Nye publikasjoner

Publikasjonene er basert på PubMed-søket «Department of Clinical Medicine» AND Bergen. Om noen har publikasjoner som ikke ble dekket av våre søk i PubMed, ta kontakt med kjetil.harkestad@uib.no.

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Nivå 1

UiBdoc Newsletter February

Dear all

The spring semester started, and we want to share some news with you.

Social events happening in February:

  1. February 8-11th will be happening the Bergen Ser Festival 2024 at Bergen Kino (Bergen Ser 2024 (bergenkino.no))
  2. Thursday 15th payday drinks at Salong bar from 19.30 with NHHdoc!
  3. Gathering at Nordnes sjøbad for some relaxing time on Thursday 22nd.

Uibdoc will cover the expenses for the entrance fee, please sign up here: https://forms.gle/31C7WB245ddfR7Dw9

We are planning two main events for the semester, one outdoor activity in March (week 12) and a spring welcome party in April, so please keep tuned for the coming newsletters for more information.

In March (7-10th) Bergen BIFF will host the festival for Cine Latino 2024 (Cine Latino 2024 (biff.no)).

Also, remember that the Pint of Science will happen between May 13th and 15th.

Other relevant academic information:

  1. Next week (Feb 13th, 9h) will be a public discussion of the new proposal for organizing academic positions that The Ministry sent out. This event will be held in Norwegian. If you want to give us some input on ideas we can bring to the meeting, please read the following document https://hkdir.no/dokumenter/les-dokumentet/forslag-til-forskrift-om-undervisnings-og-forskningsstillinger-og-rekrutteringsstillinger and send us your thoughts by email.
  2. Take the step – Career fair Grieghallen 2024, Tuesday, February 13th from 14.30 to 18h.

Info and registration here: Ta Steget – Karrieremesse Grieghallen 2024 – 13.02.2024 | Framtidsfylket | Kjøp billetter | Hoopla

  1. For the ones interested, remember that we are at the time when we can nominate candidates to the University Board within March 1, at 12 p.m.
  2. Take a look at the courses and events organized by UiB Ferd here: February 2024 (cloud.microsoft)
  3. Take a look at the courses and events organized by Euraxess here: Newsletter – February 2024.pdf (uib.no)

If you know any new PhD candidate in your department who would like to receive our newsletter, please forward this email to that person or contact us to be added to the mailing list.

Best regards,
UiBdoc board


Kommende disputaser

Karine Eid

Hovedveileder: professor Marte-Helene Bjørk

Medveiledere: professor emeritus Nils Erik Gilhus og professor Øivind Torkildsen

Prøveforelesning: Fredag 23. februar 2024 kl. 10.15
Sted: Auditorium Glasblokkene, Haukelandsbakken 15

Oppgitt emne: «The role of sex/gender in multiple sclerosis: etiology, course and clinical implications»

Disputas: Fredag 23. februar 2024 kl. 12.15
Sted: Auditorium Glasblokkene, Haukelandsbakken 15

Avhandlingens tittel: «Multiple adversity: Childhood abuse, adult abuse, and perinatal depression in women with multiple sclerosis»

1. opponent: professor Maura Pugliatti, Università degli Studi di Ferrara, Italia
2. opponent: professor Jan Hillert, Karolinska Institutet, Sverige
3. medlem av komiteen: førsteamanuensis Anne Halmøy, Universitetet i Bergen

Disputasen blir ledet av professor Halvor Næss

Åpent for alle interesserte


Foto/ill.: Marit O. Øvregård

Har du spørsmål om ph.d.-utdanningen ved K1?

Da kan du ta kontakt med ph.d.-koordinator Kjetil Utvik Harkestad som har kontorplass i 7. eatsje på Lab-bygget.


Do you have questions regarding the PhD education at K1?

Please contact the PhD coordinator at the department, Kjetil Utvik Harkestad.

Kjære alle sammen

Det nærmer seg veldig Instituttets dag, som er 1. februar, og jeg håper flest mulig har anledning til å delta. Dette er en fin måte å bli kjent med våre kolleger, og programmet finner dere her:
Program for instituttets dag.

Gode kolleger er viktig, og i K1-administrasjonen legges det til rette for at alle får best mulig trivsel på arbeidsplassen. Vi har mange flinke kolleger som er etterspurte og som får nye muligheter. Dette gjelder også hos oss og nå i K1-administrasjonen.

Kjetil Harkestad fått ny jobb ved Økonomiavdelingen sentralt ved UiB, og han starter der 1. april. Som dere vet har Kjetil gjort og gjør en fantastisk jobb, ikke minst for alle våre ph.d.-kandidater fra «onboardning», oppfølging med midtveisevaluering og til gjennomføring av disputas, sist også på en lørdag.

Så er det administrasjonssjef Jorunn Skei, som skal begynne ved Høgskulen på Vestlandet med oppstart 1. mai. Jorunn har vært ved instituttet vårt i 14 år og den som best av alle kjenner hele K1-familien. Jorunn er som dere vet selve navet i K1-hjulet. Hun har vært og er en fantastisk tilrettelegger for at alle skal få best mulig trivsel på jobb og gode arbeidsforhold. Vi ønske selvfølgelig både Kjetil og Jorunn alt godt på veien videre, men vi får heldigvis beholde begge to noen måneder til.

Dette betyr at stillingene til Kjetil og Jorunn lyses ut. Jeg håper vi får riktig gode søkere og helst at vi får til en «overlapp» slik at skiftet i K1 administrasjonen blir best mulig. Men med skifte av personer i to så sentrale stillinger i administrasjonen, vil det realistisk sett bli noe lavere sørvis i en periode.

