Nye utlysninger

Utlysning av forskningsmidler fra Gades Legat
Gades Legat lyser ut midler til anvendelse i forskning innen patologi, mikrobiologi og immunologi. Alle som er faglig tilknyttet forskningsmiljø ved UiB eller Haukeland Universitetssykehus innen patologi, immunologi eller mikrobiologi kan søke om midler. Søknad skal være kortfattet og inneholde:

  • Navn på søker og arbeidssted
  • Navn og kort beskrivelse av prosjektet det søkes om midler til
  • Budsjett
  • Søknad skal totalt ikke overskride 2 sider

Legatet ønsker for 2017 å samle utdelinger i færre prosjekter med større tildelingssum for hvert prosjekt. Støtte til flerårige prosjekter kan vurderes. Støtte til reiser der man ikke formidler/presenterer egen forskning vil ikke bli prioritert.
Søknad sendes elektronisk til Gades Legat ved sekretær Håvard Hoel Aass, Havard.Aass@k1.uib.no
Søknadsfrist: 5. april 2017


Medisinsk visualisering – utlysning av prosjektmidler
Det vises til Helse Bergens og Universitetet i Bergens felles satsning på medisinsk visualisering, med økonomisk støtte fra Bergens forskningsstiftelse.
Det er nå lyst ut prosjektmidler knyttet til satsninger på Bergens forskningsstiftelse sine nettsider: http://bfstiftelse.no/medisinsk-visualisering-utlysning/
Søknadsfrist: 2. mai 2017, kl. 12:00.
For information in English, please see this page.


Pre-announcement FRIPRO funds bottom-up, basic research with bold hypotheses. 4 types of research application: FRIPRO Toppforsk Researcher Project, Young Research Talents, FRIPRO mobility grant.
Deadline: 24 May


Individual Fellowships (IF): aims to help experienced researchers to advance their careers and gain new skills through advanced training, international mobility, and optional intersectoral secondments. The host organization can  be universities and research institutes in addition to a company or other non-academic sector organizations.
Deadline: 14 September 2017


Issues related to health services in the municipalities and the interaction between various players in the health sector, including user involvement, will be given priority in the application process.
Deadlines: 1 June (for research Projects)
a) for the Norwegian Association for Asthma and Allergy (NAAF): 1 April (for sending a project outline)
b) for the Norwegian Confederation of Sports (NIF): 1 May


«Civitan Norges Forskningsfond for Alzheimers sykdom» has an open call for applications. Up to 400,000 NOK are available for one or more research projects.
Deadline: 15 March 2017.

Funding for Cooperation in higher education

Announcement of student grants at Regional Centre for Child and Youth Mental Health and Child Welfare (RKBU) (a part of Uni Research Health)
RKBU offers three student scholarships to students from UiB, UiS or HVL who wants to work on specific research questions within the field of child and youth mental health. In order to qualify for scholarships the research project must have a scope equivalent of a elective/term paper in a master’s study, or the mandatory papers in medicine or psychology, and must have a research project leader as supervisor. Each scholarship is NOK 30.000, which is equivalent of six weeks fulltime work or 12 weeks part-time work. It is also possible to apply for halv a scholarship (NOK 15.000). The scholarships must be connected to research projects at RKBU.
For more information please contact RKBU West by Head of Administration Cecilie Fjellbakk (55 58 84 22 / cecilie.fjellbakk@uni.no), or Senior Executive Officer Monica Berge (55 58 41 39 / monica.berge@uni.no)
Deadline: 1 April 2017

Ja, takk begge deler! Hvordan bruke EU programmene til din strategiske fordel? Seminar i Brussel 3-4 mai
The Norwegian Contact Office for Research, Innovation and Education in Brussels is holding a seminar on the Horizon 2020 and Erasmus +. Here they want to focus particularly on Marie Sklodowska Curie Actions and Erasmus+, on how these programmes can be used strategically, and how to see links and synergies between them. The target group for the seminar is Norwegian higher education institutions and preferably someone who works with strategic management and internationalization of research and education. Active participation of those involved in the seminar is expected.
When: 3-4 May 2017
Click here to register
Registration deadline: 5 April 2017

Nye utlysninger

Utlysning av SPIRE-midler 2017

UiBs Strategiske program for internasjonalt forsknings- og undervisningssamarbeid (SPIRE) har lyst ut midler for 2017. Programmet har som mål å støtte opp under UiBs strategi og handlingsplan for den internasjonale virksomheten 2016-2022, og vitenskapelig ansatte ved UiB kan søke om midler fra programmet.
Det er to kategorier å søke midler fra:

  • 1: SPIRE-midler for internasjonale nettverks- og partnerskapssamarbeid
  • 2: SPIRE gjesteforskermidler

Trykk for å finne:
Retningslinjer for søkere

Søknadsfrist: 24. april 2017


Research Council of Norway (Forskningsrådet NFR):

FORNY2020 promotes innovation based on research results. The programme facilitates the commercialisation of results from projects conducted at publicly-funded research institutions and helps to bring the products and services to the market. Application process is coordinated by BTO. Please get in touch with BTO before 8 March.
Deadline: 20 April 2017

HELSEVEL: 55 million for research on health and welfare educational programs (PraksisVel). Funding scheme is Institution-based Strategic Project.
Deadline: 26 April 2017

Nordic Center, Fudan University
The Center announces a call for academic activities to organize workshops, seminars, etc. at Fudan University, China. Organizers of events can apply for funding between 2,000 and 7,000 euros
Deadline: 15 March 2017

JPI HDHL (Joint Programme – a healthy diet for a healthy life) will launch a call “Effectiveness of existing policies for lifestyle interventions – Policy Evaluation Network (PEN)“. The aim of the call is to establish a transnational, multi-disciplinary research network for the monitoring, benchmarking and evaluation of policies that affect dietary and physical activity as well as sedentary behavior with a standardized approach across Europe.
Deadline: for Expressions of Interest (EoI) letters 31 March 2017

12 Early Stage Researcher Positions (for PhD studies) for MSCA-ITN Project “CAPICE”
In this ambitious and inspiring network, 12 Early Stage Researches (ESRs; PhD-level training) will be trained in the broad field of psychiatric genomics, investigating the role of genetics and epigenetics, and their interplay with the environment, in the development and persistence of childhood and adolescent psychopathology. Through biological pathway analyses, drug target validation and the building of prediction models, these results will ultimately be translated to the clinic. Analyses will be performed in large international collaborations, making use of the wealth of data available across a range of European birth and adolescent cohorts.

ESRs will be supervised by leaders in the field located at institutions across Europe in Italy (University of Cagliari), The Netherlands (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Erasmus University Medical Center Rotterdam, University of Twente), Sweden (Karolinska Institute, Gøthenburg University, Janssen Pharmaceutical) and the UK (Imperial College London, King’s College London, University of Bristol). At the end of this project the ESRs will be part of a broad international network consisting of academic and non-academic partners.

