are happy to welcome other interested students, researchers, staff and visitors. For those registered for the CCBIO901 program, attending this symposium will count as two regular symposia.
Hope to see you there, for great presentations and a great time!
Liv Cecilie Vestrheim Thomsen, Erling Høivik and Kenneth Finne are coordinators of this CCBIO Junior Scientist Symposium, and can be contacted if you have any questions.