Ønsker dere alle en riktig god helg.

Hilsen Christian

CCBIO903 – Course in cancer research: ethical, economical and social aspects

Dear all

A kind reminder to all PhD candidates, other students and their supervisors of the deadline February 1 in StudentWeb for the unique and important 5 ECTS course CCBIO903 – Cancer research: Ethical, economic and social aspects, that takes place in Bergen April 8-12 + June 3-6, 2024.

This course focuses on ethical, economical, and societal aspects of cancer and cancer research and aims to equip cancer researchers with tools for reflecting on the limits, challenges, and opportunities of their own research, as well as provide an understanding of the outside-the-lab context, with discussions on the broader ethical, social, economic and political implications of their research.  Such knowledge is not only important on a personal level as a researcher, but also in funding proposals to be able to clarify any ethical issues related to the implementation of projects and be better equipped to provide an explanation of how such issues will be dealt with.

This course gives the opportunity to PhD candidates within cancer research to discuss uncertainties and dilemmas, and to anchor their research in its broader context. The course will focus on difficult questions such as:

  • What is considered as a ‘good biomarker’, and according to who?
  • How can we navigate risks, uncertainties and even ignorance, in processes of research design and clinical decision-making processes?
  • In an era of big data, what are the promises and limits of using real-world data in Health Technology Assessments?
  • How can we enrich the discussions of cancer as a biologically measured disease, with cancer as an illness, an experience owned by the patient?
  • And finally, what does it do to our practices of producing knowledge, caring for patients, and prioritizing cancer, to be guided by a vision of precision oncology?

Course code/name: CCBIO903, Cancer Research – Ethical, Economic and Social Aspects
Dates: Course week 1: April 8-12, 2024, and course week 2: June 3-6, 2024.
Place (on-site participation only, no streaming): campus Haukeland University Hospital
Responsible: Roger Strand and Anne Blanchard are academic responsible for the course. Jiyeon Kang will be bringing in the perspectives from health economics.
ECTS/who: The course provides 5 ECTS and is open to PhD candidates at the University of Bergen and elsewhere, also in the other Nordic countries. Students at the Medical Student Research Programme at the UiB are also welcome.
More info: on this page

Kind regards
Eli Synnøve Vidhammer

Nye publikasjoner

Publikasjonene er basert på PubMed-søket «Department of Clinical Medicine» AND Bergen. Om noen har publikasjoner som ikke ble dekket av våre søk i PubMed, ta kontakt med kjetil.harkestad@uib.no.

Nivå 2

Nivå 1


Nye doktorgrader


Portrettfoto av kandidaten

Foto/ill.: Thor Andre Ellingsen

Kathrin Skorpa Nilsen disputerte den 12. januar 2024 med avhandlingen «Vestibular Symptoms, Balance and Vestibular Function in Patients with Vestibular Schwannoma».

Vi gratulerer med gjennomført disputas!






Portrettfoto av kandidaten

Foto/ill.: Intakhar Ahmad

Intakhar Ahmad disputerte den 16. januar 2024 med avhandlingen «Novel biomarkers in multiple sclerosis pathology with a focus on neuroprotection and myelin repair».

Vi gratulerer med gjennomført disputas!





Portrettfoto av kandidaten

Foto/ill.: Jørgen Barth

Dhanushan Dhayalan disputerte den 20. januar 2024 med avhandlingen «Clinical Management of Vestibular Schwannoma».

Vi gratulerer med gjennomført disputas!









Midtveisevaluering 31. januar 2024, Bergen

Simon Kverneng – ph.d.-prosjekt: Exploring clinical biomarkers of mitochondrial dysfunction in Parkinson’s disease


Foto/ill.: Marit O. Øvregård

Har du spørsmål om ph.d.-utdanningen ved K1?

Da kan du ta kontakt med ph.d.-koordinator Kjetil Utvik Harkestad som har kontorplass i 7. etasje på Lab-bygget.


Do you have questions regarding the PhD education at K1?

Please contact the PhD coordinator at the department, Kjetil Utvik Harkestad.

Påminnelse – instituttets dag 1. februar

Kjære K1-kollegaer

illustrasjon av leger som fester med en ørn

Vi ønsker dere velkommen til Instituttets dag torsdag 1. februar 2024.

Dagen holdes på Scandic Ørnen, fra kl. 10.00 og avrundes med middag kl. 17.30.

Har du ikke meldt deg enda, så kan du gjøre det nå:

Påmeldingsfrist er 21. januar 2024.

Vi gleder oss til en ny K1-dag, med godt faglig innhold og ikke minst, sosialt felleskap.

Beste hilsen
Christian & Jorunn

Åpen dag i UiB Læringsarena 22. januar

Mandag 22. januar inviterer vi på ny ansatte til UiB Læringsarena for å se og slå av en prat.

Invitasjonen: Åpen dag i UiB Læringsarena 22. januar | Læringsarenaen i Nygårdsgaten 5 | UiB

Med hilsen


Monday 22 January from 11:00-14:00 we invite all our colleagues to visit the new UiB Læringsarena in Nygårdsgaten 5 to see Storsalen and our seminar rooms – and for a chat if you have questions.

We offer coffee and tea, and Smauet café will serve some snacks.