Candidates with a background in statistical genetics, bioinformatics, psychology, psychiatry or neuroscience are invited to apply.
Deadline: 1 March 2017

Funding for Cooperation in higher education

Studententreprenørskap (STUD-ENT) (Link in Norwegian)
STUD-ENT aims to mobilize entrepreneurship among students, helping to strengthen the innovation and entrepreneurship culture in the higher education sector and increase the number of knowledge-intensive jobs in Norway.
Deadline: 29 March

International partnerships for excellent education and research (INTPART) (Link in Norwegian)
INTPART will fund partnerships between Norwegian higher education and research institutions and excellent partners from Brasil, Canada, India, Japan, China, Russia, South Africa and the USA.Special emphasis is on integrating higher education- and research, and may include business partners. INTPART is an SIU and Research Council collaboration.
Deadline: 24 May 2017

International bilateral research cooperation (INT-BILAT)
The Research Council supports travel to and participation in events that expand industry-oriented R&D cooperation with Brazil, Canada, China, India, Japan, Russia, South Africa and the US. The applicant must have an existing or recently concluded project funded by the Research Council.
Deadline: Open-ended application deadline. The call will remain active until all the available funding has been awarded (NOK 2 million)

Nye utlysninger


Research Council of Norway (Forskningsrådet NFR):

National Node for International Neuroinformatics Coordinating Facility (INCF): A call for multinational research projects for pathway analysis across neurodegenerative diseases.
Deadline: 6 March 2017

NFR is planning a joint call of the four programs BEDREHELSE, HELSEVEL, KVINNEHELSE, BEHANDLING.  One P.I. may submit one application only, i.e. will have to choose between the four programs.
BEHANDLING: NOK 150 million for research on diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation
KVINNEHELSE: Until 60 million to projects on women’s Health.
HELSEVEL: 80 million for research on health and welfare services.
BEDREHELSE: Up to 100 million to research for better Health
Deadline: 26 April
There will be an information meeting in Trondheim on the 14th of February. The meeting will be streamed.

Forskningsbasert innovasjon i regionene (FORREGION) (In Norwegian)
Invitasjon til skisse: Kapasitetsløft for å styrke kompetanse- og forskningstilbudet for næringslivet
Vi inviterer FoU-institusjoner til å levere skisse til prosjekter som styrker samarbeidet mellom forsknings- og utdanningsmiljøene og næringslivet og som gir næringslivet tilgang til relevant utdanning og forskning i sin region.
Utlysningen «Kapasitetsløft» legges ut i mai med søknadsfrist 6. september 2017 kl. 13.00

HELSEVEL announces four research-based evaluations in healthcare: Fritt behandlingsvalg, Omsorg 2020, Rituell omskjæring av gutter, Pakkeforløp for kreft.
Deadline: 15 March 2017


Bergens Forsknings Stiftelse (BFS)
Call for Medical Visualization proposals within the fields of medical imaging, image analysis and medical visualization. UiB and HUS are hereby jointly invited to nominate a maximum of five strong research collaborations for project funding.
Deadline: for pre-qualification 6 March. Application deadline 2 May 2017


Horizon 2020 – Complementary Calls:
COST Action: open Call – funding for research networks. Proposals should reflect the main characteristics of COST Actions, namely providing for knowledge sharing, creation and application, being open and output-oriented while aiming at strengthening the scientific and technological basis of the proposed topic(s).
Deadline: 7 September 2017


Preannouncement: Nordic Graduate Education Courses within register-based research: The aim is to support the next generation of researchers utilising data from Nordic registers in health and welfare research, by providing high-quality education and training as well as networking platforms.
Deadline: will be launched in the beginning of February 2017

2nd Joint Transnational Call for European Research Projects on Systems Medicine (ERACoSysMed). The central aim of ERACoSysMed is to enhance the implementation of Systems Biology approaches in medical concepts, research and practice throughout Europe and Israel by structuring, coordinating and integrating national efforts and investments.
Deadline: for pre-proposals 17 March 2017

Henning och Johan Throne-Holst stiftelse för främjande av vetenskaplig forskning
Henning och Johan Throne-Holsts stiftelse bildades 1976 genom en donation från Aktiebolaget Marabou. Stiftelsens syfte är att främja forskning inom human nutrition och näraliggande vetenskaper i Sverige och Norge. Detta mål vill styrelsen uppnå genom att bevilja tre olika typer av stipendier:

  • Stipendier till nordiska disputerade forskare för postdoc studier vid ledande utländska forskningscentra
  • Stipendier till forskarstuderande som behöver studera vid ett internationellt ledande centrum under en viss period av sin utbildning
  • Gästforskarstipendier för att möjliggöra för internationellt ledande forskare att för en period arbeta i svenska eller norska forskargrupper

Stiftelsen delar årligen ut 1 – 2 miljoner SEK.
Frist: 1. mars

Funding for Cooperation in higher education

Peder Sather-midler for 2017
Universitetet i Bergen er med i Peder Sather konsortiet med en rekke andre norske institusjoner. Dette er en ordning hvor norske fagmiljø kan få økonomisk støtte til samarbeid med forskere ved UC Berkeley.
Utlysningen av Peder Sather-midler for 2016 er nå kunngjort. Informasjon og søknadsskjema finner på følgende adresse: http://sathercenter.berkeley.edu/peder-sather-grant/. Se også mer informasjon på UiBs ansattsider.
Vi gjør oppmerksom på at alle disipliner og fag kan søke.
Søknadsfristen er 1. mars 2017.

On-line Sector Skills Alliances Infoday 16 February 2017
The on-line INFODAY will take place on 16 February 2017 (in the afternoon) to explain the funding opportunities available under Erasmus+ Key Action 2: «Cooperation for Innovation and Exchange of Good Practices» – Sector Skills Alliances (SSA).
Save the day: 16 February 2017 (afternoon)

Nye utlysninger


Research Council of Norway (Forskningsrådet NFR):
ERA-Net NEURON: Call for Proposals for Research Projects on «Synaptic Dysfunction in Disorders of the Central Nervous System». The present call will accept proposals addressing the disease-related synaptic dysfunction with approaches ranging from understanding basic mechanisms of disease through proof-of-concept therapeutically-driven clinical studies in humans.
Deadline: for pre-proposals 14 March 2017

ERA-CVD European Research Area Network on Cardiovascular Diseases announces a second Joint Transnational Call: Mechanisms of early atherosclerosis and/or plaque instability in Coronary Artery Disease. Info from RCN is here.
Deadline: for pre-proposals 6 March 2017