Invitation  (in Norwegian only): Åpen dag i UiB Læringsarena 22. januar | Læringsarenaen i Nygårdsgaten 5 | UiB

Yours sincerely,

Informasjon om bibliotekets kurs for ansatte våren 2024

Meld deg på ett av bibliotekets kurs denne våren!

Bibliotek for medisin tilbyr kurs til ansatte ved Det medisinske fakultetet, og ansatte ved Helse Bergen:

  • Søkekurs i PubMed og Embase
  • Introduksjon til Endnote
  • Introduksjon til Zotero
  • Introduksjon til systematiske oversikter
  • Litteraturoppgaver for studenter

Kursene er planlagt som hybridløsning, hvor det er mulighet for å delta både fysisk og digitalt via Zoom. Kursene er fortrinnsvis for ansatte og stipendiater. De fleste studenter får bibliotekkurs som en del av sin studieplan. Dersom ikke det er tilfelle kan de melde seg på disse kursene. Det siste kurset er spesielt for studenter som vil vite mer om litteraturoppgaver, og som ikke har hatt eget kurs om det.

Kursdatoer, påmelding og mer informasjon finnes på https://www.uib.no/ub/126018/kurs-og-veiledning#kurs-med-p-melding

Innhold i kursene:

Søkekurs i PubMed og Embase: Alle bruker PubMed, men med litt ekstra kunnskap kan du gjøre mer effektive søk. I kurset viser vi for eksempel hvordan du kan bruke emneordene MeSH, eller utnytte filtre i Clinical queries. Embase er den andre store medisinske artikkeldatabasen som dekker en del andre tidsskrifter enn PubMed/Medline. Embase er derfor et viktig supplement til PubMed.

Introduksjon til EndNote: I kurset lærer du å bygge opp et EndNote-bibliotek og lage en referanseliste i Word. Kurset består av korte demonstrasjoner og praktiske øvelser. Kurset dekker: Lage et EndNote-bibliotek, importere referanser, manuell innlegging, lage grupper, finne fulltekst, sette inn referanser i en tekst, lage og formatere en litteraturliste.

Introduksjon til Zotero: I kurset lærer du å benytte deg av Zotero, det vil si opprette samlinger, samle referanser, manuelt lage referanser og hvordan benytte programmet i Word eller Google Docs. Kurset består av korte demonstrasjoner og praktiske øvelser. Kurset dekker: Lage en samling, importere referanser fra medisinske databaser og andre kilder, manuell innlegging, sette inn referanser i en tekst, lage og formatere en litteraturliste.

Introduksjon til systematiske oversikter (systematic reviews): Kurset gir en introduksjon til temaet systematiske oversikter. Hovedvekt av kurset er på prosessen å selv utføre en systematisk oversikt som å skrive en protokoll, forberedelser til søking, tips og verktøy for datahåndtering og kvalitetsvurdering, og rapportering. Vi gir også informasjon om ulike typer reviews, og hvilken hjelp og støtte biblioteket kan gi i arbeidet med systematiske oversikter.

Litteraturstudier for studenter: Kurset er til studenter som skal skrive litteraturoppgave som bachelor- eller masteroppgave, og som ikke har fått eget kurs som del av studieprogrammet. Vi går gjennom prosessen i en litteraturoppgave. Kurset dekker forberedelsene til et litteratursøk, hvordan du skal arbeide deg gjennom alle treff og hvordan du skal dokumentere metodene. Vi ser på noen eksempler og svarer på spørsmål.

Vennlig hilsen
Bibliotek for medisin, BBB

Be good in literature searching and reference software. The Medical library offers the following courses this spring:
  • Searching in PubMed and Embase
  • Introduction to Endnote
  • Introduction to Zotero
  • Introduction to systematic reviews
  • Literature studies for Bachelor and Master students (in Norwegian)

The courses are planned as a hybrid solution, with the option of attending either physically or online via Zoom. The courses are mainly for employees and PhD candidates at the Faculty of Medicine and for employees at Helse Bergen. Courses for students are normally given as a part of their study program. If that isn’t the case, they can attend these courses as well. The courses are free of charge, but registration is necessary for our planning.

Dates, registration and more information can be found on the library’s web pages:

Courses in English: https://www.uib.no/en/ub/128609/courses-and-guidance#courses-requiring-registration

Overview of all courses (Norwegian or English): https://www.uib.no/ub/126018/kurs-og-veiledning#kurs-med-p-melding

Short description:

Searching in PubMed and Embase: Everyone can use PubMed. However, with some extra knowledge you can search more efficiently. In the course we demonstrate the use of subject headings MeSH, and the use of filters for quick limiting to clinical queries (like diagnostic studies, or intervention studies). Embase is another important medical database which covers a number of different journals than PubMed/Medline. Therefore, Embase is a valuable supplement to PubMed, if you want to get a better overview over the literature within your field.

Introduction to EndNote: EndNote is a tool for managing references. The course covers how to build your own EndNote library, how to use references from EndNote in the writing process with Word, formatting the text and generating literature lists.. Other functionalities like manually adding references, grouping, removing duplicates, and importing full text will also be covered.

Introduction to Zotero: This introductory course to Zotero should allow you to collect references by a variety of means and generate citations as well as reference lists. It covers: make a collection, import references from medical databases, manual input and to use the software for citation in a word processor (WORD or Google Docs).

Introduction to systematic reviews: The course gives an introduction to systematic reviews. The library gives an overview over the process of doing your own systematic review: write a protocol, prepare the search, data management, quality appraisal, and guidelines for reporting. We will also inform about common types of reviews, and the role of the library in the different phases of the work with a systematic review.