The Norwegian Cancer Society
Foreign Scholarships: A personal grant is awarded to a designated individual (researcher, doctoral fellow or post-doctoral fellow) to promote competence building and internationalization of Norwegian research. Overseas research grants are awarded under the auspices of a project funded by the Norwegian Cancer Society and may be provided for visits abroad lasting from two to 12 months.
Deadline: 15 March 2017

The Unger Vetlesen Medical Fund:
The primary object of the fund is to promote knowledge of all aspects of medical science amongst members of the Norwegian Medical profession (beneficiaries). The fund invites applications from the Norwegian medical doctors for funds to be used for the pursuance of further medical studies or research outside Norway.
Deadline: 15 February 2017

The Novo Nordisk Foundation
a) Call for: Novo Nordisk Foundation Symposia. The Foundation offers funding for up to two one-day symposia to be held in 2017. For each symposium, funding up to DKK 320.000 is available.
Deadline: 8 March 2017
b) Exploratory pre-seed grants: seek to support application-oriented research and to test new ideas that may lead to the development of new medical treatments, disease prevention, devices and diagnostic methods as well as new industrial biotechnology in the life science area.
Deadline: 6 April 2017

Joint Programming Initiative on Antimicrobial Resistance (JPIAMR): call for prevention and intervention strategies to control AMR infections.  The primary aim is to compare prevention, control, and intervention strategies to prevent the development, transmission of AMR infections. Info from RCN is here.
Deadline: for stage one submission 21 March 2017

redd-barna-logo    extrastiftelsen-logo

Redd Barna – Mulighet til å søke prosjektmidler fra Extrastiftelsen
Redd Barna er medlem av Extrastiftelsen, som hvert år lyser ut prosjektmidler innen forskning og helseprosjekter. I forbindelse med utlysningen for 2017 inviterer Redd Barna nå forsknings- og fagmiljøer, organisasjoner og andre aktuelle samarbeidspartnere til å søke midler til nye prosjekter gjennom oss.
Forskningsprosjekter har frist 1. juni 2017, og helseprosjekter (tidligere forebygging og rehabilitering) har frist 15. mars og 15. september 2017

Funding for Cooperation in higher education

The Norwegian University Center in St. Petersburg
The Norwegian University Center in St. Petersburg is owned and financed jointly by the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) in Trondheim and the Universities of Bergen, Oslo and Tromsø. The Center currently offers funding for the following activities:

Deadline: 15 February 2017

Erasmus+ KA3: Support for Policy Reform – Initiatives for Policy Innovation
Forward-looking cooperation projects (FLCPs) are transnational cooperation projects aiming to identify, test, develop or assess innovative policy approaches that have the potential of becoming mainstreamed and giving input for improving education and training systems. They should provide in-depth knowledge on target group(s), learning, teaching or training situations and effective methodologies and tools that help policies to develop, as well as conclusions relevant for policymakers in education and training at all levels. Eligible applicants are public and private organisations active in the field of education and training or other sectors such as non-formal learning, including a.o. youth, other socio-economic sectors and/or organisations carrying out cross-sectoral activities.
Deadline: 14 March 2017 (at 12 CET)

E.ON Stipendienfonds
E.ON Stipendienfonds is a scholarship fund designed to promote and strengthen German-Norwegian academic relations in the field of energy sciences. This is achieved by awarding mobility grants to Master / PhD students and junior researchers. In addition, the aim is to organize workshops, conferences and seminars and further expand the existing alumni network.
Online application form
Deadline: 15 March 2017

Global Scholarship Programme for Research Excellence
The programme aims to promote the development of academic and research partnerships between the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) and leading research universities and institutes around the world. The programme provides basic funding support to PhD candidates to undertake short-term research visits to CUHK from Norway, or from Norway to CUHK. The research visit shall last for at least one month and be completed between 1 September 2017 and 31 August 2018.
Deadline: 5 April 2017

Nye utlysninger


Bergens Forskningsstiftelse (BFS)
Call for: Nominations – Recruitment Programme – Prequalification. Long-term funding to develop young national or international candidates with outstanding academic merit and research potential into successful research leaders. Candidates must be nominated by UiB faculties. Please contact Institute administration regarding the nomination process.
Deadline: 15 March 2017. MOF internal deadline 8 March


K.G. Jebsen Foundation
Call 2017 – K.G. Jebsen Centres for Medical Research. The overall aim of this program is to facilitate the process in which important results as regards the pathogenesis of diseases, diagnostics and therapy lead to improved treatment of patients in the future. MOF/UiB and Haukeland University Hospital can nominate 4 centre applications in total. Collaboration is encouraged.
Deadline: Prequalification (2 pages project description + 3 pages CVs: center leader and group leaders + 1 page publications list for the period 2012-2016) 24 January (MOF), full proposal 3 April 2017


Kreftforeningen ønsker med dette å orientere om ny utlysning i ERA-NET for translasjonell kreftforskning – TRANSCAN-2.
Tema for utlysningen er Minimally and non-invasive methods for early detection and/or progression of cancer.
Du kan lese mer om utlysningen på Kreftforeningens og TRANSCAN sine nettsider.
Norske forskere oppfordres til å delta i utlysningen!


Research Council of Norway (Forskningsrådet NFR):


RCN is planning a joint call of the four programs (BEDREHELSE, HELSEVEL, KVINNEHELSE, BEHANDLING) within Health.  One P.I. may submit one application only, i.e. will have to choose between the four programs.
Deadline: 26 April
There will be an information meeting in Trondheim on the 14th of February. The meeting will be streamed.

Programmes BEDREHELSE, BIONÆR, MILJØFORSK and BIOTEK2021 announcing funding for networking that will contribute to cooperation on antimicrobial resistance in a «One Health» – perspective.
Deadline: 15 February 2017

PES202 Frame Grants for research institutes. Research institutes can apply for a frame grant for 2017 to cover costs related to the project establishment, travel, promotion, networking and positioning tackling H2020.
Deadline: 15 February 2017

SYNKNØYT: up to 20 million for synchrotron and neutron-based research.
Deadline: 15 February 2017

Pre-announcement A healthy diet for a healthy life (JPI HDHL): call is to support multinational, collaborative research projects that address important research questions regarding the cause-and-effect relationships between diet, the intestinal microbiome and human health.
Deadline: call intends to launch on 26 January

Pre-announcement of the “2nd Joint Transnational Call for European Research Projects on Systems Medicine (ERACoSysMed). The central aim of ERACoSysMed is to enhance the implementation of Systems Biology approaches in medical concepts, research and practice throughout Europe and Israel by structuring, coordinating and integrating national efforts and investments.
Deadline: call is scheduled to open on February 3 2017

JPND (Joint Programme – Neurodegenerative Disease Research) launched a joint trans-national call for multinational research projects for pathway analysis. This call invites proposals for ambitious, innovative, multinational and multidisciplinary collaborative research projects to perform network analyses across diseases (Alzheimer and Parkinson diseases), in order to further elucidate the common underlying mechanisms involved.
Deadline: 6 March 2017

Funding for Cooperation in higher education

The Nordplus programme of the Nordic Council of Ministers
The Nordplus programme of the Nordic Council of Ministers, invites Nordic and Baltic teachers, educators and their institutions to apply for programme funds for the year 2017. Institutions which are working within the field of teaching and education, you can now apply for Nordplus funding of transnational student, pupil or teacher mobility, as well as joint project and network activity between the educational institutions/organisations of Denmark, Estonia, Faroe Islands, Finland, Greenland, Iceland, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, Sweden or Åland.
Deadline: 1 March 2017

Utlysning av småforskmidler 2017

Formålet med ordningen er å avhjelpe mangel på driftsmidler. Midlene skal kunne dekke utgifter til formål som reiser, seminar, kurs, materiell, teknisk/administrativ assistanse og andre driftskostnader. Det er et mål at tildelingen av midlene skal støtte opp om institusjonens egne prioriteringer.

Følgende kriterier gjelder for ordningen:
1. En forutsetning er at midlene går til gode enkeltforskere/forskningsgrupper som ikke allerede har store driftsmidler.
2. Størrelsen på de enkelte bevilgningene til søkerne er satt til kr 15.000 – 150.000.
3. Bevilgningene skal være ettårige og brukes innenfor budsjettåret. Midlene er ikke overførbare til 2018.
4. Mottakere av støtte må være aktive forskere i vitenskapelig stilling ved K1, professorat eller amanuensisstilling.

Søknaden skal inneholde følgende informasjon:
1. Kort beskrivelse av formål (max 1 side)
2. Støttebeløp og enkelt budsjett
3. CV (max 2 sider)
4. Publikasjonsliste for siste 5 år

Frist og videre prosess
Søknaden sendes per e-post til Håvard Hoel Aass senest innen 13. januar 2017.
Nedsatt komité vil prioritere søknadene og sende ut svar innen 20. januar 2017.

Nye utlysninger

The Anders Jahre Awards for Medical Research for 2017
Since 1960, The University of Oslo has had the pleasure of annually awarding the Anders Jahre Medical Prizes for outstanding reasearch within the medical sciences in the Nordic countries. From 2017 and onwards, the prizes will be upgraded.
All serving Nordic Professors in Medicine can nominate potential awardees. The nominations must be received before 1 February 2017. You can read the invitation letter here.


Kreftforeningen ønsker med dette å orientere om ny utlysning i ERA-NET for translasjonell kreftforskning – TRANSCAN-2.
Tema for utlysningen er Minimally and non-invasive methods for early detection and/or progression of cancer.
Du kan lese mer om utlysningen på Kreftforeningens og TRANSCAN sine nettsider.
Norske forskere oppfordres til å delta i utlysningen!


Research Council of Norway (Forskningsrådet NFR)
Pre-announcement of the ERA-Net CoBioTech co-funded call for transnational collaborative research projects: “Biotechnology for a sustainable bioeconomy”.
Deadline: 2 March 2017

BEDREHELSE: NOK 40 million to joint Indo-Norwegian researcher Projects on antimicrobial resistance.
Deadline: 26 April 2017


Horizon 2020
Research and Innovation Staff Exchange (MSCA-RISE-2017):
RISE gives support for mobility and exchanges of research and innovation staff, incl. managerial, technical and administrative staff between institutions in different sectors or with research institutions in countries outside of Europe.
Deadline: 5 April 2017

EEA/Norway Grants
Hungary – scholarship: professional visits action.
Deadline: 30 April 2017

Novo Nordisk Foundation
The Novo Nordisk Foundation Excellence Project for young researchers consists of up to four five-year grants of 5 million Danish kroner each. Relevant research fields are basic, translational and/or clinical endocrinology or metabolism Research.
Deadline: 20 January 2017

The Throne-Holst Foundation
The Throne-Holst Foundation promotes research in human nutrition and related sciences. 1-2 million SEK are available for Nordic researchers going abroad, or international guest researchers coming to Norway or Sweden.
Deadline: 1 March 2017

The Nansen Fund and associated funds
Nansen Funds aim to promote research in various disciplines. Usually funding will not be supplied beyond kr 50 000. WithIn science and medicine generally operational support and smaller devices is prioritized.
Deadline: 15 January 2017

Pre-announcement of AAL Call Challenge 2017
Packages integrating different solutions based on ICT to support active, healthy and independent living of older adults. The AAL Central Info & Partnering Day is planned for the 6th of March 2017 in Brussels.

Funding for Cooperation in higher education

Peder Sather-midler for 2017
Universitetet i Bergen er med i Peder Sather konsortiet med en rekke andre norske institusjoner. Dette er en ordning hvor norske fagmiljø kan få økonomisk støtte til samarbeid med forskere ved UC Berkeley.
Utlysningen av Peder Sather-midler for 2016 er nå kunngjort. Informasjon og søknadsskjema finner på følgende adresse: http://sathercenter.berkeley.edu/peder-sather-grant/.
Vi gjør oppmerksom på at alle disipliner og fag kan søke.
Søknadsfristen er 1. mars 2017.

Student- og ansattmobilitet
Studieadministrativ avdeling administrerer og koordinerer student- og ansattmobilitet. Ansatte kan søke om Erasmus+ mobilitetsmidler innen 20. august og 20. januar hvert år. Informasjon om studentstipend og annen informasjon kan finnes på www.uib.no/student/erasmus  og på ansattsidene http://www.uib.no/foransatte/86439/studentmobilitet
Deadline: 20. januar 2017.

Nye utlysninger

Horizon 2020 – Complementary Calls
a) COST Action: open Call – funding for research networks. Proposals should reflect the main characteristics of COST Actions, namely providing for knowledge sharing, creation and application, being open and output-oriented while aiming at strengthening the scientific and technological basis of the proposed topic(s).