Literature studies for Bachelor and Master students (in Norwegian): This course is for students who chose literature study as their bachelor- or master thesis, and have not yet be offered a course as part of their study program. We teach about the process in a literature study. The course covers preparational work before literature searching, how to manage and work with the search results, and how to document the methods used.

Kind regards from the Medical library

Science in Shorts science communication award

The Science in Shorts science communication award from Nature Awards together with Merck recognizes creative research videos from active researchers employed by a university or research institution working in any scientific discipline. Applicants must hold an advanced degree, such as MSc, PhD or MD.

The video should tell the world about the research in 1 minute, explaining “what are you doing and why does it matter”. Up to 10 videos will be selected as favorites and will win a prize of 5,000 EUR each. Audio or text must be in English.

Applications close January 29, 2024 at 23:59 midnight (UTC 00:00).

Funding Opportunities for K1

Many funding organisations have recently announced new calls for funding for the spring. We want to guide you through the jungle and have curated a list for researchers at K1. But there and there are more calls at the homepage of the research advisors at the Faculty: Application Support for External Funding | Faculty of Medicine | UiB.

If you plan to apply for funding, we appreciate if you inform the Department via this form:: Varsel om søknad om ekstern finansiering / Intention to apply for external funding (uib.no)

Happy Grant Writing!

ERA4Health Modulation of brain ageing through nutrition and healthy lifestyle (NutriBrain)
Transnational calls with 3-5 partners, 36 months. Funding: 300.000 EUR for the Norwegian participants (400.000 for coordinators). The other partners receive funding from their national funders. On the improvement of cognitive brain ageing through nutrition and other lifestyle factors.
Deadline (pre proposals): 15 January 2024

Novo Nordisk Endocrinology and Metabolism
–  Excellence Emerging Investigator Grant Endocrinology and Metabolism
10 MIO DKK, 5 years. For researchers at 4-8 years after PhD.

Ascending Investigator Grant. 5 years, 10 MIO DKK. For researcher 7-18 years after PhD. Prevention of disease relevant to the human organism within the areas of endocrinology and metabolism, relating to cellular energy homeostasis, and hormonal disorders of the endocrine system.
– Distinguished Investigator Grant. 5 years 10 MIO DKK.
Deadline: 16 January 2024 

ERA4Health Nano and advanced technologies for disease prevention, diagnostic and therapy (NANOTECMEC)
3-5 partners, 3 countries, 3 MNOK for the Norwegian participant. Regenerative medicine, Diagnostics or Nanotherapy. TRL3-6. The aim of the call is to advance nanomedicine toward any translational focus with anticipated impact relative to the risk and investment.
Deadline (pre proposals): 30 January 2024

Global Initiative on Chronic Diseases / NIH Primary and Secondary Prevention of Cancer
Budget not limited, 5 years. Implementation research in Low- and Middle-Income Countries or in populations facing conditions of vulnerability in High-Income Countries.
Deadline: 05 February 2024

DAM Foundation Research grants (Forskning)
1,5-3 MIO NOK for 3 years. Stiftelsen Dam is one of Norway’s largest foundations and provides funding for health and research projects that will provide better health through participation and activity for people in Norway. The applications are sent through a volunteer oganisation like the Norwegian Red Cross, The Norwegian Cancer Society, the National Association for Publich Health etc.
Deadline: annually, 15 February

ERA PerMed PMTargets
Joint Transnational Call, most likely 3-5 partners from at least 3 countries, 300.000 EUR for the Norwegian partners. Topic: Identification or Validation of Targets for Personalised Medicine Approaches. Must combine the research on new and advanced targets with companion biomarker research (companion diagnostics).
Deadline: 5 March 2024

JPIAMR AMR Interventions 2024
3-7 Partners from 3 countries. Probably 300.000 EUR for the Norwegian partners; other partners are funded by their national funders.
Topic 1: Design novel or improved interventions to prevent, mitigate and /or treat fungal infections, which are resistant to treatments and/or are at risk of developing resistance
Topic 2: Improve and/or, compare and/or evaluate strategies, technologies, treatments, methods, protocols or data collection based on existing  interventions, aiming to prevent or reduce the emergence or spread of antibacterial or antifungal resistance or to treat/cure infections caused by resistant bacteria/fungi and recommend new policies.
Deadline (preproposals): 14 March 2024

3 MNOK, 4 years. The Norwegian Directorate for Higher education and skills finances these educational projects with Brazil, Canada, China, India, Japan, South Africa, South Korea, or the USA.
Deadline: 15 April 2024

Innovative Health Initiative Call 6 and 7
The Innovative Health Initiative (IHI) is a public-private partnership between the European Union and the European life science industries that funds health research and innovation to address unmet public health needs and foster interdisciplinary and international collaboration. Upcoming topics:
– 6.1: Support healthcare system resilience through a focus on persistency in the treatment of chronic diseases. 60 months. The pre-defined industry consortium will contribute 11 MIO EUR. IHI will contribute 11 MIO EUR. This budget is expected to cover four pilots in different disease areas (including diabetes, obesity, and cardiovascular disease) in different geographies and healthcare systems.
 6.2: Development of practical guidance and recommendations for using real world data/real world evidence in healthcare decision-making. 60 montsh. Pre-defined industry consortium will contribute 13 MIO EUR. IHI contributes 13 MIO EUR.
– 7.1 Improving clinical management of heart disease from early detection to treatment. 12,5 MIO EUR.
– 7.2 User-centric technologies and optimised hospital workflows for a sustainable healthcare workforce. 12,5 MIO EUR
– 7.3 Clinical validation of biomarkers for diagnosis, monitoring disease progression and treatment response.  15 MIO EUR.
Deadline: summer 2024