  1. TREATME: European Network on Individualized Psychotherapy Treatment of Young People with Mental Disorders
  2. PARENCHIMA: Magnetic Resonance Imaging Biomarkers for Chronic Kidney Disease
  3. NutRedOx: Personalized Nutrition in aging society: redox control of major age-related diseases
  4. CliniMARK: ‘good biomarker practice’ to increase the number of clinically validated biomarkers.
  5. EuroSoftCalcNet: A European Network for Connective Tissue Calcifying Diseases
  6. CellFit: In vitro 3-D total cell guidance and fitness
  7. Neuro-MIG: European Network on Brain Malformations
  8. EPITRAN European Epitranscriptomics Network
  9. BIONECA: Biomaterials and advanced physical techniques for regenerative cardiology and neurology
  10. BioBrillouin: Brillouin Light Scattering Microspectroscopy for Biological and Biomedical Research and Applications
  11. ENTeR- chILD: European network for translational research in children’s and adult interstitial lung disease
  12. WearableRobots: Wearable Robots for Augmentation, Assistance or Substitution of Human Motor Functions
  13. HUPLANTcontrol: Control of Human Pathogenic Micro-organisms in Plant Production Systems
  14. SACURIMA: Safety Culture and Risk Management in Agriculture

Deadline: 7 December 2016

Regional research Vestlandet announced funding for regional researcher project. Regional research projects will contribute to new knowledge about issues relevant to the region and theme within regional development. Deadline: 15 February 2017

Pre-announcement Active and Assisted Living (AAL): aims to fund ICT based projects with a clear market orientation that support older adults to live healthy, independently and actively.Deadline: call intends to launch in February

Pre-announcement Joint Programming Initiative on Antimicrobial Resistance (JPIAMR): call for prevention and intervention strategies to control AMR infections.  The primary aim is to compare prevention, control, and intervention strategies to prevent the development, transmission of AMR infections. Deadline: call intends to launch in February

Centre for Advanced Study (CAS): Call for new exciting research projects for 2019/2020. Each year CAS hosts three international research groups yearly. Former participants often describe their stay at CAS as the best and most productive year of their career. Deadline: 16 January 2017

Nansenfondet og de dermed forbundne fond Utlysning 2016 I samsvar med de enkelte fonds statutter kan det tildeles midler til blant annet drift, forskningsutstyr, faglige reiser og vitenskapelig assistanse. Innen realfag og medisin prioriteres vanligvis støtte til drift og mindre utstyrsenheter. Søknad leveres elektronisk gjennom UNIFORs søknadsportal på www.unifor.no. På UNIFORs nettsider finner man også søkerveilederen, med informasjon om hva søknaden skal inneholde og annen relevante informasjon om Nansenfondene. For mer informasjon om Nansenfondene se deres hjemmeside www.nansenfondet.no. Søknadsfrist er 15. januar 2017.

Nye utlysninger

Research Council of Norway (Forskningsrådet NFR) Programme for User-driven Research-based Innovation (BIA). Within the scope of its responsibility, the BIA programme seeks to promote the greatest possible value creation in Norwegian trade and industry through research-based innovation in companies and the R&D groups with which they cooperate. Deadline: 23 November 2016

Fund from The German-Norwegian study center in Kiel funds activities that identify and start collaborative projects in research and education. Funds may be allocated to travel, work meetings, workshops and symposia. Click here for application form Deadline: 15 December 2016

The European & Developing Countries Clinical Trials Partnership (EDCTP):. Senior Fellowships aims to support capacity development of potential African research leaders using the train-the-trainer. Deadline: 1 February 2017 EMBO (European Molecular Biology Organization) FellowshipsResearch on the molecular mechanisms of life at all levels. Short-term Deadline: throughout the year. New Long term Deadline: 12 February

The joint ERS (European Respiratory Society) and EMBO Fellowships Deadline: 31 January 201

Fond og legater

Det er for tiden to aktive utlysninger:

  • Det alminnelige medisinske forskningsfond ved Universitetet i Bergen Til utdeling i 2017 er kroner 313.000.
    Formål: Å fremme medisinsk forskning ved Universitetet i BergenAnsatte og doktorgradskandidater ved UiB kan søke om reise og mindre driftsbevilgninger til forskning. Midlene må brukes innen 31. mars 2018. Utdelte beløp er normalt i størrelsesorden fra kroner 10.000 til 30.000 men dette avhenger av antall søknader. Unntaksvis tildeles større beløp. Det er ønskelig at midlene fortrinnsvis går til søkere som har liten tilgang til forskningsmidler per nå.Søknadsfrist 1. desember 2016.


  • Legat for forskning av kreftsykdommer ved Universitetet i Bergen Til utdeling i 2017 er kroner 260.000.
    Formål: Å fremme forskning av kreftsykdommer. En mindre del, om lag 5% av de disponible midlene, skal gå til forskning om hjerte- og karsykdommer.Ansatte og doktorgradskandidater ved UiB kan søke om reise og mindre driftsbevilgninger til forskning. Midlene må brukes innen 31. mars 2018. Utdelte beløp er normalt i størrelsesorden fra kroner 10.000 til 30.000 men dette avhenger av antall søknader. Det er ønskelig at midlene fortrinnsvis går til søkere som har liten tilgang til forskningsmidler per nå.Søknadsfrist 1. desember 2016.

Søknadskjema finne dere her

Funding for cooperation in higher education

DNSZ Såkornsmidler (DNSZ Seed Money)
Såkornsmidler fra Det tysk-norske studiesenteret i Kiel er nå utlyst. Utlysningen videreformidles på vegne av professor dr.juris Gudrun Holgersen som er UiBs representant i det norske hjemmestyret for Det tysk-norske studiesenteret i Kiel.

  • Hvem kan søke? Forskere ved Universitet i Bergen kan søke om midler for utvikling av samarbeidsprosjekter med Carl-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel.
  • Hva kan støttes? Aktiviteter som identifiserer og starter samarbeidsprosjekter innen forskning og utdanning. Såkornmidler kan tildeles reiser, arbeidsmøter, workshops og symposier.
  • Hvor mye i støtte? Det kan tildeles maks. EUR 6.000 (ca. NOK 55.000) i støtte per prosjekt.
  • Hvor sendes søknaden? Søknad sendes til Det tysk-norske studiesenteret i Kiel v/prosjektleder Andrea Hesse på e-post dnsz_buero@email.uni-kiel.de

Deadline: 15 December 2016

Erasmus+ Global
Erasmus + Global mobility allows Norwegian higher education institutions (HEI) to send and receive students and staff to / from partner countries outside the EU / EEA. The application must be submitted by a HEI in Norway. Individuals can not apply directly. Student and/or employees must apply to their home institution.
Deadline: 2 February 2017 (12.00)

Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degrees (EMJMD)
An EMJMD is a high-level integrated international study programme of 60, 90 or 120 ECTS credits, delivered by an international consortium of HEIs from different countries and. There is no limitation in terms of discipline. EMJMD proposals at application stage must present fully developed joint study programmes, ready to run and to be advertised worldwide immediately after their selection.
Deadline: 16 February 2017 (12.00 CET)

Nye utlysninger

Research Council of Norway (Forskningsrådet NFR):
FORNY2020 announces funding for skills upgrading, structural improvement and networking. Søkere anbefales å sende inn skisser før 1. november. There is a need to establish or expand TTO function at the universities where this is lacking and projects of this kind will therefore be given priority in the upcoming announcement. Applicants are advised to submit sketches before 1 November. Deadline: 17 February 2017

Det regionale samarbeidsorganet
Announcement of strategic funding for research collaboration Det regionale samarbeidsorganet mellom Helse Vest, Universitetet i Bergen og Universitetet i Stavanger lyser ut midlar til den strategiske satsinga på samhandlingsforsking. The regional cooperation body between Helse Vest, the University of Bergen and the University of Stavanger announcing funding to interdisciplinary collaboration project that hold a high scientific quality and which are beneficial to health services. Deadline: 30 November 2016

Fellowships and Personal Grants
From COST to Horizon 2020 Viken Network and Management in Oslo and Akershus in cooperation with The Research Council for a seminar med fokus på hvordan forskere strategisk kan bruke COST-nettverk og internasjonale seminar focusing on how scientists can use strategic COST networks and international partnerskap til videreutvikling av prosjekter som krever solide konsortier, som for eksempel Horisontpartnership to further development of projects that require solid consortia, such as Horizon 2020, Oslo University College and Akershus, Pilestredet 46 PA301, 11 November 2016. Registration:send mail to kjersti.sjaatil@hioa.no by 1 November

Selected H2020 deadlines 2017:
European Research Council (ERC) Frontier research grants
Call is open! (new link) Consolidator Grant: is designed to support excellent Principal Investigators at the career stage at which they may still be consolidating their own independent research team or programme. Deadline: 9 February 2017.

Horizon 2020 – Complementary Calls
The Third EU Health Programme is the main instrument that the Commission uses to implement the EU Health Strategy. Call for proposals for Pilot Projects on the following topics:

Deadline: 31 January 2017’
Read more (information and routines for application): http://www.uib.no/en/horizon2020

EEA/Norway Grants
New Norway – Bulgaria Scholarships
Deadline: 9 December 2016

The LEO-foundation: grants for dermatological research projects. The LEO Foundation supports international dermatological research projects and activities that address issues in disease understanding, disease treatment, disease awareness and patient wellbeing. Deadline: several in 2017, starting on 3 February

Funding for Cooperation in higher education

Prosjektetableringsstøtte 2016 (Project Development Funds)
For å bidra til økt norsk deltakelse og gevinst fra Erasmus+ lyser SIU ut ca. 1 million kroner til dekning av prosjektetableringskostnader for norske institusjoner, organisasjoner og bedrifter som ønsker å utvikle en prosjektsøknad innenfor følgende seks sentraliserte tiltak under Erasmus+: 1) Kunnskapsallianser, 2) Sektorallianser, 3) Kapasitetsbygging, 4) Fellesgrader, 5) Jean Monnet og 6) Idrett.
Deadline: 1 December 2016

Det norske universitetssenter i St. Petersburg – midler til faglig seminar
Det norske universitetssenter i St. Petersburg ønsker økt aktivitet for å styrke forpliktende norsk-russisk vitenskapelig samarbeid. Senteret utlyser derfor midler som støtte til to seminarer/symposier ved senteret med inntil kr 125.000,- til hver. Seminaret må gjennomføres senest innen utgangen av november 2017.
Deadline: 15 December 2016

Det norske universitetssenter i St. Petersburg – midler til ph.d.-aktiviteter
Det norske universitetssenter i St. Petersburg ønsker økt aktivitet for å styrke forpliktende norsk-russisk vitenskapelig samarbeid. Ph.D.-er og unge forskere trenger å bygge nettverk og etablere internasjonale kontakter, og bli oppmuntret til dette av seniorforskere på sitt fagfelt. Senteret utlyser derfor inntil kr. 100.000,- til aktiviteter for Ph.D. og unge forskere ved senteret. Aktivitetene skal ha til hensikt å stimulere til faglig fornyelse og styrke faglig kompetanse både på norsk og russisk side. Aktiviteten skal som hovedregel involvere både norske og russiske Ph.D.-er eller unge forskere. Dette kravet kan imidlertid fravikes i særlige tilfeller, f.eks. i forbindelse med besøk ved museer, samlinger eller arkiver. Aktiviteten(e) må gjennomføres senest innen utgangen av november 2017.
Deadline: 15 December 2016

Det norske universitetssenter i St. Petersburg – midler til vitenskapelig nettverksbygging
Det norske universitetssenter i St. Petersburg ønsker økt aktivitet ved senteret ved at nye fagområder etablerer seg eller at fagområder som allerede har aktiviteter ved senteret, utvider sin virksomhet. Senteret lyser derfor ut midler til igangsetting av faglig nettverksbygging og nettverkssamarbeid. Vi søker etter en forsker eller et fagmiljø som ønsker finansiering til å utvikle slik aktivitet. Det tildeles midler til opptil fire nettverk à inntil kr. 250.000,- for april 2017-desember 2018.
Deadline: 15 February 2016

Strategic Partnerships
Transnational Strategic Partnerships aimed to develop initiatives addressing one or more fields of education training and youth and promote innovation, exchange of experience and know-how between different types of organisations involved in education, training and youth or in other relevant fields. Certain mobility activities are supported in so far as they contribute to the objectives of the Project
Advisory body: SIU
Deadline: 29 March 2017

Capacity Building in the Field of Higher Education 2017
This action which aims to support the modernisation, accessibility and internationalisation of higher education in the Partner Countries is to be carried out in the context of the priorities identified in the Communications “Increasing the impact of EU Development Policy: an Agenda for Change” and “European Higher Education in the World”.
Deadline: 9 February 2017

Nye utlysninger

Helse Vest sine strategiske midlar til samhandlingsforskning

Det regionale samarbeidsorganet mellom Helse Vest, Universitetet i Bergen og Universitetet i Stavanger har lyst ut Helse Vest sine strategiske midlar til samhandlingsforsking.
Søknadsfrist: 30. november kl. 16:00

Utlysingstekst, vurderingskriterium, søknadsskjema m.m. er tilgjengelig her.


Nord Forsk:

Pre-announcement: New instrument for Nordic university cooperation to be launched late 2016. The overall goal of the new funding instrument is to strengthen international competitiveness and facilitate the development of world leading research environments in the Nordic region.