Margarethe Bittins
Research advisor

Course – Metabolic pathway analysis

Course description:

This course will provide an introduction to the computational analysis and reconstruction of both small and genome-scale metabolic networks. The main goal is to familiarize students with relevant state-of-the-art computational tools and databases, as well as to provide the students with hands-on experience in metabolic modelling approaches. Furthermore, we will cover the mathematical basis of constraint-based analysis of genome-scale metabolic models and provide a foundation for stability and control analysis of dynamic models. Link to the course description: Metabolic pathway analysis

Basic competence in a programming language (preferably Python) is expected. Basic knowledge in biochemistry, linear algebra and statistics are required.

Time: February 19th to March 1st, 2024. Please note that the course is two weeks.

Place: University of Bergen, Department of Biomedicine
Course responsible: Ines Heiland, Mathias Ziegler, and Suraj Sharma
Invited lecturers: Sascha Schäuble, HKI, Jena Germany

Suggested amount of ECTS: 10
Number of participants: max 20

Registration form: Metabolic pathway analysis 2024 (google.com)

Norbis sin logo

CCBIO courses with deadline February 1

Dear all

We have a range of courses coming up this spring, and please note: for study point (ECTS) providing participation, registration deadline is February 1, in Studentweb. So, PhD candidates and students: remember to register, and supervisors and PIs, remember to advise your students to register.

(Except for the Clinical Trials course which takes place January 17-19, which qualifies for a Good Clinical Practice (GCP) certificate as well as study points. ECTS deadline in Studentweb for this course was January 5, and non-ECTS registration closes January 12.)

Courses with deadline February 1 for registration in Studentweb:

CCBIO901, the CCBIO Junior Scientist Symposium series (3 ECTS). Also register in Skjemaker for each event. The coming event is February 1. Also open for other than students / non-ECTS.

CCBIO902, the CCBIO Seminar series and the Annual Symposium (3 ECTS). Also open for other than students / non-ECTS. Coming dates are in the CCBIO calendar.

CCBIO903, Cancer research: Ethical, economic and social aspects (5 ECTS). Course week 1: April 8-12, and course week 2: June 3-6.
This course focuses on ethical, economical and societal aspects of cancer and cancer research and aims to equip cancer researchers with tools for reflecting on the limits, challenges and opportunities of their own research, as well as provide an understanding of the outside-the-lab context, with discussions on the broader ethical, social, economic and political implications of their research. Such knowledge is not only important on a personal level as a researcher, but also in funding proposals to be able to clarify any ethical issues related to the implementation of projects, and be better equipped to provide an explanation of how such issues will be dealt with.

CCBIONeur910: Patient and Public Involvement in Medical and Health Research (2 ECTS). Also open for other than students / non-ECTS. Takes place April 17–19.
The course aims to inspire increased user participation in research trials and will present methods on how to involve user representatives. This is highly relevant to all biomedical research fields, and Patient and Public Involvement is documented to positively impact the relevance and efficacy in medical research. Participation will increase your capacity to assess and convey the value of patient and public involvement in general, as well as promote productive user involvement in your own research projects.

CCBIO908, Scientific Writing and Communication Seminar (2 ECTS). Also open for other than students / non-ECTS. Takes place May 21-22.
This course teaches how to organize ideas, results and messages in a scientific paper, improve titles and abstracts, present a clear problem statement, use punctuation, grammar and numbering in a text, write an informative and convincing cover letter, and will also present and discuss what is good research communication.

CCBIO904, Biomarkers and tumor biology in clinical practice (4 ECTS).  Also open for other than students / non-ECTS. Takes place May 29-31.
This course covers tumor biological aspects important for the understanding of why cancer develops, and which mechanisms are important for tumor growth, metastases and morbidity in patients. The course will focus especially on tumor biological changes that may have or already have significance for personalized cancer treatment and clinical trial studies of new diagnostics and treatment.


Kind regards
Eli Synnøve Vidhammer
Communications officer
Centre for Cancer Biomarkers CCBIO
Faculty of Medicine
University of Bergen

CCBIO Junior Scientist Symposium, February 1st

Dear all

We are happy to welcome you all to the upcoming CCBIO Junior Scientist Symposium, February 1st, 2024. This seminar series is a perfect place to meet and interact with other young scientists, and engage in lively and interesting discussions. We are looking forward to the keynote lecture by CCBIO Masterclass graduate Hege Berg, who will give a talk about clinical implementation of multi-omics methods in cancer diagnostics. The program spans several exiting topics including the role and inheritance of BRCA1 epimutations, novel CAR T therapies for lymphomas, and development of preclinical models for investigating resistant subclones in ovarian cancer. The application of CyTOF in oncology and fibrosis will also be presented.

Open to all. Please register within January 29th at 11.00.

When: February 1, 2024, at 09.00-13.00
Where: Conference room, BB-building (right across from the auditoria), campus Haukeland, Bergen
Registration: on this link

Open to both junior and senior researchers as well as students. The symposium series is open, but also part of the CCBIO Research School under the code CCBIO901, and participation is eligible for ECTS. STUDENTS: Remember to sign up in Studentweb as well as the link above.