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Funding for cooperation in higher education

Prosjektetableringsstøtte (PES) 2016 – sentraliserte tiltak under Erasmus+
For å bidra til økt norsk deltakelse og gevinst fra Erasmus+ lyser SIU ut ca. 1 million kroner til dekning av prosjektetableringskostnader for norske institusjoner, organisasjoner og bedrifter som ønsker å utvikle en prosjektsøknad innenfor et av følgende sentraliserte tiltak under Erasmus+:
Kunnskapsallianser, Sektorallianser, Kapasitetsbygging, Fellesgrader, Jean Monnet, Idrett. Se satser på SIUs nettsider.
Deadline: 1 November 2016 (12:00)

EURASIA Programme (Short-term projects)
The Eurasia Programme supports project cooperation between institutions in Norway and Ukraine, Moldova, Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan.
* Short-term projects (project period from 1 January 2017 – 31 December 2018)
Deadline: 17 November 2016 (15:00)

Innsending av prosjektskisse – fag- og yrkesopplæring i utviklingsland
Norske organisasjoner/bedrifter kan sende inn prosjektskisser der de beskriver samarbeid de ønsker å gjennomføre med land i utviklingsland. Skissene vil bli brukt i arbeidet med utformingen av programmet, som får hovedutlysning i 2017.
NB! Det følger ikke midler med prosjektskissene.
Deadline: 30 November 2016 (15:00)

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Nye utlysninger

UH-nett Vest (Universitets – og høgskolenettverket på Vestlandet). Utlysing av forskningsmidler. Nettverket har satt av 1 million kroner til å styrke forskningssamarbeidet mellom institusjonene i UHNV. Søknadsfrist er 20. oktober. Utlysningstekst med lenke til nettbasert søknadsskjema finner dere her: http://uhnettvest.no/sok-midler-til-forskningssamarbeid/

Forskningsstøtte fra Vita hjertego
«1 kr til hjertesaken» utlyser for 2017 opptil Kr. 600.000 fordelt på prosjekter innen forskning og andre forebyggende aktiviteter. Bevilgningen fordeles til ett eller flere prosjekter. Legg inn en kortfattet søknad her; http://www.mills.no/vita-hjertego/1-kr-hjertesaken/ Søknadsfrist: 28. oktober 2016.

Pasteurlegatet Av Pasteurlegatet skal det den 27. desember d.å. utdeles stipendium til norske vitenskapskvinner og -menn som akter å studere et emne vedrørende smittestoffene, kjemien eller gjæringsindustrien. Søknadsfrist 15. desember. Les mer om utlysningen her.

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Funding for cooperation in higher education

Partnership Programme with North America (Short-term projects)
The programme supports scientific collaborations and aims to establish durable and scientifically founded collaborations with Canada and the USA. Main partner in Norway and in Canada and/or the USA must be HEI with accredited education programmes. At least 50 % of the grands will be awarded to projects that include network partners from the employment and business sector. Deadline long-term projects: 17 October 2016

UTFORSK (Short-term projects)
The main objective of the UTFORSK Partnership Programme is to promote cooperation on higher education with Brazil, China, India, Japan, Russia and South Africa. Deadline short-term projects: 17 October 2016

High North Programme (Nordområdeprogrammet 2013-2018) (Short-term projects)
The overall goal of the High North Programme is to expand, strengthen and disseminate knowledge about or relevant to the High North. The overall goal of the High North Programme is to expand, strengthen and disseminate knowledge about or relevant to the High North. Deadline long-term projects: 17 October 2016 (15.00)

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Nye utlysninger

Research Council of Norway (Forskningsrådet NFR):

Biotechnology for innovation (BIOTEK2021) associated with the Center for Digital Life Norway is a program that contributes to the implementation of the Government’s national strategy for biotechnology as aDenne strategien peker på at bioteknologi er en muliggjørende teknologi som er viktig for utviklingen av de fire sektorene: Landbruk, Marin, Industri og Helseas a technology that is important for the development of the four sectors and one of them being health.
Deadline: 12 October 2016

HELSEVEL: Large-scale Programme on Health, Care and Welfare Services Research. Two calls will be announced:
Until 50 million for innovation in health, care and welfare services.
Up to 50 million to the development of core environmental and clusters
Deadline: 12 October 2016

National Node for International Neuroinformatics Coordinating Facility (INCF): call for research institution-based strategic project.
Deadline: 12 October 2016

VAM: International migration and the prerequisites for the welfare and working life model: Call for researcher projects that study various aspects of the prerequisites for the welfare and working life model in light of societal changes related to migration, socioeconomic differences and greater diversity.
Deadline: 23 November 2016



The American-Scandinavian Foundation: 

The American-Scandinavian Foundation (ASF) are now accepting applications for Fellowships and Grants program for the 2017/18 academic year.
The deadline for applications is November 1, 2016. 

Awards for Research/Study in Scandinavia
The ASF will offer around $300,000 to outstanding American students, scholars, professionals and artists for study and/or research in Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway or Sweden. Fellowships of up to $23,000 are intended to support an academic year-long stay, and priority is given to students at the graduate level who need to spend time at foreign academic or research institutions. Grants of up to $5,000 are considered more suitable for shorter research visits, both on the graduate or post-doctoral level. Funding is available to candidates in all Fields.

Awards for Arctic Research
In partnership with Scandinavian Seminar, a not-for-profit organization sponsoring educational and cultural interaction between Scandinavia and the United States, The ASF annually provides fellowships totaling $50.000 to outstanding American students, researchers, and artists for projects relating to the Arctic and pursued at University of the Arctic member institutions. The purpose of these fellowships is to increase knowledge about the Arctic and issues relating to the Circumpolar North. Past fellowship winners have included scholars pursuing Arctic projects in marine biology, geology, the environment, and indigenous peoples, as well as artists photographing Arctic landscapes.

Awards for Research/Study in in the United States
The ASF also awards fellowships and grants to Scandinavians doing reseach/study.. These are made on the recommendation of ASF’s cooperating organizations abroad, with each country setting its own deadline. Contact information for the ASF’s cooperating organizations in Scandinavia can be found on the ASF website.

Online application and further ASF Award information available online: www.amscan.org


Andre aktuelle utlysninger finnes under punktet Forskning i menyen øverst.

Funding for cooperation in higher education

  • Aker Solutions Scholarship: Do you want to take your masters or PhD degree at one of the world’s leading universities? Aker Scholarship is a grant awarded to students who want to apply for master’s or PhD studies at some of the world’s leading universities: CaltechMITHarvardStanfordUniversity of PennsylvaniaOxfordCambridgeImperial College London and National University of Singapore (NUS) The Scholarship is open for all fields of study, but you can only apply if you are not already enrolled in the program. Click here for more information and for application form.
    Deadline: 1 October 2016
  • Partnership Programme with North America (Short-term Projects): The programme supports scientific collaborations and aims to establish durable and scientifically founded collaborations with Canada and the USA. Main partner in Norway and in Canada and/or the USA must be HEI with accredited education programmes. At least 50 % of the grands will be awarded to projects that include network partners from the employment and business sector.
    Deadline long-term projects: 17 October 2016
  • UTFORSK (Short-term Projects): The main objective of the UTFORSK Partnership Programme is to promote cooperation on higher education with Brazil, China, India, Japan, Russia and South Africa.
    Deadline short-term projects: 17 October 2016
  • High North Programme (Nordområdeprogrammet 2013-2018) (Short-term Projects): The overall goal of the High North Programme is to expand, strengthen and disseminate knowledge about or relevant to the High North. The overall goal of the High North Programme is to expand, strengthen and disseminate knowledge about or relevant to the High North.
    Deadline long-term projects: 17 October 2016 (15.00)
  • Prosjektetableringsstøtte (PES) 2016 – sentraliserte tiltak under Erasmus+: For å bidra til økt norsk deltakelse og gevinst fra Erasmus+ lyser SIU ut ca. 1 million kroner til dekning av prosjektetableringskostnader for norske institusjoner, organisasjoner og bedrifter som ønsker å utvikle en prosjektsøknad innenfor et av følgende sentraliserte tiltak under Erasmus+: Kunnskapsallianser, Sektorallianser, Kapasitetsbygging, Fellesgrader, Jean Monnet, Idrett. Se satser på SIUs nettsider.
    Deadline: 1 November 2016 (12.00)
  • EURASIA Programme (Short-term Projects): The Eurasia Programme supports project cooperation between institutions in Norway and Ukraine, Moldova, Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan. Short-term projects (project period from 1 January 2017 – 31 December 2018)
    Deadline: 17 November 2016 (15:00)

Continuing deadlines:

  • Nærings-ph.d. (Industrial PhD): Forskningsrådet gir støtte til bedrifter med ansatte som ønsker å ta doktorgrad. Ordningens overordnede målsettinger er økt forskerrekruttering i næringslivet, økt langsiktig kompetansebygging og forskningsinnsats i næringslivet og økt samspill mellom akademia og næringsliv.
    English: Click here for more information about Industrial PhDs
    Deadline: Continuing
  • Program for forskning og innovasjon i utdanningssektoren (2014-2023) (FINNUT): FINNUT skal utvikle kunnskap av høy kvalitet og relevans for politikkutforming, forvaltning, praksisfelt og den enkelte, bidra til fornyelse av forskningsfeltet og medvirke til innovasjon i utdanningssektoren.
    Deadline other projects: Continuing

Nye utlysninger

 UiB sin fellesutlysning av stipendiat/postdoktorstillinger høsten 2016
Utlysning av stipendiat (18 stillinger) og postdoktor (3 stillinger) vil bli publisert i BT, Jobbnorge, Euraxess og UiB sine nettsider fredag 9. september.
Søknadsfrist: 30. september 2016.

The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK):
Inbound Research Mobility Scheme for 2016-17. The programme supports inbound visiting scholars from overseas universities to undertake short-term research visits of up to two weeks at CUHK. Researchers holding full-time employment from all disciplines in overseas universities and institutions are welcome to apply.
Deadline: 15 November 2016

National Node for International Neuroinformatics Coordinating Facility (INCF):
call for research institution-based strategic project.
Deadline: 12 October 2016

WUN (Worldwide Universities Network)
Call for 2016 Research Development Fund (RDF).  The RDF offers grants of up to £12,000 to foster partnership in the network, and support research collaborations in the follow WUN Global Challenge non-communicable disease – focusing in the 2016 round on a life course approach to healthy ageing; health of migrants; the resilience of adolescents and health workers in different cultural contexts; and schools as a setting for reducing risk factors associated with NCDs. Info from UiB. Deadline: 28 October 2015

Utlysning av forskningsstipend ved utenlandsopphold for stipendiater – søknadsrunde høst 2016
Utlysningen gjelder forskningsstipend for universitetsfinansierte stipendiater ved Det medisinsk-odontologiske fakultet, UiB. Eksternfinansierte må søke finansieringskilden om støtte. Søknadsfrist 1. oktober 2016
Det vises til utlysning og søknadsskjema på fakultetets webside: http://www.uib.no/mofa/66285/finansiering-av-utenlandsopphold-ansatte-ved-mof Utlysning og søknadsskjema på engelsk: http://www.uib.no/en/mofa/67056/financial-support-stays-abroad-employees-faculty

Utlysning av forskningsstipend ved utenlandsopphold for postdoktorer – søknadsrunde høsten 2016
Utlysningen gjelder forskningsstipend for universitetsfinansierte postdoktorer ved Det medisinsk-odontologiske fakultet, UiB. Postdoktorer som er eksternfinansiert (f.eks NFR, Helse Vest, Statens lånekasse, Kreftforeningen mv.) må søke finansieringskilden om støtte. Søknadsfrist 1. oktober 2016.
Det vises til utlysningen og søknadsskjema på fakultetets webside:http://www.uib.no/mofa/66285/finansiering-av-utenlandsopphold-ansatte-ved-mof Utlysning og søknadsskjema på engelsk: http://www.uib.no/en/mofa/67056/financial-support-stays-abroad-employees-faculty

Utlysning av forskningsstipend ved utenlandsopphold for tilsatte i faste vitenskapelige stillinger – for forskningsåret 2017
Forskningsstipend ved utenlandsopphold i forskningsterminen kan søkes av vitenskapelig tilsatte i fast stilling som er finansiert av UiB/ Det medisinsk-odontologiske fakultet. Ved søknad om forskningsstipend må søker ha søkt om forskningstermin innen fastsatt frist (1. mai.), der forskningsoppholdet ved den utenlandske institusjonen inngår i forskningsterminen. Det er videre en forutsetning at det parallelt søkes om midler gjennom Meltzerfondet som har frist 1. desember. Informasjon om Meltzerfondet finnes her: http://meltzerfondet.no/.
Det vises til utlysning og søknadsskjema på fakultetets webside.
Utlysning og søknadsskjema på engelsk

Nordforsk Registerforskning
Vi gjør oppmerksom på en stor utlysning knyttet til registerforskning (NOK 67 mill). Søknadsfrist 5. oktober kl 1300. Denne burde være aktuell for flere av våre forskningsmiljøer: https://www.nordforsk.org/en/funding/call-for-proposals-nordic-register-based-research-projects

Helse Vest sine strategiske midlar til rusforsking
Det regionale samarbeidsorganet mellom Helse Vest, Universitetet i Bergen og Universitetet i Stavanger lyser med dette ut Helse Vest sine strategiske midlar til rusforsking. Søknadsfrist: 10. oktober kl. 16:00 Utlysingstekst, vurderingskriterium, søknadsskjema m.m. er tilgjengelig på http://www.helse-vest.no/no/nyheter/Sider/Ulysing-Strategiske-midlar-til-rusforsking-.aspx Det er fint om informasjonen vert distribuert til aktuelle søkarar. Spørsmål om utlysinga kan rettast til forskningsmidler@helse-vest.no.