09:00-09:15   Introduction

09:15-10:00   Hege Berg, keynote lecture: “Clinical implementation of multi-omics methodology in cancer diagnostics”

10:00-10:20   COFFEE BREAK

10:20-10:45   Oleksii Nikolaienko: “The role and inheritance of BRCA1 epimutations”

10:45-11:10   Ryan Dunkel: “Pre-Clinical and Phenotypic Characterization of a Novel CAR T Therapy for B-cell Lymphoma Malignancies”

11:10-12:00   LUNCH BREAK (Lunch is free of charge, register by Jan. 29th at 11.00)

12:00-12:25   Katrin Kleinmanns: “Advanced Preclinical Models to Investigate Promising Drugs targeting Resistant Subpopulations in Ovarian Cancer”

12:25-12:50   Sturla Magnus Grøndal: “Mapping Disease Landscapes: CyTOF Applications in Oncology and Fibrosis”

12:50-13:00   Concluding remarks

Mari Kyllesø Halle and Vladan Milosevic are coordinators of the junior seminars and are planning and chairing these meetings. Any questions can be addressed to them.

Read more about the CCBIO Junior Scientist Symposia here.


Kind regards
Eli Synnøve Vidhammer
Communications officer
Centre for Cancer Biomarkers CCBIO
Faculty of Medicine
University of Bergen

CCBIO sin logo


Nye doktorgrader
Foto: Ingrid Færøyvik

Trine Hysing-Dahl den 15. desember 2023 med avhandlingen «“Finding stability” Experienced and measured function in patients undergoing surgery for patellar instability».

Vi gratulerer med gjennomført disputas!

Kommende disputaser

Intakhar Ahmad

Hovedveileder: professor Lars Bø

Medveiledere: førsteamanuensis Stig Wergeland og seniorforsker Eystein Oveland

Prøveforelesning: Tirsdag 16. januar 2024 kl. 10.15
Sted: Auditorium, Armauer Hansens Hus, Haukelandsveien 28

Oppgitt emne: «Relevance of MS animal models for the past and future development of MS therapeutics»

Disputas: Tirsdag 16. januar 2024 kl. 12.15
Sted: Auditorium, Armauer Hansens Hus, Haukelandsveien 28

Avhandlingens tittel: «Novel biomarkers in multiple sclerosis pathology with a focus on neuroprotection and myelin repair»

1. opponent: Professor Markus Kipp, Universität Rostock, Tyskland
2. opponent: Førsteamanuensis Wia Baron, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, Nederland
3. medlem av komiteen: Professor Halvor Næss, Universitetet i Bergen

Disputasen blir ledet av professor Jutta Dierkes

Åpent for alle interesserte

Dhanushan Dhayalan

Hovedveileder: professor Morten Lund-Johansen

Medveiledere: ph.d. Øystein Vesterli Tveiten og førsteamanuensis Frederik Kragerud Goplen

Prøveforelesning: Lørdag 20. januar 2024 kl. 10.15
Sted: Stort auditorium, Sentralblokka, Haukelandsveien 22

Oppgitt emne: «Utility and Effectiveness of Different Study Designs for the Care of Brain Tumors»

Disputas: Lørdag 20. januar 2024 kl. 12.15
Sted: Stort auditorium, Sentralblokka, Haukelandsveien 22

Avhandlingens tittel: «Clinical Management of Vestibular Schwannoma – The V-REX randomized trial and other clinical studies on vestibular schwannoma»

1. opponent: Professor Douglas Kondziolka, New York University Langone, USA
2. opponent: Ph.d. Anne Balossier, University Hospital of Marseille, Frankrike
3. medlem av komiteen: Professor Cecilie Bredrup, Universitetet i Bergen

Disputasen blir ledet av professor emeritus August Bakke

Åpent for alle interesserte

Har du spørsmål om ph.d.-utdanningen ved K1?

Da kan du ta kontakt med ph.d.-koordinator Kjetil Utvik Harkestad som har kontorplass i 7. etasje på Lab-bygget.

Foto: Marit O. Øvregård

Do you have questions regarding the PhD education at K1?
Please contact the PhD coordinator at departement, Kjetil Utvik Harkestad | Universitetet i Bergen (uib.no)

Ny søknadsperiode for velferdshyttene våren 2024

Du kan nå legge inn søknad om ønsket periode på velferdshyttene for våren 2024, i perioden 31.03.-30.06.24.

Ved søknad om hytte må man prioritere både ønsket hytte og ønsket periode. Dersom man blir tildelt en hytte må man enten bekrefte eller avbestille perioden. For å avbestille må du følge linken i tildelingsmailen og så registrere din avbestilling der. Hyttene blir ikke avbestilt automatisk om du bare unnlater å bekrefte bestillingen.

Avbestillingsfrist for tildelt hytte er 30 dager før leieperiodens start, for å unngå gebyr for avbestilling. Man må benytte UiBs elektroniske hyttesystem (https://reg.app.uib.no/hytter) ved å logge seg inn med sitt UiB-brukernavn og passord. Ved første gangs søknad om hytte må man legge inn litt informasjon.

Søknadsskjema og informasjon om hyttene finnes også på Ansattsidene under Mitt ansattforholdVelferdVelferdshytter.

Søknadsfristen er 13.01.24.
Trekningsdato er 17.01.24.
Vinnerne får tilsendt informasjon på e-post.

Spørsmål vedr hyttene kan rettes til Eiendomsavdelingen via UiB hjelp.

Lykke til! 😊

New application period for the cabins – the spring of 2024

You can now apply for the desired period at the welfare cabins for the spring of 2024, from March 31 to June 30.

When applying for a cabin, one must prioritize both the desired cabin and the period. If you are allocated a cabin, you must either confirm or cancel the rental period. In order to cancel your booking, you must follow the link provided in the confirmation email and then register your cancellation. It is not enough to simply refrain from confirming your booking.

Cancellation deadline for allocated cottage is 30 days before the start of the rental period to avoid cancellation fee. You must use the electronic cabin system (https://reg.app.uib.no/hytter) by logging in with your UiB username and password. When applying for the first time, you must enter some information.

All applications must be registered in the electronic cabin system to enter the draw. The application form and information about the cabins can also be found on the employee pages below Employment conditions – Welfare – Cabin hire

Application deadline: January 13.
Draw: January 17.
The winners will get information by email.

Questions about the cabins can be directed to The Estate and Facilities Management division via UiBhelp.

Good luck! 😊

Velferdstilbud: Rabatterte billetter til fullscenisk opera – MEDEA i Grieghallen

MEDEA / Luigi Cherubini
Grieghallen 15. og 17. januar kl. 19.30

Varighet 2:40 inkl. pause

Plakat for operaoppsetningen
Foto/ill.: Opera Bergen

Det nye operaåret 2024 åpner med en NORGESPREMIERE!
Luigi Cherubinis MEDEA – sunget på fransk, og med norske skuespillere i de talte dialogene

Medea – Iano Tamar (sopran) og Juni Dahr (skuespiller)
Jason – Giuseppe Gipali (tenor) og Gerald Pettersen (skuespiller)
Kong Creon – Joachim Seipp (baryton) og Sverre Røssummoen (skuespiller)
Neris – Violetta Radomirska (mezzosopran) og Ragnhild Gudbrandsen (skuespiller)
Dircè – Hege Gustava Tjønn Ludwig / Ardita Meni (sopran)
1. femme – Nadiia Novosolova

Bergen Operakor, Opera Bergens Orkester
Lysdesign: Jens Lange
Idé og konsept: Opera Bergen
Kunstnerisk og musikalsk leder: Anne Randine Øverby

Samling av portrettfotos av utøvere ved operaen
Foto/ill.: Opera Bergen

UiB-ansatte kan kjøpe billetter for 400,- per stykk ved å sende billettbestilling til post@operabergen.no


Operaen er basert på myten om Medea slik den ble fortalt av Evripides for mer enn 2000 år siden, og er fortsatt bemerkelsesverdig relevant og moderne i alle sine versjoner.

Hovedpersonen, Medea, kommer fra det ukjente, hun er synlig fremmed i et sivilisert samfunn, og forstyrrer den herskende orden, og utfører til slutt sin grusomme hevn. Hennes personlighet er full av nyanser; hun er ikke bare en hevnlysten kvinne, men også en kjærlig mor og en listig intrigant, og operaen lar oss erfare både hennes sjelstilstander og strategiske handlinger.

Medeamyten kan også utvide og utfordre tradisjonelle perspektiver på kvinner nettopp ved å belyse Medeas makt, lidenskap, hengivenhet og råskap innenfor en patriarkalsk samfunnsorden.


Operaen fikk sin urpremiere i 1797, og musikken løsriver seg i stor grad fra barokken, og det er bemerkelsesverdig hvordan Cherubini skaper dramatikk og dynamikk, til tross for at han rådet over begrensede musikalske virkemidler. Han skildrer denne kvinnen på en fabelaktig måte, og med en kraft som trollbinder oss fortsatt i dag.

Operaen bærer hovedpersonens navn, og de musikalske og vokale utfordringene for denne rollen er formidable, og den best kjente Medea gjennom tidene er nok Maria Callas (som sang den i italiensk utgave).

Sopranen Iano Tamarhar vært på den europeiske stjernehimmelen lenge, og har høstet fantastiske kritikker for sin bel canto sang og dramatiske uttrykkskraft, og hun har gjort flere bemerkelsesverdige Medea-tolkninger; bl.a. ved Deutsche Oper Berlin og Theater an der Wien. Nå synger hun Medea i Bergen – det er intet ringere enn en begivenhet!

Påminnelse om HMS-runde for kontorarbeidsplass 2023

Kjære kollega!

Dersom det er noe du trenger å få forbedret på kontorplassen din fyller du ut og sender inn dette skjemaet: https://skjemaker.app.uib.no/view.php?id=15958847

Ønsker du en fysisk befaring av kontorplassen din, kan du skrive det i kommentarfeltet i skjemaet.

Vi ber om svar innen 1. februar 2024.

Ta kontakt dersom du har spørsmål. Mer informasjon om HMS-runde finner du her: HMS-runde UiB

Beste hilsen
Jorunn Skei, administrasjonssjef
Siri S. Trosvik, verneombud

Kjære alle sammen

handmade paper christmas tree isolated on white background

Julen nærmer seg, og snart står 2024 klar til bruk. Dette er årets siste K1-nytt, og jeg vil takke dere alle for en flott innsats for K1 i hele 2023. Vi har i året som snart svinner hen oppnådd masse spennende innen forskning og undervisning. Flotte artikler er publisert, vi har fått mange priser og oppnådd store nasjonale og internasjonale forskningstildelinger. Vi opprettholder også meget god kvalitet på undervisning, og i høst startet de første medisinerstudentene sin kliniske undervisning ved Stavanger universitetssjukehus. Vi har der fått mange nye og gode kolleger som vi vil bli enda bedre kjent med i det neste året. Dette gjelder ikke bare undervisning men også innen forskning og innovasjon. Vi gleder oss til å presentere «team Stavanger» i K1- og K2-nytt fra nyåret.

Studentene er snart ferdige med sine semestre, og forhåpentligvis kan forskningen også få en liten pause slik at andre ting som krever mer oppmerksomhet nå rundt jul blir prioritert. Tusen takk til alle i K1-administrasjonen som holder hjulene i gang slik at K1 er og blir nummer 1!

Jul blir det om ikke så lenge, og det er viktig at vi tilbringer tid med de vi er glade i og at vi får slappet godt av. Jeg håper alle får en riktig fin jul og ønsker dere alt godt for neste år.

Riktig god julehøytid!

Hilsen Christian

3R-seminar “Microbes in humans and laboratory animals” 12. desember

Registration is now open for the 3R-seminar “Microbes in humans and laboratory animals, arranged by the Animal Welfare Body of Oulu Laboratory Animal Centre, together with the Health and Biosciences Doctoral Programme, University of Oulu Graduate School.

The seminar takes place on Tuesday, 12 December 2023, at 8:30 – 15:00 (Finnish time, EET). The seminar will also be shared through a video link.

The seminar is directed primarily to researchers using laboratory animals in experiments, the scientific fields therefore including basic biomedical research and preclinical medical research. Microbe-host interactions in both human disease and laboratory animal research will be discussed, as well as the effects of microbiome on the translatability of preclinical research results. The seminar topic is therefore of interest also to medical researchers who do not use laboratory animals themselves.

The event can be considered part of the statutory maintenance of the professional competence for people working with laboratory animals.

Registration for attending on-site


The registration link is open until Wednesday, 6 December. It is possible to attend without pre-registration, but please register if you think you will attend even a part of the seminar, because we need to know the approximate number of participants to prepare for the coffee service.

Registration for remote participation


It is possible to get a certificate of attendance also for remote participation, provided that the participant’s video link is open throughout the seminar.

Credits for doctoral researchers at the University of Oulu

If you are a doctoral researcher and want to receive credits from the 3R seminar, follow these instructions. The seminar is worth 0,25 credits.

  1. Login to Peppi, move to the PSP and open tab ”Selecting studies”.
  2. Add personal study unit e.g. to optional field-specific studies by clicking “+” sign on the right. Instructions for adding personal study unit can be found in student’s Peppi wiki page.
  3. Fill in the name of the seminar both in Finnish and English (3R seminar: Microbes in humans and laboratory animals), number of credits (0,25 credit), and description details which must include the name of the seminar, place and date. Do not use course codes. Add information in English in both language boxes. Please note, that the study unit’s information that you have entered will be directly included in your official transcript of records.
  4. Save the information.
  5. Ask your principal supervisor to confirm the information and credits given to the Graduate School (uniogs(at)oulu.fi).
  6. The study unit will be registered after the principal supervisor’s confirmation.

Best regards,

Sakari Laaksonen
Designated veterinarian
Oulu Laboratory Animal Centre (OULAC)
University of Oulu, Finland
Postal address: PO Box 5000, 90014 University of Oulu, Finland
Tel: +358 294 48 5097

Present your health management research – European Health Management Conference 2024

Dear colleagues,

We are glad to invite you to submit your health management research for presentation during the European Health Management Conference 2024 that will take place in Bucharest, Romania, on 5-7 June under the theme ‘Shaping and managing innovative health ecosystems’. The Conference is co-hosted by the Ministry of Health of Romania and the National Institute of Health Services Management.

The European Health Management Conference is a great platform to showcase cutting-edge research, share provocative ideas, and discuss complex problems with a view to reach implementable solutions. EHMA 2024 will explore the entire spectrum of health megatrends. From the digital transformation of healthcare systems and services to the ever-growing importance of sustainability, and the evolving skill sets required by the healthcare workforce, we aim to explore how the health sector is adapting to these changes. We emphasise an ecosystem approach, promoting collaboration among stakeholders. Our aim is to facilitate dialogue on how different health care actors can work together and leverage each other’s strengths to drive innovation and address pressing challenges.

Since its inception, the European Health Management Conference has served as a forum for promoting discussions and sharing innovative solutions in the ever-evolving healthcare landscape. Each year, we bring together a wide spectrum of healthcare stakeholders, including managers, leaders, researchers, academics, patients, policymakers, and industry representatives. This diverse collective of expertise enhances the dialogue on pressing health management issues.

For this reason, we would be delighted to have you and colleagues consider submitting an abstract to present your health management best practices and research. You can find more information on the Call for Abstracts and how to send your submission here.


Furthermore, we will host the 22nd edition of the Karolinska Institutet Medical Management Center (MMC) & EHMA Research Award dedicated to doctoral theses in health management. Candidates should be researchers in the final phase of their PhD studies or who have recently completed a PhD (within 12 months from graduation). The best papers will have the opportunity to compete for a €1,000 prize. This is a prestigious award, and we would be thankful if you could share this information within your network. More information is available here.

As we strive to connect health managers, experts and researchers, we would be grateful if you could help us disseminate our Call for Abstracts within your organisation and network.

Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the EHMA team at conference@ehma.org.

Looking forward to seeing you at the conference!


Marina Puerta Garcia | Events Administrator
European Health Management Association
Avenue de Cortenbergh 89, 1000 Brussels
T.+32 (0)2 502 65 25